Model G Explanation

Model G

Model G (read "Model Ji"), Model G is a socionic model proposed by Viktor Gulenko , one of the main models used in the School of Humanitarian Socionics . The main difference from other models is that the socionic functions are grouped by energy (the same vertigo) and are arranged in two rows: upper (close) and lower (far) distances.

Model G - energy model Victor Gulenko

In Humanitarian Socionics , as the main one, the energy model of the psyche is used - Model G, which was proposed by Viktor Gulenko in 1995. The concept of energy metabolism was introduced by Aushra Augustinavichuteas equivalent and additional informational (see the work “Two Verifications” ). Ausra itself has not developed in detail the energy side of Socionics, concentrating on the metabolism of the information within the Model-A . The energy model fills this gap by adding Model A to a single model of energy-informational metabolism (EIM).
Model G on the website ShGS -


The basis of the energy model is the idea of ​​the complementarity of the concepts of energy and information. In his work “Two Versions,” Aushra mentions energy metabolism as complementary informational:
- Where to start? Undoubtedly, comparing two extremes known to us - the energy metabolism model and the information metabolism model.
- It is necessary to clearly understand the relationship between energy and information metabolism, although the second is like a reflection of the first, but at the same time they are both nothing more than the mechanisms of energy reproduction, only different energy. Energy metabolism - the reproduction of the physical energy of the body. Informational metabolism is the reproduction of psychic energy, which we divide into mental and vital.
Model A regards the psyche as an information processing system consisting of a chain of alternation of extrovert and introvert functions. From the point of view of energy consumption, the functioning of such a system seems to be disadvantageous, requiring frequent changes of extra- and introvert states.
Model G aims to meet the criterion of optimal life activity in the material world, describes the qualitative transformations of energy within a sociotype in the process of interaction with the surrounding reality.
Here are some facts and observations that emphasize the importance of energy in the functioning of the psyche and society:
  • The brain consumes a significant part of the energy that enters the body with food (disproportionately much compared to weight, according to some data - up to 25% with a total mass of about 2%)
  • In the information society there is an excess of information, it takes a lot of energy to find it.
  • Knowledge (informational armament), even the most reliable in their own right, without use, does not cost anything. And in order to start applying them, energy is needed.
  • Interesting ideas require energy (material support) for their introduction and promotion, their authors often remain out of work (“if you are so smart, then why not rich?”)
  • To effectively influence a person or a group of people is often not enough words as a carrier of information. It is required to expend energy in order to interest, force, etc. In the modern world, the energy of the psyche begins to come to the fore, especially in the field of marketing, political technologies, personnel management
  • Some observations show that working groups based on order relationships are more stable over time than audit based groups. In this regard, the question arises why it is the revision model A that is used to describe the psyche.
Gulenko V.V. Energy Model of a Socionic Object. Structure and operation - report - V.V. Gulenko at the round table in the House of the Teacher on the energy model (explained by the example of Lyric)
The socionic model disposes the socionic functions in a certain fixed order. The links between the functions are asymmetric, unidirectional. Any socionic model will be formed by two four-membered rings with 4 functions each. Functions in each ring will also be in asymmetric relationships.
The order of the functions is set in model A by the revision ratio. If we compare each function type (the so-called isomorphism principle - see the section Isomorphism Principle and Functional Relationships ), the model rings will represent the double ring of social progress, the types in these rings will be related by the revision relation. For example, Model A for the Finder (I -> L -> F -> R / S -> E -> T -> P) can be matched with the rings of the Revision Finder -> Inspector -> Politician -> Humanist / Mediator -> Mentor -> Critic -> Administrator (here, the functions in the type model match the types of the same progress ring for which this function is the first, so F for the Seeker complies with the Policy). Information is best carried in such rings.
Following the same logic, we can propose a model built on the relation of the order, where energy is better transmitted. It will be complementary to revision model A, and represent the process of mental activity from the energy side. Thus, the Seeker will correspond to the Seeker sequence -> Administrator -> Politician -> Mentor / Inspector -> Mediator -> Humanist -> Critic (I -> P -> F -> E / L -> S -> R -> T ) where functions are related by order relationship.
Socion Structural Organization
Model A revision rings — static and dynamic — are interconnected by an order relationship. On the example of the Seeker:

