SHS Subtypes Reference 2022

Another more advanced article on subtypes that has been published, not meant as a replacement for this article but which further supplements it:
Previously I wrote an article on Dual Subtypes which spurred a lot of thought, but it is out of date and our conception of Complex Subtypes has grown a lot since then. There is a lot of material about this which is private and even more in-depth than what I will share here, but I want to share the basics so that people can build on it as they please and in a more up-to-date way.

First, some basic subtype descriptions, just for the sake of reminder:

Dominant subtype: Terminating, Contacting, Connecting
-Formula: PF(E)
-Role: Ambitious Hastening Leader
-Temperament: Linear-Assertive
The dominant subtype is distinguished by the following behaviors in the group:
-set to compete
-often recognized by others as a leader
-sets clear goals and is well focused on them
-ambitious, although sometimes claims the opposite
-agrees only to temporary compromises
-needs victory above all else
-behaves decisively in difficult situations, shows high performance, indicates what to do and who is going to do it
-an authority, but not in the details
-has a wide range of communication, but a narrow circle of close friends

Creative subtype: Initiating, Contacting, Ignoring
-Formula: IE(F)
-Role: Rebellious Bright Generator
-Temperament: Flexible-Maneuvering
The creative subtype is characterized by the following features:
-increased need for change
-the search for new directions and allies
-obsession with the idea, originality
-rebellious and individualistic behavior, hostility
-ignoring the usual standards
-aversion to long procedures.

Normalizing subtype: Terminating, Distancing, Ignoring
-Formula: LS(R)
-Role: Quality Task Finisher
-Temperament: Balanced-Stable
The normalizing subtype is distinguished by the following manifestations in behavior:
-commitment to accuracy, compliance, discipline
-cost-effectiveness and perseverance in the usual work
-indiscretion and indecision in an extreme situation
-patience and attention to detail
-has a narrow circle of true friends

Harmonizing subtype: Initiating, Distancing, Connecting
-Formula: TR(S)
-Role: Wise Kind Peacemaker
-Temperament: Receptive-Adaptive
Harmonizing subtype has its own peculiarities of behavior in a group:
-outwardly, looks calm
-easily loses its internal balance even from a small impact
-anxious, although hoping for the best
-focuses on proportionality and simplicity
-emotionally sensitive
-compliant, avoids conflicts
-at close range is irritable
-can live for the sake of his usual comfort
-generous, able to empathize with the weak
-many reach out to him, but he prefers to slip away

u/Radigand has a good post visualizing the subtypes based on temperament here, for another interesting way of viewing them. He may be interested in making more visualizations or exegeses about these complex subtype concepts in the future.


It is now recognized that we don't only have one subtype, or even two subtypes, but all four subtypes in different positions. In practice, the position of all 4 subtypes is not always clear when diagnosing the Sociotype of someone, especially based on short videos, but in principle we can each use any of the 4 subtypes. However, the subtypes generally have different roles depending on their position in the hierarchy.

For example, my 4 subtypes could be denoted as NCHD. My primary subtype is N (this would often just be listed as my subtype), and since double subtypes are becoming more common, I might be listed as NC because I often behave creatively, argue with people rebelliously, come up with new ideas, express myself, etc. If you listed my full subtype, it is NCHD because I have more H than D, sometimes having a peacemaking streak and wanting to reconcile everyone’s interests and behave unselfishly, though my H is not as stable as my N and C subtypes.

The overall characteristics of subtypes based on their position are as follows:

1st subtype (the most prominent subtype): the main goal, main role we play in the world and how we deal with most of it
2nd subtype (the 2nd most prominent subtype): implementing helper, readily available backup if the main subtype can’t be used, lets off steam at close psychological distance
3rd subtype (the 3rd most prominent subtype): aspirational, ready to develop subtype that bursts out every once in a while but usually falls behind the main program
4th subtype (the 4th most prominent subtype): something done only when necessary or as a last resort, sometimes neglected with unbalanced results

Victor gives more details on the criteria to distinguish between the 1st and 2nd subtypes here:

