Disappear to Reappear: Functional States
Disappear to reappear
Functional states of the individual
V. V. Gulenko , 14. 06. 1993, Kiev
Published: "Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology" , 1995, № 3.
1. Different types of understanding.
In socionics, personality type is understood as something other than psychology. This distinction is so significant that it makes sense to say that socionics has its own object of study, separate from psychology. What is this difference?
Psychotype, as it is understood in differential psychology, is a stable complex of human character traits. Psychotypes for different authors range from three to twelve. The dimension of psychological splits does not exceed 3, 5. However, a sociotype is a much broader concept with a five-dimensional nature. The reader will read more about this phenomenon in [7]. For the increasingly complex development of the already complex information processing systems, which is the human psyche, nature uses only the path of the over-individual hereditary transmission. The fact is that the more complex the system is, the more difficult it is to rebuild it. Hence the need for the level of the collective unconscious, open Jung. It is there that the sociotype is localized. Given the contribution of Jung, I would give the following definition of the subject of socionics.
This definition of type, in essence, implies the sum of the potential energy of a person, which can be implemented on any of the four dimensions of personal space available to direct observation by a person. All this - traces type.
However, the type can be understood not as a structure, but as a process of maintaining the balance of the individual with the environment. It is known that the equilibrium energy exchange is stable and unstable. A type can only be an unstable state, otherwise its identification would not represent such complexities. In addition, stable equilibrium is the limit of development, the dynamics of which is minimal. Thus, the second interpretation of the type can be formulated as follows:
Sociotype is an unstable state of dynamic equilibrium of an individual with a medium in which the intensity (in the first approximation, velocity) of energy exchange between them is maximum.
With maximum energy release, i.e., full disclosure of the personality, the potential energy of the individual is almost completely converted into kinetic energy, i.e., the energy of action. Then the mental life of the individual is the fluctuations of a long-term (regular) and short-term (random) character around this point of balance. The person as close as possible to the type in the prime of their strength. Therefore, the second interpretation of the type coincides with the tendency of the individual to self-actualization in the sense of A. Maslow.
I come to the conclusion that the sociotype, on the one hand, is static and unchanging, and, on the other, is dynamic and vital. In the process of implementing a type, when its potential energy goes into kinetic, some functions are amplified, while others are weakened: various psychophysical states of the personality arise, which I will call further functional.
Functional states can be deterministic: stemming from age. Observations, in particular, found that in childhood the sensory functions are most full, the young ethical, the mature the logical, and the elderly the intuitive. However, such states can be arbitrary - occurring due to the targeted adaptation of the individual to the external environment.
If we take into account the dynamic side of the type, then the following requirement for sociological diagnostics does not raise any doubts: during the identification, it is necessary to determine not the absolute, but the relative values of the expression of a particular function. From this it follows that ethics are possible, more effectively solving local logical problems than logic. And logics are possible, acting more subjectively than other ethics, since their emotionality sometimes exceeds the likes and dislikes of “average” ethics. It is also possible, if we take absolutely, such sensorics that are more dreamy than other intuits. And, on the contrary, the practicality of some intuits may in one situation or another surpass the earthiness of the average sensor.
Due to the fluidity of life, diagnostics using a survey method, especially from written questionnaires where there is no feedback, is a very unreliable case. Here, a practicing socionic is confronted with the problem of the random and the natural and their separation from each other - the so-called psychometric paradox: the greater the distinctive power of a question, the less reliable it is [see 8, p. 115].
Theoretically, this dilemma is removed by the fact that the number of measured parameters increases to a maximum within this typology, and then they are compared with each other in order to find an equilibrium point, which is the type as it is understood in the second interpretation. In practice, a satisfactory result is ensured by the fact that the subject is presented with indirect questions in a non-alternative form.
2. Dichotomous description of functions.
In the beginning we make a distinction between the concepts of the information aspect and the socionic function. The difference between them is the same as between the signal and the receiver. Information aspects, by which I mean the components of the information flow, are accepted and processed by the corresponding psychological functions. In a broader context, if we are not talking about human perception, but in general about communication between systems of any nature, these functions should be called socionic. Eight open Aushra info aspects, namely, ethics of emotions E, ethics of relations R, business logic P, structural logic L, volitional sensory F, sensation of sensations S, intuition of possibilities I and intuition of time T can be fully described by seven pairs of binary signs. Below I will reveal the semantics of these dichotomies.
