Psychosophy Clubs and Sextas

Four types, combined by common strong and weak functions form a club . Representatives of one club, as a rule, have common interests, a similar life position and often occupation. In communication, we can subconsciously feel the representative of our club, we are drawn to it. In this case, you should pay particular attention to the fact that the club is not a quadra, and if the values ​​of the club partner’s quadra do not match yours (pseudophilia or half-pseudophilia relations), then with prolonged communication or friendships / love relationships there may be serious misunderstanding, for example, in the case of ELFV and LEVF.

In any case, the club always has a place for joint activities, especially self-expression of strong functions and their useful and adequate criticism of these actions.

EF Club

Strong Emotion and Physics, Weak Will and Logic

Representatives: Pushkin (EFVL), Bukharin (EFLV), Borgia (FELV), Dumas (FEVL)

Motto: "Masters of seduction"

The most lively club. From the outside it sometimes seems that they perceive life as a continuous party without a drop of seriousness and concrete actions. They make excellent social workers, advertising agents - they are good in those areas of activity where practicality and emotionality are needed. Their speech is very lively, they are masters in telling “life stories”, except that they lack sequence and logic. They are also happy to talk about their often very successful personal life. They are highly attractive due to their physical data and ability to monitor their appearance, as well as present themselves in the right light. Strong in body, but not in spirit, EFs do not like to think globally, prefer momentary needs and life today, and logic is usually for practical purposes. For happiness, they usually need comfort, wealth, able to satisfy physical needs, a circle of people for fun and not annoying communication. Subconsciously, they can also reach for “cold thinkers”, though when approaching, they try to liberate them, make them feel simple joys of life. What comes of this depends on the specific types and specific people.

EL Club

Strong Emotion and Logic, Weak Will and Physics

Representatives: Andersen (ELVF), Rousseau (ELVF), Augustine (LEFV), Pascal (LEVF)

Motto: “Strength is in the mind and a warm heart”

The most sociable club. Interesting, creative, original-minded people. Often possess both humanitarian and scientific thinking. Their speech is filled with interesting thoughts and vivid images, so communicating with them is a great pleasure. EL masters of communication themselves, in a calm environment, can perfectly convey their thoughts and feelings, but for success in oratory, they lack charisma and self-confidence. They make good writers, psychologists, and come across in the cultural sphere. Often they are unusual, creative people, but if they write scientific works, it’s not in a dry style, but, if possible, they color their ideas with artistic images and examples that affect the reader through emotions. They are able to predict and plan actions, but it can be difficult for them to achieve a specific practical goal, rather dreamers and romantics. Weak and bodily, and character, in relation to the material world are not confident in their abilities. A partner is favorable for them, ready to share responsibility with them or take it upon themselves, in return they can please him with their extraordinary images and ideas, saturate the desire for communication.

VE Club

Strong Emotion and Will, Weak Physics and Logic

Representatives: Ghazali (EVLF), Pasternak (EVFL), Tolstoy (VEFL), Akhmatova (VELF)

Motto: “I can’t live in peace if my whole soul is on fire”

The most "Spiritual" club. Strong in spirit, preoccupied with the problems of human relations, issues of faith and freedom, social behavior, feelings and desires. True humanities, often creative and original, who do not tolerate cold calculation. They strive to do everything with the soul and for the soul, elevate the spiritual and cultural sphere of being, which is why the best occupation for them is priests, writers, mentors, moralists, and teachers, as well as directors and actors. For the opposite sex, they have a special, not necessarily realized by themselves, internal attractiveness due to their strong emotions and responsibility. REs do not like empty thoughts and dry theories that do not serve people and have no practical application; any science should be vividly illustrated with examples. Also ascetic, they consider it shameful to focus on the physical side of life. The most impractical club, they do not trust their physical skills and often seek others for these matters, although they are able to force themselves to act independently. Romantics and idealists, feelings and the goal itself are much higher than expediency, therefore they are very important, sometimes inadequate. They can be admired by rational and “earthly” people who are able to equip life and engage in everyday issues while renewable energy is occupied with culture, but even they will be hints or directly “guide the true path”. It is important for them to accept their “culture."

VL Club

Strong Logic and Will, Weak Emotion and Physics.