"Complex subtypes are subtypes that include two components in a DCNH system. For example, consider Dominant-normalizing behavior. A person with the D-N subtype is so complicated that his behavior is contradictory. In some situations, he behaves dominantly, insists, exerts pressure, wants to be right, and in other situations he wants to play by the rules, rely on what has already been proven, justified or as accepted. How can it be distinguished between each other, and can it go from one to the other? There are two main criteria for how to distinguish which component is the first and which is the second. The first criterion is the criterion of space or communicative distance. The rule works like this: the first component works at a distant communicative distance, and the second component works at a close communicative distance. In the variant of Dominant-normalizing behavior, dominance works on society, at a formal distance, at work, where there are no close relationships. And the rationing component turns on when moving to a close distance, that is, a person changes towards rationing, he does not want to prove his point of view, but wants to do as agreed, according to norms, rules and the like. Just do not think that dominance and rationing (in this example, the first and second components of a complex subtype) depend directly on the place where a person is. These components are triggered depending on the distance. There may be close relationships in the workplace, then there will be rationing. There may also be elements of cooling on the territory of your own home, with your relatives and friends, you can pull away, increase the distance, go with your loved ones to a long communicative distance. Then the behavior will vary. In reality, of course, everything is complicated, and there is this dynamic, but it is determined by the communicative distance, and not just the location in the physical sense of the word. But there is also a second criterion – the criterion of time, development, where you are developing. It is known that a person changes, he can soften the character more or harden it. It depends both on the environment in which a person has fallen, and on the tasks that are currently facing him. If a person, for example, has to hold a punch, then he develops from rationing to dominance, for example. In this sense, the criterion of time affects - the person is normalizing, but he develops towards dominance. We consider this criterion from the point of view of personal development. As the main criterion, we take the first one – distance. When we conduct a consultation, we take into account, of course, the criterion of development. We tell a person in which direction he is changing or may change. It depends on the person and on the requirements of the environment, on the tasks that they face."

He also goes into more important subtype concepts here:

"A double subtype is a combination of two components in a character. For example, dominant can be dominant-creative — this is a custom subtype, dominant-normalizing — this is a dual subtype, and finally dominant-harmonizing — then it will be a revision subtype. These are all different states of the psyche, some of them are more intense (the revision subtype just belongs here), and more calm and peaceful, and here first of all you need to name the dual subtype. How to define it in yourself? Of course, in the way that you feel you don't fit in. You realize that you don't fit into one of the four subtypes, and you have a second priority, which manifests itself, for example, when moving to a close distance - you begin to show features of another type. Or, over time — especially after the crisis moments of life, when a person changes — the second component of the character begins to manifest, and the first does not go away. They then remain in the same bundle to work on. I must tell you that the more complex life around us is, the more complex a person is, so such complex subtypes are more the rule than the exception. The movement in this direction is quite justified, because we study a person in more detail, more and more differentiated, with the definition of new features. And, we see a person in dynamics: the dynamics of place — with a change of distance, and the dynamics of time — the development of personality and the acquisition of experience, its existence and interaction with other types depending on time. In addition, it should be added that working in a stable group often requires you to have a second component in your character. For example, in a group of three people, one person should take on two roles, because, according to the DCNH system, one role remains open. One of the three then must be double, at least, or there are increased requirements for him regarding the second component. Such examples show that dual subtypes are the rule rather than the exception. Indeed, we are doing this now - both from the point of view of how to build relationships between such personalities, and from the point of view of what attitude to oneself arises. And if it is a revision — as in this case — then something needs to be done. After all, additional tension is formed, and it needs to be removed through some kind of activity, and at least of a useful nature, useful for society, or at least physical activity. Otherwise, if this additional energy, which is formed in the form of internal tension, is not used in any way, then it is possible that this is the path to psychosomatic diseases."

Indeed, most people are best understood as having a complex subtype. The key new concepts introduced here are the three different kinds of double subtypes: order subtypes, revision subtypes and dual subtypes.

Order subtypes are those which share the same energy level of both subtypes: DC, CD, NH and HN. Because the subtypes share the same energy levels, they literally occupy the same horizontal order ring together, just like Model G is arranged. This makes order subtypes ideal for setting and achieving their goals in some kind of consistent work: the first subtype usually sets the goal, and the next one, adjacent in the order ring, flows right into finding ways to achieve it. DC and CD specialize in doing active work that requires a lot of movement and social contact, but it's difficult for them to slow down or to calm and restrain themselves. NH and HN specialize in calm and sedentary activity in which you have to work carefully with information, but they aren't going to be ideal for working in rapidly changing situations or work that requires a lot of social contact and initiative. Because these subtypes are so suitable for a specific kind of work (either extroverted and energetic or introverted and informational), they work best when they have a specialized role in a group, and they are well suited for that. Order subtypes are the most common of double subtypes, since they are quite harmonious and the subtypes work naturally together.

