Socionics Dual Subtypes

D - Dominant
C - Creative
N - Normalizing
H - Harmonizing
Primary - Far-Distance/Goal Subtype
Secondary - Close-Distance/Implementation Subtype

DD - Relentless Autocrat
DC - Resourceful Director
DN - Legacy Leader
DH - Sacrificial Champion
CD - Maverick Pioneer
CC - Unconstrained Generator
CN - Exploratory Guide
CH - Collaborative Innovator
ND - Responsible Guardian
NC - Perfecting Experimenter
NN - Strict Adherent
NH - Adjusting Stabilizer
HD - Diplomatic Resolver
HC - Unconventional Idealist
HN - Expert Consultant
HH - Receptive Dreamer

(descriptions and examples coming eventually)

Dominant Primary:
DD - Relentless Autocrat
DC - Resourceful Director
DN - Legacy Leader
DH - Sacrificial Champion

Creative Primary:
CD - Maverick Pioneer
CC - Unconstrained Generator
CN - Exploratory Guide
CH - Collaborative Innovator

Normalizing Primary:
ND - Responsible Guardian
NC - Perfecting Experimenter
NN - Strict Adherent
NH - Adjusting Stabilizer

Harmonizing Primary:
HD - Diplomatic Resolver
HC - Unconventional Idealist
HN - Expert Consultant
HH - Receptive Dreamer


Dominant Secondary:
DD - Relentless Autocrat
CD - Maverick Pioneer
ND - Responsible Guardian
HD - Diplomatic Resolver

Creative Secondary:
DC - Resourceful Director
CC - Unconstrained Generator
NC - Perfecting Experimenter
HC - Unconventional Idealist

Normalizing Secondary:
DN - Legacy Leader
CN - Exploratory Guide
NN - Strict Adherent
HN - Expert Consultant

Harmonizing Secondary:
DH - Sacrificial Champion
CH - Collaborative Innovator
NH - Adjusting Stabilizer
HH - Receptive Dreamer


Most Terminal:
DN - Legacy Leader
ND - Responsible Guardian
DD - Relentless Autocrat
NN - Strict Adherent

Most Initial:
CH - Collaborative Innovator
HC - Unconventional Idealist
CC - Unconstrained Generator
HH - Receptive Dreamer

Most Contacting:
DC - Resourceful Director
CD - Maverick Pioneer
DD - Relentless Autocrat
CC - Unconstrained Generator

Most Distancing:
NH - Adjusting Stabilizer
HN - Expert Consultant
NN - Strict Adherent
HH - Receptive Dreamer

Most Connecting:
DH - Sacrificial Champion
HD - Diplomatic Resolver
DD - Relentless Autocrat
HH - Receptive Dreamer

Most Ignoring:
CN - Exploratory Guide
NC - Perfecting Experimenter
CC - Unconstrained Generator
NN - Strict Adherent


Dual Pairs:

DD - Relentless Autocrat & NN - Strict Adherent

DC - Resourceful Director & NH - Adjusting Stabilizer

DN - Legacy Leader & ND - Responsible Guardian

DH - Sacrificial Champion & NC - Perfecting Experimenter

CD - Maverick Pioneer & HN - Expert Consultant

CC - Unconstrained Generator & HH - Receptive Dreamer

CN - Exploratory Guide & HD - Diplomatic Resolver

CH - Collaborative Innovator & HC - Unconventional Idealist


  1. So how does this effect functional strengthening? love the idea so far though.

    1. Most likely different functions would be strengthened in different circumstances, the ones normally associated with the subtype in question. So, for HC: Harmonizing functions (Ni, Fi, Si) would work well together in a strengthened unit at far psychological distance, whereas Creative functions (Ne, Fe, Se) would be enhanced together at a closer psychological distance.

  2. Okay cool. What would be an example of this in a person? Thanks for all the info, really good so far.

    1. To give an example, John D Rockefeller is considered as an LSI DN. What that means is that he is a Logical-Sensory Introvert who has a Dominant subtype at far communicative distance (meaning at far distance his Business Logic Te and Power Sensorics Se would be enhanced). At far distance, he is one of the most powerful capitalists in history, able to compete, persevere and monopolize at a level few other people are capable of. However, at close communicative distance, he had a Normalizing subtype (enhanced Structural Logic Ti and Comfort Sensorics Si): he liked to study accounting and manufacturing details for extra hours even to the point of pedantry (not true of most business leaders), redrafted his letters until they were absolutely perfect instead having the more expedient behavior more typical of a pure dominant subtype, he served in many supportive help roles such as a janitor, he dressed scrupulously, and he tended to blend in with his subordinates and lead them in a more polite and subtle rather than demanding way. If you met him, he may well appear to be a rather modest and agreeable man, not the domineering capitalist the most people know him as (which he ALSO was).

    2. Okay, thats pretty good. I like were this is headed. Makes a lot of sense. Really good description.

  3. Super fascinating to me. I would love to understand subtype to this degree. I very much look forward to the above mentioned descriptions and examples. I am also very curious about the difference in primary and secondary subtype, especially concerning how one tells one from the other. I suspect that I am HD or DH, but I am, of course, uncertain of this. As always, thank you. The information that you provide is much appreciated.

  4. Awesome! Can't wait for the descriptions


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