Representatives: Lao Tzu (LVFE), Lenin (VLFE), Socrates (VLEF), Einstein (LVFE)

Motto: “Fight and seek, find and don't give up”

The most thoughtful, research club. Its representatives have high intelligence and a level of awareness of global human problems, they are inclined to oppose them to small practical issues. Able to experience physical and mental deprivation in order to achieve their great goals. Often they are preoccupied with the desire to bless mankind, expand its knowledge of the world. Often they have many new ideas and a desire to find a way to implement them. True, if the implementation requires physical activity, then more trust in experienced practitioners. Weak in body, but strong in spirit. Idealists, thinkers and philosophers aimed at the search for truth. In moments of mobilization, when all attention is directed to the idea and purpose, their state of mind, as a rule, is not noticeable. Weak emotion and physics gives rise to the most “inanimate" club, which hardly attends parties, but in science, as in power, they are very useful. In general, personal sympathies and feelings are secondary to them and can only distort the truth, interfere with actions, although VL understands that emotions, as well as feelings, unfortunately, strongly affect both those around us and themselves. With superficial communication, sometimes the thought “do they have a personal life” may arise? If it is, they will not be distributed to everyone. Subconsciously attracted to cheerful, lively and carefree, immediately trying to test their intelligence and thinking styles, and will be especially happy if they can share their worldview.

FV Club

Strong Will and Physics, Weak Emotion and Logic

Representatives: Goethe (FVLE), Napoleon (VFLE), Twardovsky (VFEL), Chekhov (FVEL)

Motto: "Creators of their fate"

Club of organizational and business leaders. Confident and purposeful practices. When moving towards a goal, they see specific practical methods for its implementation, and generalization, analysis and attitude to action come after. The most powerful people, both in body and in spirit. As a rule, elevate confident and capable people, and not theoreticians flying in the clouds. They sometimes have a distant and somewhat skeptical attitude towards science and culture, although they recognize their great influence on the actions of people, therefore they are quite capable of forcing themselves to do both, if the goal requires it. WF possess penetrative abilities, which allows them to occupy high positions, to provide themselves and their loved ones with their main values ​​- will and comfort. In a situation of direct opposition, they can exert pressure and even use physical force. The representative of the VF-club puts the matter in the first place, and empty talk and rest "for the soul" for later. The sphere of power, control and maintenance of discipline is good for them, they are indispensable wherever strength and perseverance are needed. Caught in power, army, business, sport. They are not the best speakers, they lack vivid images and the ability to express their thoughts in a speech, so they subconsciously reach out for unusual, emotional people, intellectuals, if they do not disappoint them with their inactivity and empty words. Of course, the WF will activate others for real action.

FL Club

Strong Logic and Physics, Weak Emotion and Will.

Representatives: Aristippus (FLVE), Plato (LFVE), Berthier (LFEV), Epicurus (FLEV)

Motto: “Everything real is rational, everything rational is real!"

The most practical club. Good practices with high intelligence for solving specific tasks, survival. Preferred area of ​​activity: scientific and technical. Excellent craftsmen, engineers, skilled workers. Their speech is usually filled with deep, even philosophical, thoughts and concrete material images. They can better deal with the new device than others, find the necessary practical application for it, "each screw has its own place." In addition, they are able to invent their own approaches and solutions, from building a house to calculating the profits of an enterprise. The mind and body for the LF are inextricably linked, therefore they do not equally understand pure pleasures without an awareness of the causes and consequences, just like pure ideological thinking and theories outside practice, are alien to absurd logic. LF usually do not go into direct confrontation, preferring the correct preliminary calculation and favorable conditions to the struggle. The heroism and romance of the struggle are very skeptical, guided by expediency, and not by principles. They tend to explain and justify desires and feelings in terms of specific practical benefits. Culture for the LF club is also something secondary, although its achievements can be used as food for the mind. It is really difficult for them to “open their souls”, they trust already established patterns in matters of conscience and morality, therefore they can be attracted by active, creative and spiritual people, and they try to teach these people “torn off the ground” in a stable and reasonable life.


Sexta 1


Result aspects: E and F
Process aspects: L and V

Generally, this sexta is characterised by open emotional displays and a deeper connection with the darker aspects of life. This is not to say that everyone in this sexta is evil, but most will have a natural gravitation towards exploring or understanding what other people shun away from. A good way of putting it, is that they seem more comfortable with exploring the negative side of humanity through confrontational expressions, trying to make other people come to terms with it. So, their focus on the negative leads to a catharsis through which they develop and understand themselves and the world better, which makes self-development a very important value in this sexta. They will often have powerful emotions and expressions, including a strong interest in intellectual, scientific discussions and overall self improvement. However, this is only coupled with a tendency to rile people up and create tense atmospheres. Generally they feel a strong attachment to basic human needs, and wish for a life of comfort where these needs are taken care of. Quite focused on the immediate terms of survival as well. They may have a tendency to embrace or disregard the physical aspects of life, turning rather greedy or detaching completely from the physical surroundings.