The other two kinds of double subtypes, revision and dual, contain two subtypes that have opposite energy levels. This makes them not as specialized, and thus more suitable for a wider range of work. However, there are some different traits and drawbacks associated with these subtypes to compensate for their greater flexibility and self-reliance.

Dual subtypes are DN, ND, CH and HC. They are named as such because the subtypes have a dual relationship with one another, so a person with a dual subtype is "self-dualized" in a sense. This can also be very harmonious, like order subtypes are, since the two subtypes share a specific attitude to a lifestyle of work and play. However, it will often frustrate other people who are not similar.

DN and ND, who are almost completely terminal, take the attitude that life should be mostly work and are accordingly quite stiff and serious. They will be very conscientious in finishing their tasks and work, often rising to high positions in their company, school or society because of this. However, because of their extreme conscientiousness, they are inclined to impose a strict way of working and ordering things on their close people or, in some cases, even on society. This can work to make initial people dislike them and want to move away from their territory, which can reach levels of dictatorship according to rules or fundamentalism that makes negotiation with them almost impossible; they remain completely closed to others. They will be satisfied with this because they are set on these goals and rules and are used to “the grind” which they consider morally virtuous.

CH and HC, who are almost completely initial, take the attitude that life should be mostly play and will resist doing any kind disciplined work that they don’t enjoy. They have the open-mindedness of a child and can come up with the freshest and most entertaining and resplendent ideas, while also being open to the hearts and experiences of others. They are diversely talented and can be occupied with an endless variety of hobbies and activities, so they are almost never bored, but they also have almost no tolerance for boredom. This can lead them to have something akin to Peter Pan syndrome, and terminal people in their lives will often be frustrated by this and push them to be more focused and responsible.

Revision subtypes are CN, NC, DH and HD. They are revision subtypes because the two subtypes are more opposite one another than in any other subtype combination. This causes the two subtypes to slow one another down more than any other combination, and can lead to psychological tension that can even result in negative psychosomatic effects when not appropriately channeled. In any case, it is often hard to live with such a person who contains both sides of such extremes since they can be quite unpredictable, thus it is often better for them to work self-sufficiently. However, their ability to bridge such extreme contradictions allows them to take on especially unique roles.

CN and NC combine the right-brained, improvisational, expressive and free behavior of creativity with the left-brained, methodical, pedantic, and rule-based behavior of normalization. This combination lends itself to the most innovative and rigorous scientific and technical projects, since they can ignore anything that doesn’t matter while keenly perceiving interesting systematic occurrences. However, swinging between such well-ordered and chaotic exploratory behavior can be quite confusing for others, and mutual correction between the free exploratory impulse and pedantic well-mannered impulse can result in serious complexes.

DH and HD combine the demanding, uncompromising, highly energetic and productive behavior of dominance with the patient, peaceful, low energy and highly sensitive behavior of harmonization. This combination works very well for spiritual and psychological counselors, and in general for people who help others work through difficult personal issues, because they are deeply aware of the tendencies of others and how they are consistent or inconsistent with various purposes. In the worst case, their combustion of strong willed pressure with sensitivity and subtlety can make them devious psychological manipulators and gaslighters, and this can even be unwitting. They are so connecting that it is very difficult for them to observe the boundaries between themselves and others, leading to genuine empathy combined with intrusiveness. This can make it difficult to have uncomplicated relationships with such people.

Sometimes people have questions about subtypes notated DD, CC, NN and HH. These are used sometimes to refer to people who are very unbalanced towards their main subtype, so much that it may appear that they are incapable of using the other 3 subtypes. However, this is untrue and imprecise. The fact is that everyone in Socionics has all 8 functions, and therefore all 4 subtypes that go along with those functional profiles. We are certainly unbalanced, but I prefer not to use this notation since it makes several incorrect implications. It is more realistic to use double subtypes, or even entire subtype orderings if there is enough information to make that clear, though it’s also not necessary to go to that level of nuance unless it is useful or interesting as the case may be.

