
Showing posts from December, 2023

Using the Communicative Space for Holistic Diagnostics in Humanitarian Socionics

I'm responding to this reddit post by Radigand:  Transposing your Accentuation, Subtype, and Type Code over the PIPS planes Introduction Happy Holidays, and thanks for your post about SHS Radigand! It has some especially good teachings about the levels of the communicative space and gives several useful real-life examples of how complicated SHS type codes manifest. Please check out Radigand's post if you haven't. This response contains additional details from SHS, to add some guidance on how Radigand's descriptions could be applied to real diagnostic cases from a fresh perspective. However SHS could seem like a set of separated parts in the abstract, in segregated terms it’s not yet a workable model for diagnostics of the complex psyche; we must pull it all together. Even SHS as a whole is probably far from perfect in this regard, but we have a decent start! PIPS planes are meant to add balance and holism to the SHS paradigm. Every aspect of SHS (type, subtype, accentu...

Socionics needs competent Critics, not Ignoramuses pretending to be Authority Figures!

Introduction Socionics is a popular theory connecting the human psyche, human behavioral patterns, information processing and sociology. It is interesting and useful to many people, granting them what they believe to be additional self-knowledge, increased abilities to understand and interact with other people, increased self-esteem, finer ability to choose partners and careers, and more besides. Many people involved in Socionics consider it to be more rigorous than an average personality or psychology theory, but most do not consider it to be some perfect, absolutely settled science. It is certainly an imperfect theory needing more refinement, experimental tests, instrumental methods, rigorous statistics to cover all aspects, etc., and some in Socionics are already working towards this (though it is already a useful tool to many psychologists and enthusiasts). Socionics studies highly complex systems, akin to the weather, the economy and the human brain, which require the use of advan...