Expressive, or expressive functions (E, P, F, I), on the one hand, and Impressive, or impressionable (R, L, S, T), on the other.
The first ones can be transferred by the actor’s game, the second ones are practically nonexistent, since they are not connected with emotional-motor reactions that are noticeable from the outside. Impressive functions are transmitted only by the method of autogenic training or by various techniques of meditation and relaxation. The states generated by expressive functions are suitable for public speaking and in general active public activity. They have a high degree of induction - penetration into the neighboring psychologically neutral areas and their assimilation (assimilation to themselves).
Impressive functional states, on the contrary, lead to isolation and separation, the domination of the individual over the collective. But only in these states a person knows himself and is engaged in self-improvement.
Near you go on the street indifferent people. Their faces express nothing, and the movements are almost automatic. They are in the impressive states of detachment from the outside world. What do they have in mind? To get there, you need to switch to expression. And then it becomes clear that behind the mask of indifference there is a deep world of subjective life, which in its saturation is not inferior to the outer world.
Discrete, or fractional functions (E, P, L, R), on the one hand, and Continual, or integral (F, T, I, S), on the other.
Fractional functions clearly divide the perceived information into parts, and the holistic ones work in a syncretic way, in which the boundaries between the parts are blurred, flowing, as a result of which the concept of the part loses meaning.
Continual functions can be considered quantitative, since in these states an individual accumulates information without any preliminary restrictions (quality criteria), and only then selects the most appropriate one from the whole mass, that is, switches to discrete mode.The irrational way of functioning means the transition from the continual to the discrete state. Discrete functions can be considered qualitative. In this state, the individual immediately selects according to some previously known criterion and only then goes on to quantitative accumulation. The rational way of functioning is the movement from a discrete state to a continual one.
There is another difference between discrete functions and continual ones: the first can be regarded as conscious, and the latter as unconscious. The rationale for such a distinction, I find that the awareness of something involves the separation of the observer from the observed phenomenon, and unconsciousness is a complete fusion of the observer with the phenomenon, with the result that it becomes its integral part, not aware of its specificity.
Interestingly, this socionic opposition is most in tune with the cultural-historical opposition of the West to the East. The difference between the Western way of life, in which all phenomena tend to a clear separation and awareness by naming, and Eastern, in which the desire to merge and obscure prevails, thanks to which there exist countries and peoples without names and conscious boundaries, L. H. Gumilev [3, p. 62 - 70].
From the beginning of the twentieth century, the voices of researchers are heard, like O. Spengler proclaiming “the decline of Europe” in different ways. Yes, and in our time, there are a lot of calls for a return to integrity and denial of the technocratic, ie, discrete, Western-style civilization. There is no doubt that Eurocentricism is ending. But this is not at all due to the rationalism and technocratism of the civilization of the region, but because of the natural energy “aging” (loss of passionarity by L. H. Gumilev) of European ethnic groups and at the same time unfolding in the East young processes of ethnogenesis. Attempts to merge the discrete with the continual into one system, science with religion, the conscious with the unconscious, will sooner or later end in failure. The unification of the European worldview with the Asian one is nothing more than a chimera, that is, a non-viable hybrid. Instilling eastern cults on western soil generates only antisystems, which ultimately weaken both approaches. About this, KG Jung himself unequivocally expressed himself in his time [2, p. 37]. These styles are non-conjunctive. The relation connecting them is anti-equivalence (see Section 5, paragraph 2).
Dynamic, or nonequilibrium functions (E, P, S, T), on the one hand, and Static, or equilibrium functions (R, L, F, I), on the other.
Dynamic functions are like a longitudinal slice of the information flow, showing how the state of certain points of space changes over time. They reflect the relation of the state to oneself.
Static functions, on the other hand, transmit a cross-sectional picture of the information flow, demonstrating the relationship between each other at the same time existing points (the relation “I am different”).