The names of the combined subtypes reveal a lot about their general image and how they operate. Awhile back I came up with some of the concepts for the names, and Victor Gulenko corrected some of these ideas with better concepts based on his extensive experience in Socionics, so we are both partly responsible for these concepts. I don’t want to put out his material in exact form, so I will use my own names for these subtypes that either originated with me or differ slightly from Victor’s while preserving the general essence of his ideas of the subtypes:

The 12 Combined Subtypes:

Dominant-Creative (DC): The Audacious Dynamo
—In-charge and busily forcing those around them to a necessary pace (so they are not Creative-Dominant)
—Easily break rules and act spontaneously to get what they want
—Main characteristics: Order subtype (Contacting), Proactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Terminating, Connecting

Dominant-Normalizing (DN): The Self-Disciplined Authoritarian
—A fast decision-maker who organizes others authoritatively (so not Normalizing-Dominant)
—Conform to strict laws and plans on their own territory
—Main characteristics: Dual subtype (Terminating)
—Blurred characteristics: Contacting, Connecting

Dominant-Harmonizing (DH): The Wholesome Leader
—Skilled at including others under their decisive leadership (so not Harmonizing-Dominant)
—Their goals continually track the peace and safety of those in their charge
—Main characteristics: Revision subtype (Connecting), Reactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Terminating, Contacting

Creative-Dominant (CD): The Determined Maverick
—Expressing themselves brightly no matter the reaction of others (so not Dominant-Creative)
—Act decisively and resourcefully to have independent control over their own affairs
—Main characteristics: Order subtype (Contacting), Reactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Initiating, Ignoring

Creative-Normalizing (CN): The Meticulous Explorer
—Boldly and spontaneously adventuring in unexplored territory (so not Normalizing-Creative)
—Map their trials carefully and adhere to firm principles that they learned
—Main characteristics: Revision subtype (Ignoring), Proactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Initiating, Contacting

Creative-Harmonizing (CH): The Easygoing Free-Spirit
—At ease taking risks and making contacts to pursue their interests (so not Harmonizing-Creative)
—At peace with themselves and calm and flexible with the similar minded
—Main characteristics: Dual subtype (Initiating)
—Blurred characteristics: Contacting, Ignoring

Normalizing-Dominant (ND): The Strict Devotee
—With a thorough eye for quality and a strong commitment to a stable system (so not Dominant-Normalizing)
—Will confront and rebuke disorder and laxity on their territory
—Main characteristics: Dual subtype (Terminating)
—Blurred characteristics: Distancing, Ignoring

Normalizing-Creative (NC): The Experimenting Systematist
—Preferring well-ordered methods and seeking an ever more perfect system (so not Creative-Normalizing)
—Freely test new options and incorporate only what improves the system
—Main characteristics: Revision subtype (Ignoring), Reactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Terminating, Distancing

Normalizing-Harmonizing (NH): The Finetuning Stabilizer
—Steadily working out specialized tasks and problems to finality (so not Harmonizing-Normalizing)
—Sensitively adapt rules in context to make systems accommodating
—Main characteristics: Order subtype (Distancing), Proactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Terminating, Ignoring

Harmonizing-Dominant (HD): The Firm-Willed Soother
—Gently aware of sensitivities and seeking peace (so not Dominant-Harmonizing)
—Act timely and firmly to influence pressure points of close people to ensure gentler eventualities
—Main characteristics: Revision subtype (Connecting), Proactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Initiating, Distancing

Harmonizing-Creative (HC): The Diverse Includer
—Seeing the harmony in disparate things and keen to remove any strife (so not Creative-Harmonizing)
—Open to agreeable new experiences and ideas to expand this delicate sensibility
—Main characteristics: Dual subtype (Initiating)
—Blurred characteristics: Distancing, Connecting

Harmonizing-Normalizing (HN): The Expert Consultant
—Able to give sage advice to smooth over difficulties as they arise (so not Normalizing-Harmonizing)
—Collect firm principles close to their experience as a consistent stable core
—Main characteristics: Order subtype (Distancing), Reactive Metabolism
—Blurred characteristics: Initiating, Connecting


The new unfamiliar terms above are Proactive Metabolism and Reactive Metabolism, which we will explain now. Victor came up with the basic idea of these two metabolisms; I’m just clearing up some misconceptions about them and about how subtypes develop, while further elucidating the principles behind these metabolisms.