Revision rings model A - on the example of the Seeker
Custom rings (depicted in rows) of the model G - extrovert and introvert - are interconnected vertically by revision links. On the example of the same Finder:

Custom rings model G - on the example of the Seeker
For comparison, we present models A and G for right and left progresses with the relationship between functions (model A is depicted as rows for ease of comparison, and not traditionally, as rings):

The principle of isomorphism and functional relationships

The principle of isomorphism is used in different scientific fields to indicate the similarity in the structure of different objects. For example, one of the basic ideas of Gestalt psychology is the structural similarity of the physiological process of perception and the structure of the perceived object ( Isomorphism (Gestalt psychology) )
In socionics, the principle of isomorphism is understood as likening a socion structure to a type structure. Thus, each function is assigned a pair of types (for example, the functions F are the types of SLE and SEE, in which it is basic). Continuing this analogy, one can also put in correspondence relations between types and relations between functions. For example, the functions F and T are dual to each other (as are the SLE-IEE and SEE-OR pairs), while the functions I and P are in an order relationship (like ILE-FEL and IEE-LIE).

Communicative distance

In the interaction between people emit close and distant distances.
Close distance - communication takes place at close contact in space and is distinguished by spontaneity (at home, or in any familiar situation where there is no external control, you can behave relaxedly). This distance is most characteristic for groups of up to eight people.
Distant - on the contrary, it manifests itself in society, where a person can be observed and assessed by strangers. People are separated by a significant distance, their communication is largely subject to conscious and social control. This distance usually occurs between strangers or in groups of more than eight people.
Read more about the communicative distance and the communicative space in the article “Communicative space”

G Model Device

Just as model A consists of the vital and mental rings, model G consists of 2 rows of 4 functions each (in earlier versions of model G, the functions were also arranged as rings). The top row is a far distance, and the bottom row is close. Extraverts have all extraverted functions at a far distance, and at a close distance all introverts, at introverts, respectively, vice versa.
In practice, this means that extroverts are more active in society, and on their territory are more restrained, they accumulate energy; Introverts, on the contrary, show restraint at a distant distance, and at close range they become more active, throwing out the accumulated energy.
Each function is written with a plus or minus sign, which corresponds to the dichotomy of positivism / negativism. For a full description of the meaning of functions taking into account the sign, see the article “Description of Functions with Signs in Humanitarian Socionics” of functions with signs in Humanitarian socionics .
Positions have numbers and names, neighboring positions are pairwise connected in blocks (see diagram).
Model G - scheme

Socion Organization with respect to Model G

Socion is presented in the form of a table consisting of 4 rows and 4 columns, each cell of the table is one sociotype.
Each row of the table corresponds to quadra (1st line - Alpha square, 2nd - Beta, 3rd - Gamma, 4th - Delta).
Lines in the center (2nd and 3rd) - central quadra (Beta and Gamma). Extreme lines (1st and 4th) - peripheral quadras, respectively (Alpha and Gamma).
Each line consists of two dual pairs, the extrovert is always on the left.
Each column of the table corresponds to a social order ring.
In the rings of progress, diagonally, are located sociotypes, consisting in relation to the audit
Model G

