
Showing posts from January, 2019

Aushra Commentary on Jung's Typology

Commentary on Jung's typology and introduction to information metabolism A.Augustinavichiute Published: "Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology" , 1995, № 2, Re: Augustinavichute A. Socionics: Introduction.   - SPb., Terra Fantastica, 1998, p.   25 - 32. The typology of Carl Gustav Jung [1] is fundamentally different from all other typologies, which, as a rule, are limited to describing human behavior and the classification of this behavior. Jung is not looking for any diseases or accentuations of character; he is looking for structural differences in the perception and thinking of completely healthy, in all respects normal individuals, in which inclinations, abilities and talents these structures manifest, in what life difficulties they lead. (1) “Two faces,” says Jung, “... see the same object, but they do not see it so that both derived from this picture are absolutely identical.   In addition to the varying acuteness of the sense organs...