Another common misconception about Model G subtypes is that some subtypes are an upgrade relative to a given subtype, whereas other subtypes are a downgrade relative to the same subtype. Victor used to have such a system:

H upgrades to N, N upgrades to C, C upgrades to D and D upgrades to H. Likewise, D downgrades to C, C downgrades to N, N downgrades to H and H downgrades to D.

However, this is arbitrary and incorrect. There are two main directions of development that subtypes might take, which are called Metabolisms, and these Metabolisms form ordered chains of subtypes from beginning to end and then they start again. Neither is “better” than the other, but more appropriate for different circumstances.

Proactive Metabolism are the subtypes changing in the following order: DCNHD, etc. More specifically: DC, CN, NH and HD are proactive metabolism subtypes, in that order.

Reactive Metabolism are the subtypes revolving in the opposite order: CDHNC, etc. The reactive metabolism subtypes are CD, DH, HN and NC, in that order.

Proactive Metabolism is a movement from the highest to the lowest energy, Dominant to Harmonizing, and starts again:

-There is a single direction from introduction of a new ambitious goal with the highest energy (DC), to creatively inventing systemically viable solutions for its problems (CN), to bringing these solutions to the finest perfection and civilized comfort (NH), to the smooth, invisible management or manipulation of this system from a position of low energy resignation and even overly civilized meekness (HD).

-It is more terminal than initial: the order subtypes in it (DC and NH), which are more common and more reliable in their activity, are terminal, and the revision subtypes CN and HD intermediately correct and revise the main movements and substrates of the terminal order subtypes, moving to the opposite ring of “vertness” (i.e. extroversion to introversion or vice-versa) and leading to the next steps of the plan which will reinforce the previous stage. This development from highest to lowest energy is more straightforward and predictable, slowly removing energy, disorder and deviations under the goals and planning of the civilizing, terminating drive.

-Proactive Metabolism is basically responsible for the cycle of coming up with, implementing, preserving and supplanting planned orders in society. It is not the same thing as behaving in a rigidly ordered way, which is more like DN and ND subtypes. PM is more holistic and cyclic in nature, with ordered components that set and preserve new orders and disordered components which accelerate the order towards its death, removing the decay of order which lost its usefulness for life.

Reactive Metabolism is a movement from the freest Creative behavior to the most rigid and restrained Normalizing behavior, which is likewise cyclic in nature:

-This one starts from self-confident behavior in the service of new spontaneous talents which ignores danger and detraction (CD), to smoothly holding disparate people together under the agenda by resolving their conflicts (DH), to behaving adaptively in the collection of information and experiences while never losing the basic shape of one’s character (HN), to respecting and carefully expanding one’s framework and character by making step by step excursions out of the well understood comfort zone (NC).

-This one is more initial than terminal, for the same reason that the order subtypes, CD and HN, which are the specialized workhorses of the metabolism cycle, are initial, whereas the revision subtypes DH and NC slow down and correct the main movements of the initial order subtypes, stitching together new sets of flexible behaviors which will dualize and harmonize with the previous stage, successfully reinforcing it. Since this metabolism deals less with going from higher to lower energy and more with going from chaos to order, it is more spontaneous and natural and more wave-like in its energy, which makes it harder to control and predict. Its waves and deviations have to be reacted to in an appropriate and self-preserving way, as in the great unknown of nature.

-Reactive Metabolism is thus responsible for “reacting” to various accidents and new circumstances that inevitably arise. These novelties present a chaotic threat to the safe and well understood worldview of society at first, but they are slowly yet surely integrated with society in an ordered and methodical way, with a hunger to begin explorations again. It is not like the CH and HC who are fundamentally disordered and amorphous, ceaselessly shifting their worldview and manner of dealing with life and not consistently preserving anything before entering into the new round of explorations. RM includes initial components which react to novelty by holding parts of their shape intractably, conserving key ambitions and principles in their varied adaptive experiences. These operate in lockstep with terminal components that always admit and synthesize more novelty in a methodical way so that the possibly of a spontaneous response to accidents is never lost.

As I alluded to several times above, we really have a combination of all 4 subtypes, so it is possible to come up with a concept for 24 different subtype orderings (this is the group S4, with the same structure as Psychosophy). To name them, I included the 2nd and 3rd subtype together as a double subtype adjective, since these are subtypes which we are typically using intermittently and always improving our use of. The 1st and 2nd subtype are the main double subtype component of the name (stated secondly), since they are the main role we consistently perform and play out in society as we implement our goals.