Dynamic functioning of the psyche occurs when the process of excitation prevails over inhibition. The E and P functions are particularly nonequilibrium. The dynamics of S and T is less pronounced, since in these states the individual returns lost equilibrium for a while, but it is immediately destroyed again. Static states occur when inhibition begins to prevail over arousal. In the most static, the functions L and R. I and F are characterized by the fact that an individual in these states periodically strives to get out of balance, but for a long time this fails - the inner calm is quickly restored.
Fourth dichotomy.
The functions involved (E, R, F, S), on the one hand, and Distracted (P, L, I, T), on the other.
These categories of functions differ in the communicative distance at which they are realized. The functions involved operate at close distances, they process a specific, kinesthetic, as it is called in NLP, information and correspond to the first signal system according to IP Pavlov. This includes articulate thinking and emotional and evaluative. The abstract functions act on distant distances and work with information of an abstract, generalized nature. They correspond to that part of the human psychic apparatus, which IP Pavlov called the second signal system. Verbal-conceptual thinking corresponds to the logic, and visual-figurative - intuition. The functional states involved are embodied as much as possible, in particular, within the framework of the installation on the social type of activity (ES, SE, FR, RF).
Fifth Dichotomy
Explicit, or explicit functions (P, L, F, S), on the one hand, and Implicit, or hidden (E, R, I, T), on the other.
Explicit functions are so named because the mechanism of their action is easily accessible for comprehension by an outside observer. Explicit functioning corresponds to the organization of the left hemisphere of the human brain. These states are relatively dominated by the so-called “mental” type of psyche according to IP Pavlov. Explicit left hemispheric functional states and the information generated by them are easily encoded by signed systems and transmitted via communication channels. As fully as possible, these states are realized, for example, within a group with a focus on the managerial type of activity (FL, LF, PS, SP). The mechanism of action of implicit functions, on the contrary, is hidden and obscure. It is difficult to encode and copy. About implicit functions in question when talking about the mysterious insights, unexpected emotional ups, prophetic dreams, etc. According to IP Pavlov, the predominance of implicit functions gives rise to an artistic personality type, in which the right hemisphere dominates. The same is evidenced by numerous studies of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, from which we know that emotions and imagination are localized in the right hemisphere. All four implicit functions are implemented within the framework of a humanitarian orientation on the type of activity (ET, TE, IR, RI). Explicit functions semiotically (semiotics - the science of sign systems) can be subdivided into denotative, that is, sensory (denotation is a subject or phenomenon denoted by a sign) and designative, i.e. logic (designate is denoting, i.e. sign name).Implicit functions in semiotics can be divided into conceptual ones, i.e. intuition (concept is the meaning put into a sign) and, although this component is absent in the well-known Frege triangle [10, p. 86], connotative, that is, ethics (a connotate is the emotional coloring of a sign).
Sixth Dichotomy.
The objective functions (E, L, I, S) are opposed to the Executary, or executive (P, R, F, T).
Goal setting is the first stage of any conscious process unfolding in time. Function E creates an energy potential difference, manifested in the desire to perform a particular action. By means of the function L, a plan or scheme of the forthcoming action is built, clearly defining what should be done in what sequence. Function I performs goal-setting through the re-targeting, i.e., indicating new, previously unknown, but fundamentally achievable goals. And finally, the S function is performed not by the ideal, but by the real, closest goal-setting, which is reduced to satisfying the physiological needs of the individual in food, drinking, sleeping, household amenities, etc. The goal-setting is followed by the stage of execution I call executive. P function? it is a process of movement, as well as work,performed by a moving object. The function R is the internal stress, the “magnetization” of the object, which impedes or, on the contrary, facilitates its movement, a kind of internal “mental” work. The function F is the force that drives an object, or changes its trajectory.The motion path itself is a function of T, which is a peculiar trace left or the one that will be left as an object as a result of a force applied to it. One of their incarnations, all four goal-setting functions are found within the framework of the first quadra - the Enlightenment quadras (IL, LI, ES, SE), with which the development of the normal evolutionary process always begins. We find the opposite of the four executive functions in the third quadra, the Reformer quadra (PT, TP, FR, RF). This quad is energetically supersaturated, therefore, within its framework, there is always a breakdown of the embodied system with an inevitable split into opposing parts. There is no single unifying goal for the future at this stage, and the struggle is fought until complete exhaustion of the colliding parties [6, p. 2].