Positions of Functions in Model G

BlockNumber, nameCharacteristicPositional Analysis
Social mission unit1. ManagingDecision making and resource allocation, energy; "team captain.
Drives through encouragement
Leading, stable, external, automatic, kinetic, accelerating, values
2. Realization (creative, background)It implements a type of mission, implements it taking into account local conditions (most fully takes them into account). It has an energy supply from the software. The main tool for solving complex non-standard problemsLeading, unstable, external, automatic, potential, slow, tools
Social adaptation block3. Role-playingConsciously coached according to social norms. In the absence of external feed, the activity in function rather quickly decreases.Led, steady, externally, conscious, kinetic, slow, tools
4. Launch (activation)Starts or accelerates activity (imprinting point - impulse bookmark of programs); launches a sociotype to perform socially significant actions. At close range, the effect of activating the oppositeDriven, unstable, external, conscious, potential, accelerating, values
Block of creative self-realization5. DemonstrativeIntroduction contrary to local conditions, a sudden-impulse action that attracts the attention of observersLeading, unstable, internal, conscious, kinetic, accelerating, tools
6. Provocative (suggestible, suggestive, manipulative)Long-term memorization of patterns of behavior, habits; energy support position, sets a smooth way to control the typeDriven, steady, internal, automatic, potential, accelerating, tools
Inflation block7. brakeBraking as a result of perception. The point of energy loss, the least adequate result, the greatest resistance to loadsDriven, unstable, internal, automatic, kinetic, slow, values
8. SupervisingManagement through restriction. The point of least resistance, the most problematic position (the problem of discrepancy between words and deeds - “I know, but I can not”). Controls what is happening in a close environment, dominates, imposes his opinion, but at the same time the carrier of a sociotype is not inclined to actively do anything on this functionLeading, sustainable, internal, conscious, potential, slowing down, values
The function code in the model of a particular type is written as a function symbol with the addition of a number. For example, the ethics of emotions in the Seeker and Marshall is designated as E4 (located in the fourth position in the energy model of both types).

Positional analysis of functions

Model G - scheme
8 positions are divided into 2 groups in the following ways:
  1. External / internal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th / 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th) - on the communicative distance (extraversion / introversion). The internal function (the starting point is its own territory) is the function of action at close distance (see the section “Communicative distance.”
  2. Values ​​/ tools (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th / 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th) - long-term motivation of the type / means of problem solving. According to the value functions, problems accumulate (lack of energy), and according to the instrumental functions, they are solved (excess energy)
  3. Master / Slave (1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th / 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th) - the division of the installations on the type of activity. The leading function is the energy pulse transmitter, the driven function is the energy pulse receiver. Leading are those positions that correspond to the native installation on the type of activity (regardless of vertnost), and slave positions are opposite
  4. Resistant / unstable (1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th / 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th) - on rationality / irrationality. A stable function can work stably without motivation, systemically, depends little on the situation. An unstable function requires strong motivation to stay on for a long time, turns on and off depending on the situation, does not work systematically. Rationals act stably on rational functions, and irrationals on irrational ones. An irrational regime for a rational type is always unstable energetically and vice versa. Moreover, it does not depend on the communicative distance and complexity of the task (as is observed in the case of extraversion - introversion)
  5. Automatic / conscious (1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th / 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th) - according to the functions of its energy / anti-squadron. For automatic positions, the carrier of a type acts without thinking, on the machine, and consciously - with the maximum awareness of what is happening.
  6. Kinetic / potential (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th / 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th) - static / dynamic. In the model, such functions alternate, transferring energy from potential to kinetic and vice versa. Presumably, this is connected with the process of verbalization: the potential speak more, and the kinetic - act. In the course of the behavioral act, the words go into action, and then, on the contrary, what has been done is discussed. According to the kinetic positions, the type consumes more energy than it stores. They are much more active. According to the functions of potential positions, the carrier of the type accumulates and verbalizes his experience informationally.
  7. Accelerating / slowing (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th / 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th) - progressive division. Actions on accelerating positions raise the general energy type (taken from sub-order or sub-sectional), mobilized as hardening (evstress). The load on the slowing down positions, lowers the type of energy (energy is given to the customer or the auditor), depletes mental resources (undermining the immune system, distress).