The 24 Subtype Orderings:

Under construction!

Subtype last characteristics:

-H-last: inclined to aggravated conflicts and contradictions, hard to distance itself from problems and exhausts all forces into them

-N-last: inclined to unprincipled behavior, it is difficult for them to have a continuous identity and dealing with them can be unpredictable

-C-last: inclined to inflexibility, difficulty changing the direction of movement which leads to staying in the same rut longer than necessary

-D-last: inclined to scattered behavior, often not willing to concentrate forces on goals and thus energy is scattered and efficiency is lost


Expect more material about the future of SHS subtypes and examples and descriptions eventually!

Celebs coming back soon (being cleaned up)

Fictional examples coming soon with type and subtype (Harry Potter, Star Wars and Avatar):

Harry Potter typings (including many characters from the 
main 7 books/8 movies):
-Dobby: ILE-CN
-Molly Weasley: ESE-DC
-Horace Slughorn: SEI-CD
-Rubeus Hagrid: SEI-DH
-Gellert Grindelwald: EIE-DC
-Albus Dumbledore: EIE-DH
-Sirius Black: EIE-CD
-Draco Malfoy: EIE-CD
-Gilderoy Lockhart: EIE-CD
-Fred Weasley: EIE-CD
-Nymphadora Tonks: EIE-CH
-George Weasley: EIE-CH
-Hermione Granger: EIE-ND
-Fleur Delacour: EIE-NH
-Sybill Trelawney: EIE-HC
-Alastor Moody: SLE-DH
-Bellatrix Lestrange: SLE-CD
-Dudley Dursley: SLE-CH
-Vernon Dursley: SLE-ND
-Dolores Umbridge: LSI-DN
-Voldemort: LSI-DN
-Harry Potter: LSI-CD
-Ginny Weasley: LSI-CD
-Victor Krum: LSI-CN
-Ron Weasley: LSI-CH
-Minerva McGonagall: LSI-ND
-Petunia Dursley: LSI-ND
-Argus Filch: LSI-ND
-Percy Weasley: LSI-ND
-Remus Lupin: LSI-NC
-Cedric Diggory: LSI-NH
-Arthur Weasley: LII-NH
-Lucius Malfoy: LSI-DN
-Kreacher: LSI-HN
-Luna Lovegood: IEI-CH
-Cho Chang: IEI-NC
-Peter Pettigrew: SEI-CH
-Severus Snape: ILI-ND
-Neville Longbottom: SEI-NC