Motor functions (E, L, F, T) withstand Inertia (P, R, I, S).
The source of the movement is usually the accumulated emotions E, thirsting for discharge, the force F acting either on the whole object or on a part of its surface (then we are talking about pressure), as well as a law or rule L prescribing to perform a particular action.In addition, the object is set in motion, apart from its will and desire, due to the inexorable laws of natural aging — the waste of energy from birth to death. This refers to the functional state T - change under the action of time.
Inertial functions are those that make a movement only because of the momentum (mv) stored in it earlier. The inertial motion could occur indefinitely, if there were no resistance of the medium. The impulse of movement itself is described by the functional state P, the internal tension arising between the individual parts of the object is the state R, the equal choices of directions opening when moving are state I, and the sensations of deformation experienced during movement are states S.
The four moving functions are concentrated together in the second quadral group, which is called Consigners (ET, TE, FL, LF), as it has an exceptional sense of purpose and pressure. Inertial functional states are most characteristic of the fourth quadra - the Improvers (IR, RI, PS, SP). It is this quad that completely exhausts the impulse of movement reported earlier, gradually switching to the mode of energy exchange with the medium — the persistent state (transition to the first quadra) that is self-sustaining at the minimum.
3. Two trends in energy exchange.
Each of the eight functions can take both positive (+) and negative (-) values. I will not dwell here on the function signs apparatus. The reader, if desired, will be able to get acquainted with it in [5, p. 28 - 42].
However, it is impossible to ignore the two opposite ways of changing different functional states. One of them is a replacement of a positive state with a negative (+ -), and the second, on the contrary, a negative with a positive (- +). In socio-analysis, two directions of progress are described in this way - right (from plus to minus), or evolutionary, in which there is a gradual waste of positive potential to a state of degradation, and left (from minus to plus), or involutional, in which there is an impulse that generates a crisis situations of disintegration, a new positive beginning, abruptly bringing the development spiral to a new level. Both of these processes are reflected in the activity of the hemispheres of the brain. Experiments have shown that uncontrollable euphoria, on the one hand, and all-encompassing sadness, on the other - two extremes, if the hemispheres are functioning isolated. The left hemisphere "launches" an optimistic, but spontaneous involution, and the right hemisphere is a pessimistic, but ordered, predictable evolution.
It is not necessary to confuse the “involution-evolution” dichotomy with the fifth “explicit-implicit” dichotomy. If the latter simply reflects the localization of the source of certain functional states in one of the cerebral hemispheres, the former indicates the mechanism of their alternation, during which the functions “recharge” to the opposite sign. For the socionic comparison of both processes, I cite a fragment of a comparative table from the book Information-Behavior-Creativity [4, p. 212], which was compiled by the authors as the result of an information-mathematical analysis of psychological patterns:
left hemispheric type (involute) | right hemisphere type (evolute) |
satisfaction with the existing model | consciousness of insufficient adequacy of any model |
good attitude to fictional, artificial | striving for naturalness |
tendency to schematize, revealing a common | interest in the individual, deviations from the scheme |
deduction | induction |
future | past |
fundraising | clarification of goals |
dialogue | individualism |
From a historical point of view, so-called classical and romantic epochs alternately dominate in society. In the classical period (Greek and Roman antiquity, classicism, new time), the left hemisphere approach to reality dominates. In the romantic period (ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, the Middle Ages, romanticism) the right hemisphere world view comes to the fore. Their turnover is an analogy of the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain. From the point of view of psychology, the Rotter test (locus of control) works to identify the sign of evolution / involution, only more narrowly interpreted. He separates externalities who are prone to shifting their problems to external circumstances, from internals who rely on their own strength in everything. The externals correspond to the evolutionary, and the internals to the involution. However, one should not be misled about the possibility of using this test for social diagnostics. Remember that psychological tests reveal the current absolute values, and socionics are interested in relative values, which are based on derivatives, i.e., directions of functions increment, which to a certain extent overcomes the fluidity of momentary states of a person.