Sexta 2


Result aspects: L and E
Process aspects: V and F

This sexta seems more focused more on implementations of needs, rather than simply enjoying them. They have an active wish to work towards making their lives comfortable, and while they enjoy of the expressionism of sexta 1, it is the positive and joyful emotions that are being explored. There is an active material focus here, and an enjoyment and active focus on building and acquiring the resources needed for material comfort. This also makes them good at material endeavours such as sport. But at the expense of either turning overly materialistic or being prone to addictions, forming overly strong attachments to physical activities.  This sexta also has a strong knack for intellectual pondering, research and philosophizing. However, their ability to do so is related to their feeling of wellbeing and mental wanderings generally thought out over long periods of time than Sexta 1. It comes with the risk of losing touch with reality, or oppositely become so engaged in the everyday pleasures of life that they lose touch with their more intellectual side.

Sexta 3


Result aspects: V and E
Process aspects: L and F

Like the second sexta, the third sexta has a love for positive emotions. Likewise, they also like comfort and material benefits. But they will actively try to start defining goals rather than create comfort for the sake of it. Their logic also becomes more productive and perhaps simpler. Work-oriented logic, rather than catering to the abstract ponderings of the former two sextas. For that reason, they seem rather competent at working effectively towards their goals and creating wealth and comfort for themselves, while positively influencing others towards adapting their constructive mentality without letting themselves get held back by smaller obstacles.  On the negative side, their focus can make them somewhat single minded. Their determination may cause them overlook their own mental health, which can lead to unintended sudden expressions of anger. They are also prone to not understanding and therefore looking down on the weaknesses and shortcomings of others, usually in the form of critiquing for a lack of purpose or goal, or a lack of achievement.

Sexta 4


Result Aspects: L and V
Process Aspects: F and E

This sexta is focused on designing the structure of their environment, establishing hierarchies and implementing ideas, while working on themselves as people in constructive ways. Overall, this leads to a focus on perfecting and developing the already existing areas, while still not being the least bit shy of creating new interesting endeavors. This sexta has the same determination as the third, wanting to achieve status, wealth and comfort through the means of hard work, and praises the vices necessary for achieving that. They also have a love for positive emotions, but prefer them in a more subdued and toned down manner.  However, to achieve all this they have an unfortunate tendency to censor, or at least very actively limit the emotional expressions of both themselves and others, desiring an environment free of emotions. They are also prone to some of the weaknesses of the third sexta, such as looking down on the shortcomings of others or turning into workaholics.

Sexta 5


Result Aspects: V and F
Process Aspects: L and E

Unlike the two previous sextas, the fifth sexta is less focused on work towards achievement or improving what is. But instead focuses on enjoying the achieved comforts, turning their minds towards creative endeavors like science, art and self-understanding/development. They will often be attracted to intellectual pursuits and scientific research, developing and furthering understandings within this field. They also seem to have a more materialistic focus, which means that their wish for self-development often translates into wishing to look good in both body (F) and spirit (E & L) and actively work towards doing so. Despite not having the more pure and constructive work-oriented tendencies of sexta 3 and 4, they do share their determination, and are also able to work towards a goal, though it’s usually manifested as extension of an already existing area (Such as becoming a sport star or a lead scientific analyst) rather than creating something independent. The negative of it is, that the people in this sexta may, like those of the fourth, disregard emotional displays and to the best of their abilities try to minimize the overall emotional expressions in themselves and others. They can also be quite arrogant, and critiquing of the weaknesses of others, now related to physical and intellectual shortcomings, rather than ones concentrated on lacking goals and directions. Also, like the first sexta, they can be greedy or completely deny the physical aspects of life.

Sexta 6


Result aspect: L and F
Process aspect: V and E

The sixth sexta concentrates on relaxing and falling back on the existing material pleasures. They focus heavily the positive and pleasant aspects of life while actively trying to minimize the negative, partly through their optimistic nature. They enjoy toned down but positive emotional expressions and generally are interested in scientific endeavors, but pursue those mostly for the sake of it rather than with an end product in mind. They tend to have a very moderated approach towards most areas, and are careful to not let their ideas run away with them, and thus are able to achieve a constructive friendly-mannered discussion that doesn’t drag on, becomes hostile or leads nowhere. They have a gravitation towards the beautiful, and seek to create beauty or at least be surrounded with it. This goes for both material and artistic endeavors.  Dealing with the negative aspects or problems with themselves or others is a common problem in this sexta. This suppression can leave the issues as ”ghosts” that come back to haunt them later, or cause difficulties in accepting or overcoming personal weaknesses. They also tend to downplay or avoid emotional displays, and can like other sextas with result oriented Physics be both greedy or avoid the physical aspects of life.


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