Star Wars typings (from Tales of the Jedi to the end of Bad Batch Season 1):
-Jar Jar Binks: ILE-CH
-Nak-il: ESE-CN
-Aurra Sing: EIE-DC
-Son (Mortis): EIE-DC
-Count Dooku: EIE-DC
-Saw Garrera: EIE-DC
-Rafa Martez: EIE-DC
-Cham Syndulla: EIE-DC
-Padme Amidala: EIE-DH
-Ahsoka Tano: EIE-CD
-Captain Argyus: EIE-CD
-Cassie Cryar: EIE-CD
-(as of CW Season 5) Barriss Offee: EIE-ND
-Barriss Offee: EIE-NH
-Queen Julia: EIE-HD
-General Grievous: SLE-DC
-Gobi Glie: SLE-DH
-Fennec Shand: SLE-DH
-Darth Maul: SLE-CD
-Sebulba: SLE-CD
-Asajj Ventress: SLE-CD
-Bo-Katan: SLE-CD
-Zam Wesell: SLE-CN
-Bossk: SLE-CN
-Wrecker: SLE-CH
-Savage Opress: SLE-CH
-Jabba the Hutt: SLE-ND
-Karina the Great: SLE-ND
-Watto: SLE-NC
-Cid: SLE-NC
-Pre Vizsla: LSI-DC
-(as of CW Season 7) Commander Rex: LSI-DC
-(as of CW Season 4) Boba Fett: LSI-DC
-Palpatine/Darth Sidious: LSI-DN
-(as of Episode 1) Mace Windu: LSI-DN
-Wilhuff Tarkin: LSI-DN
-(as of Bad Batch Season 1) Crosshair: LSI-DN
-Cad Bane: LSI-DN
-Mother Talzin: LSI-DH
-Hunter: LSI-DH
-(as of Episode 2) Anakin Skywalker: LSI-CD
-Hevy: LSI-CD
-Quinlan Vos: LSI-CD
-(as of CW Season 6) Fives: LSI-CD
-Hera Syndulla: LSI-CD
-Boba Fett: LSI-CD
-Anakin Skywalker: LSI-CN
-Jango Fett: LSI-CN
-Trace Martez: LSI-CN
-Kit Fisto: LSI-CH
-Mace Windu: LSI-ND
-Jocasta Nu: LSI-ND
-Commander Cody: LSI-ND
-Luminara Unduli: LSI-ND
-Nala Se: LSI-ND
-Crosshair: LSI-ND
-Eleni Syndulla: LSI-ND
-Obi-Wan Kenobi: LSI-NC
-Captain Rex: LSI-NC
-Fives: LSI-NC
-Pav-ti: LSI-NC
-Ki-Adi-Mundi: LSI-NH
-Plo Koon: LSI-NH
-Echo: LSI-NH
-Almec: LSI-HD
-Father (Mortis): LSI-HD
-(as of Episode 1) Qui-Gon Jinn: LSI-HC
-Qui-Gon Jinn: LSI-HN
-Gantika: LSI-HN
-Sy Snootles: IEI-CD
-Omega: IEI-CN
-Rotta the Hutt: IEI-NH
-Boss Nass: SEE-DC
-Ziro the Hutt: SEE-CD
-Dexter Jettster: SEE-CH
-Raspar Six: SEE-NH
-Orn Free Taa: SEE-HD
-Bail Organa: SEE-HD
-Hondo Ohnaka: LIE-CD
-Nute Gunray: ILI-DC
-AZ-900: ILI-NC
-Yaddle: ILI-NH
-Tech: ILI-NH
-Yoda: ILI-HD
-Tera Sinube: ILI-HN
-Daughter (Mortis): ESI-ND
-Shmi Skywalker: ESI-NH
-Satine Kryze: LSE-DN

Avatar Typings (including only The Last Airbender):
-Aang: EIE-CN
-Ty Lee: EIE-CH
-Katara: EIE-ND
-Azula: SLE-DC
-Toph: SLE-CD
-Suki: LSI-DC
-Ozai: LSI-DN
-Zuko: LSI-DH
-Sokka: LSI-CD
-Mai: LSI-HN
-Bumi: ILI-CD
-Iroh: ILI-HD