4. Interfunctional relationships.
Eight socionic functions generate eight interfunctional relations, since each of them can interact with seven others and with its own kind. Half of the interfunctional relations turn out to be symmetrical, that is, equal in rights, implying the simultaneous emergence and parallel existence of both states. The second half is asymmetric, unequal. For them, only the separate appearance of two states one after the other is possible (only partial parallel existence is allowed). The initiative - the right of the “first move” necessarily turns on the side of one of them. Therefore, in the following, when describing asymmetric relations, we will distinguish between the function of the transmitter and the function of the receiver energy pulse.
1. Equivalence, or equivalence of two states. It is a psychological symbiosis - their mutually beneficial coexistence, which is not violated in either active or passive mode of their manifestation. The interaction takes place in different planes, but simultaneously. The following functions are equivalent to each other:
F <-> T, I <-> S, E <-> L, P <-> R.->->->->
This type of interaction is reminiscent of a directly proportional dependence: how many times one state has changed, the same change of another state. Moreover, both changes occur in the same direction, either increasing or decreasing. Equivalence, though in a negative sense, is also known by the name "vicious circle": if A, then B, and if B, then A. Examples:
- F <-> T: aggression, force will surely find a victim and, on the contrary, victimization behavior provokes aggression;->
- E <-> L: emotional arousal pre-supposes frames, limitations, and, on the contrary, any frames generate an increase in emotions;->
- P <-> R: intensive work leads to internal voltage and, on the contrary, internal voltage requires motor discharging;->
- I <-> S: the generation of ideas is possible only with sufficient physical comfort and, on the contrary, comfort becomes boring and stimulates imagination.->
During psychological consultations it is very important to be able to establish the equivalence of states. This removes the feeling of heaviness, allows a person to feel relaxed, properly assess their psychological specialization, as well as prove themselves actualized in a friendly environment.
2. ANTIEKVIVALETHOST, or a complete contrast of states.
This relationship demonstrates the polar opposition of two states, which together form one whole. In other words, there is a sharp violation of integrity, the world is divided into two equal (but not equivalent!) Halves, one of which defeats the other in a given place and at a given time. The following conditions are anti-equivalent:
- F <+> I - power against dissent,
- P <+> E - work against entertainment,
- T <+> S - spirit against the body,
- L <+> R - debt versus feeling.
Such interaction corresponds to inversely proportional dependence: the more pronounced one of the states, the less the other. Similar phenomena are observed in life more clearly than equivalence. This is what they mean when they say the conventional phrase “two sides of the same coin” or philosophize about the unity and struggle of opposites. This kind of interaction is stable when one of a pair of anti-equivalent states prevails. If, for some reason, equality occurs between them, then they both collapse, giving way to another dialectical opposite. In practice, this means that a certain “third force” arises, suddenly replacing states that cannot exist without each other to the background. Thus, when socionics works with anti-equivalent states, it demonstrates one of them against the background of the other. Gestalt therapy, which is based on the principle of separation of “figure and background”, works with methods of this kind. Artificially creating a state that is not equivalent to the original, really has a considerable psychotherapeutic effect, since it allows one to acutely recognize the problem, to separate “good” from “evil”, to offer an alternative to the existing one.
3. CONCLUSION, or the coincidence of two states. States coincide when the functions generating them are identical. Here is the record of this relationship by a logical multiplication sign: F * F, I * I, P * P, E * E, L * L, S * S, T * T, R * R.
Stable coincidence of two states is possible only when both of them are actively manifested for the realization of the jointly worked out task. This happens when jointly conducting any offensive actions — then their forces really multiply (a conjunction is a logical multiplication).
With a joint defense merger does not occur. At the first serious failures, the group of conjugating types crumbles like a house of cards. Here are some life examples to illustrate this interfunctional interaction.
A group of active and pragmatic businessmen, having gathered together, achieve major successes in conquering markets that have not yet been mastered. But now the market is becoming saturated, competition is becoming sharper, progress is slowing down and the initial merger breaks up into separate private firms. A bicycle with two wheels is only stable when it is moving fast.
