
Showing posts from July, 2020

Socionics Dual Subtypes

This article is out of date! Use this linked article instead! D - Dominant C - Creative N - Normalizing H - Harmonizing Primary - Far-Distance/Goal Subtype Secondary - Close-Distance/Implementation Subtype DD - Relentless Autocrat DC - Resourceful Director DN - Legacy Leader DH - Sacrificial Champion CD - Maverick Pioneer CC - Unconstrained Generator CN - Exploratory Guide CH - Collaborative Innovator ND - Responsible Guardian NC - Perfecting Experimenter NN - Strict Adherent NH - Adjusting Stabilizer HD - Diplomatic Resolver HC - Unconventional Idealist HN - Expert Consultant HH - Receptive Dreamer (descriptions and examples coming eventually) Dominant Primary: DD - Relentless Autocrat DC - Resourceful Director DN - Legacy Leader DH - Sacrificial Champion Creative Primary: CD - Maverick Pioneer CC - Unconstrained Generator CN - Exploratory Guide CH - Collaborative Innovator Normalizing Primary: ND - Responsible Guardian NC - Perfecting Experimen...