G model blocks

The functions of the model are combined in pairs in blocks:

Social mission unit

Includes 1st and 2nd (managing and creative functions)
Leadership block. The most powerful block by which a person confidently realizes himself in society (at a distant communicative distance). With the help of this block, a sociotype carrier can regularly solve the complex tasks facing him using his own capabilities with maximum efficiency. From the point of view of society, a social mission is an extremely concise instruction, describing the carrier of a particular sociotype without any details what social expectations the society sets for it, i.e. in society. For example, a mission like Critic (TL) - system forecast - to predict the course of events and take measures to balance the system. See the section Missions and descriptions of sociotypes by quad

Social adaptation block

Includes 3rd and 4th (role and starting functions)
Block survival. With the help of this block, the social type carrier adapts to social conditions. The unit is well trained to solve regular, but not requiring creative efforts, tasks.

Block of creative self-realization

Includes 5th and 6th (demonstrative and manipulative functions)
The unit of personal self-affirmation. According to this block, a social type carrier creatively manifests itself in a close communicative distance, on the territory that it considers its own. Able to spontaneously (but not regularly) solve complex non-standard tasks. Actions on the block are demonstrative in nature, directed to the assessment of others (or provoke a reaction).

Inflation block

Includes 7th and 8th (brake and controlling functions)
The weakest unit, the actions on it require a lot of effort and are usually not crowned with success. During active actions on this block, inflation occurs (bloating) - more and more energy is expended until the system overflows and a burst of energy occurs (can be compared with an inflated and burst soap bubble), as a result of which the system energy is depleted Efficiency).

Energy distribution between functions

The energy capacity of a position is understood as the speed at which the energy is taken and consumed from the total energy reserve.


The controlling (1) and demonstrative (5) functions are energetically strong, taking the lion's share of the total energy consumption of the socionic object. “Strong gas, but weak brake (+ -)”

Energy Optimum

Creative (2) and Manipulative (6) are functions that take as much energy as is needed to solve the current problem. "Strong gas and strong brake (+ +)", the most controlled functions


Role (3) and Braking (7) are functions that support the functioning of the socionic object at the lower energy level. “Strong brake, but weak gas (- +)”


Starting (4) and Controlling (8) - functions convulsively spending residual energy only as a last resort

Missions and descriptions of sociotypes in quadras

From the point of view of society, a social mission is an extremely concise instruction, describing the carrier of a particular sociotype without any details what social expectations the society sets for it, i.e. in society.
Type ofFormulaMissionMeaningDescription
SeekerIPInnovative actionFind bold ideas or inventions and make them work
EnthusiastEFEmotional pressureInvolve people in a new business, overcoming their indifference
MediatorSRComfortable relationshipCreate an environment in which people interact comfortably
AnalystLTTime structureAnalyze events and act in accordance with the logic of the development of the system
MentorEIEmotional ideasTo create motivation for the discovery of abilities, to risk for the sake of an idea
MarshalFPPower actionsResolutely act in situations of tough competition
InspectorLSLogic of comfortCreate order that provides comfort and stability.
LyricistTRRelationship timeTo anticipate the development of relations and timely adjust them
PoliticianFEPower emotionsReach a mutually beneficial agreement between the warring parties
EntrepreneurPIProfitable InnovationsFeel free to take risks in a business that promises great profits.
CriticTlSystem forecastPredict the course of events and take steps to balance the system
The keeperRSEthics of comfortEnsure the physical and psychological well-being of the group
AdministratorPFBusiness forceMove around the area and intervene where you need to make an effort when you hitch up or fail
AdviserIEInteresting communicationMeet interesting people and motivate talents
HumanistRTEthics of timeKindness and patience to achieve gradual changes for the better
MasterSLComfortable orderControl tools and machinery in comfort


External links

In more detail about the custom model you can read and listen to audio recordings in the reports:


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