The same thing happens in politics. Often there is a process of uniting people with identical views on the political structure of the country. As a result, parties of like-minded people are created. However, any sudden and rather large change in the political situation leads to a split into small fractions. This indicates a loss of initiative by this association. The political movement is monolithic only when it adheres to offensive tactics. The advantage of conjunction conditions is in understanding each other’s aspirations. For psychotherapeutic practice, one of the most important skills is empathy, that is, the ability to feel another person as yourself. There is also a reception of professional communicators - repetition of gestures and poses of the interlocutor, with the help of which they have clients in trust. In NLP, it is recommended to use predicates of the same modality as the person with whom you communicate to establish mutual understanding. Once again I want to remind you: the conjunction of states is effective only when you act according to the formula "we are both stronger than the problem." Whatever degree of understanding you would achieve, with the tactics of “fellow comrades,” a steady multiplication of forces will fail.
4. ANTICOUNCTION, or a complete mismatch of functional states.
Functional rhythms are considered to be anti-conjunctive, that is, completely divergent, if the phase shift between them is equal to "pi" (180 degrees). This kind of interaction is indicated by the logical connective “Schaeffer stroke”:
F / S, I / T, E / R, P / L.
Stable action in antiphase is possible only when one state is active and the other is passive, or when both states are passive. The result of anti-conjunction is neutralization, redemption of any manifestations of activity, both positive and negative. The analogy of a complete mismatch of two forces is, for example, the action of a spring, which smooths out any oscillations of a mechanical system. If the system does not fluctuate, but is in an equilibrium state constantly, then this case is also a kind of anti-conjunction, although the forces compensating each other are not visible. So, the result of anti-conjunctive interaction? this is peace. In psychotherapy, such socionic operations can be used to “erase” negative conditions, relieve overstimulation. However, we must remember that the state resulting from anti-conjunction is static, i.e., in essence, means annihilation - transition to another form of existence: matter into energy (evolution) or, conversely, energy into matter (involution). At the same time, no trace is left, since any information stored in the memory is erased. Anti-conjunction is synonymous with inevitable oblivion.
I recall that in these relations there is always a leading function, it is also the transmitter of the energy pulse, and the driven function, it is also the receiver of the energy pulse.
5. IMPLICATION, or conditional controllability of one state by another.
In this respect, there are two functions, the first of which, the leader, entails the second, the slave, if the slave function fulfills some condition put forward by the leading function.
At observance of this condition, stable asymmetry is maintained (implication by the transfer function). This relationship is recorded as:
E-> F, F-> P, P-> I, I-> E ...
R-> S, S-> L, L-> T, T-> R ...
It is this relationship that fits the definition of A. Augustinavichiute - the order according to which the energy transmitter coincides with the customer, and its receiver - with the user, or contractor. This order operates only in the right, evolutionary ring of progress. For psychotherapeutic work, the implication of states is justified when group training is conducted. Under these conditions, the transmitter, i.e. the trainer, knowingly controls the entire communication process in a group that consists of participants set up to receive, first of all, and he is also given the right to choose the performer that is dictated by the performer’s conditions, secondly. The “right” implication of states seems to underlie the hypnotic effect on the person.
6. REVERSE IMPLICATION, or conditional control of one state by another.
In this regard, there will be two functions, one of which, being a receiver, entails the inclusion of a transmitter function if the conditions put forward by it are accepted by the transmitting function. The difference between the reverse or left implication from the direct, or right implication is that in the first case the transmitter and the customer are different persons, while in the second case they are one and the same person. Here is a record of this relationship:
E <-f ...="" f="" font="" i="" p="">-f>
R <-s ...="" font="" l="" s="" t="">-s>
The reverse implication is very similar to the conclusion of a bargain. The seller-party, which is a transmitter, presents its “goods” to choose from a variety of potential customers, which are receivers. If one of the customers considers the product of high quality, he will buy it beforehand. Relations ensued stabilize. This is the essence of the implication of the receiving function. Reverse implication is the most suitable means for individual work of a psychotherapist with his client, who has on his side the advantage of choice. Issuing advice and recommendations, gaining the trust of the receiver, can only be following this principle. It is inadmissible to concentrate in one’s hands the power of both the transmitter and the customer in individual forms of psychotherapeutic work. Switching the implication from the receiver to the transmitter is equivalent to manipulating the client's personality.