Fictional Master List:
-Dobby: ILE-CN
-Jar Jar Binks: ILE-CH
-Molly Weasley: ESE-DC
-Nak-il: ESE-CN
-Rubeus Hagrid: SEI-DH
-Horace Slughorn: SEI-CD
-Peter Pettigrew: SEI-CH
-Neville Longbottom: SEI-NC
-Arthur Weasley: LII-NH
-Aurra Sing: EIE-DC
-Cham Syndulla: EIE-DC
-Count Dooku: EIE-DC
-Gellert Grindelwald: EIE-DC
-Rafa Martez: EIE-DC
-Saw Garrera: EIE-DC
-Son (Mortis): EIE-DC
-Albus Dumbledore: EIE-DH
-Padme Amidala: EIE-DH
-Ahsoka Tano: EIE-CD
-Captain Argyus: EIE-CD
-Cassie Cryar: EIE-CD
-Draco Malfoy: EIE-CD
-Fred Weasley: EIE-CD
-Gilderoy Lockhart: EIE-CD
-Sirius Black: EIE-CD
-Aang: EIE-CN
-George Weasley: EIE-CH
-Nymphadora Tonks: EIE-CH
-Ty Lee: EIE-CH
-(as of CW Season 5) Barriss Offee: EIE-ND
-Hermione Granger: EIE-ND
-Katara: EIE-ND
-Barriss Offee: EIE-NH
-Fleur Delacour: EIE-NH
-Queen Julia: EIE-HD
-Sybill Trelawney: EIE-HC
-Azula: SLE-DC
-General Grievous: SLE-DC
-Alastor Moody: SLE-DH
-Fennec Shand: SLE-DH
-Gobi Glie: SLE-DH
-Asajj Ventress: SLE-CD
-Bellatrix Lestrange: SLE-CD
-Bo-Katan: SLE-CD
-Darth Maul: SLE-CD
-Sebulba: SLE-CD
-Toph: SLE-CD
-Bossk: SLE-CN
-Zam Wesell: SLE-CN
-Dudley Dursley: SLE-CH
-Savage Opress: SLE-CH
-Wrecker: SLE-CH
-Jabba the Hutt: SLE-ND
-Karina the Great: SLE-ND
-Vernon Dursley: SLE-ND
-Cid: SLE-NC
-Watto: SLE-NC
-(as of CW Season 4) Boba Fett: LSI-DC
-(as of CW Season 7) Commander Rex: LSI-DC
-Pre Vizsla: LSI-DC
-Suki: LSI-DC
-Cad Bane: LSI-DN
-(as of Bad Batch Season 1) Crosshair: LSI-DN
-Dolores Umbridge: LSI-DN
-Lucius Malfoy: LSI-DN
-(as of Episode 1) Mace Windu: LSI-DN
-Ozai: LSI-DN
-Palpatine/Darth Sidious: LSI-DN
-Voldemort: LSI-DN
-Wilhuff Tarkin: LSI-DN
-Hunter: LSI-DH
-Mother Talzin: LSI-DH
-Zuko: LSI-DH
-(as of Episode 2) Anakin Skywalker: LSI-CD
-Boba Fett: LSI-CD
-(as of CW Season 6) Fives: LSI-CD
-Ginny Weasley: LSI-CD
-Harry Potter: LSI-CD
-Hera Syndulla: LSI-CD
-Hevy: LSI-CD
-Quinlan Vos: LSI-CD
-Sokka: LSI-CD
-Anakin Skywalker: LSI-CN
-Jango Fett: LSI-CN
-Trace Martez: LSI-CN
-Victor Krum: LSI-CN
-Kit Fisto: LSI-CH
-Ron Weasley: LSI-CH
-Argus Filch: LSI-ND
-Commander Cody: LSI-ND
-Crosshair: LSI-ND
-Eleni Syndulla: LSI-ND
-Jocasta Nu: LSI-ND
-Luminara Unduli: LSI-ND
-Mace Windu: LSI-ND
-Minerva McGonagall: LSI-ND
-Nala Se: LSI-ND
-Percy Weasley: LSI-ND
-Petunia Dursley: LSI-ND
-Captain Rex: LSI-NC
-Fives: LSI-NC
-Obi-Wan Kenobi: LSI-NC
-Pav-ti: LSI-NC
-Remus Lupin: LSI-NC
-Cedric Diggory: LSI-NH
-Echo: LSI-NH
-Ki-Adi-Mundi: LSI-NH
-Plo Koon: LSI-NH
-Almec: LSI-HD
-Father (Mortis): LSI-HD
-(as of Episode 1) Qui-Gon Jinn: LSI-HC
-Gantika: LSI-HN
-Kreacher: LSI-HN
-Mai: LSI-HN
-Qui-Gon Jinn: LSI-HN
-Sy Snootles: IEI-CD
-Omega: IEI-CN
-Luna Lovegood: IEI-CH
-Cho Chang: IEI-NC
-Rotta the Hutt: IEI-NH
-Boss Nass: SEE-DC
-Ziro the Hutt: SEE-CD
-Dexter Jettster: SEE-CH
-Raspar Six: SEE-NH
-Bail Organa: SEE-HD
-Orn Free Taa: SEE-HD
-Hondo Ohnaka: LIE-CD
-Nute Gunray: ILI-DC
-Bumi: ILI-CD
-Severus Snape: ILI-ND
-AZ-900: ILI-NC
-Tech: ILI-NH
-Yaddle: ILI-NH
-Iroh: ILI-HD
-Yoda: ILI-HD
-Tera Sinube: ILI-HN
-Daughter (Mortis): ESI-ND
-Shmi Skywalker: ESI-NH
-Satine Kryze: LSE-DN


  1. I love your blog! But you removed the list of famous people with the different DCNH´s. I think they were very correct and enlightning. Would be much obliged if you add them again!

  2. Ah, I saw your comment about celebs now. Sorry!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Mitchell. I always appreciate your insight.

  4. Доброго времени суток! Простите за нескромный вопрос: а как вы определяете социотипы и подтипы знаменитостей?

    1. Hello Bin, these people were typed according the diagnostic methods of Humanitarian Socionics (gestalt type image, nonverbal signals, and behavior in everyday life situations).


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