7. ANTIIMPLICATION, or unconditional controllability of one state by another.
Such interaction is understood as unquestioning shutdown of the receiver function upon the command of the transmitter function. At any deviation of the receiver from a fixed program, certain preventive measures are taken by the transmitter. It was this kind of interaction that Aushra had in mind when she described the intertype relation of revision. It can also be called the right anti-implication, or a ban on the receiver. Formula antiimplication recording is as follows:
L +> F, F +> R, R +> I, I +> L ...
P +> S, S +> E, E +> T, T +> P ...
Psychotherapist anti-implication of conditions can be used very rarely. This hard method of suppression is triggered in cases where there is a negative of the functional state of the individual to the degree of psychosis (expressive function) or depression (impressive function). In particular, the hysteroid states are suppressed by S - / -> E, and paranoid through the formula I - / -> L. The emergence of anti-implications in everyday life, apparently, is the main cause of destructive conflicts between people. If you go back a little and compare anti-implication with anti-equivalence, you need to draw the following conclusion. While anti-equivalence is a more constructive variant of conflict, amenable to resolution by a strict division of spheres of influence, anti-implication is a dead-end variant of conflict,
8. REVERSE ANTIIMPLICATION, or unconditional control of one functional state by another.
This kind of asymmetric interaction occurs when the receiving function critically evaluates the impulse of the transmitting function, stopping its repetition by rejecting and disobeying. The record is:
L <+ F, F <+ R, R <+ I, I <+ L ...
P <+ S, S <+ E, E <+ T, T <+ P ...
This interaction is significantly different from the right revision, since in it the transmitter and the auditor are not one and the same person. Attempts by the transmitter to control the receiver using an authoritarian method result in the rapid destruction of this interfunctional relationship. In the case of a left-wing revision, or a ban on a transmitter, the decisive word remains for the receiver, who is the auditor who does not permit the imposition of authoritarian opinion. In psychotherapeutic practice, inverse anti-implication serves to train personal power, instill self-confidence, empowerment and similar techniques. The left revision is very conducive to the removal of limiting views, since the slave party nevertheless acts as an active principle governing the achievement of goals set by the function of the transmitter. I conclude this section with a brief conclusion on the group of asymmetric interactions. The involutionary (left) path of movement in society is realized through reverse implication and reverse anti-implication. It is distinguished by freedom of choice and a considerable amount of randomness. The evolutionary (right) type of movement is embodied through direct implication and direct anti-implication and is characterized by limiting the role of chance and the free will of its participants. This is due to its rigid determination on the final goal. The evolutionary (right) type of movement is embodied through direct implication and direct anti-implication and is characterized by limiting the role of chance and the free will of its participants. This is due to its rigid determination on the final goal. The evolutionary (right) type of movement is embodied through direct implication and direct anti-implication and is characterized by limiting the role of chance and the free will of its participants. This is due to its rigid determination on the final goal.
5. Ways to implement interfunctional relationships.
If each function interacts with seven distinct from itself, then in total we get seven different pairs of functions, not counting the identical pairs. The types of interfunctional interactions I outlined in the previous section. Now we will be interested in the ways in which pairs are formed, realizing each of the seven relationships. In total there are three such methods for each pair. This means that a functional pair can be formed by matching the six different scales described in the second section, two by two. Let's stop on them all.
1. Extinguishing-mirage (anti-conjunctive) couples:
E / R, I / T, F / S, P / L.
1. 1. The first method of education is using the scales “discreteness-continuity” and “involvement-abstraction”.
- Discrete (conscious) involvement - E, R
- Discrete (conscious) abstraction - P, L
- Continual (unconscious) involvement - F, S
- Continual (unconscious) abstraction - I, T
1. 2. The second method of education is with the help of “explicitness-implicitness” and “discreteness-continuity” scales.
- Implicit (implicit) discreteness - E, R
- Implicit (implicit) integrity - I, T
- Explicit (explicit) discreteness - P, L
- Explicit (explicit) integrity - F, S
1. 3. The third method of education is with the help of “explicit-implicit” and “involvement-abstract” scales.
- Implicit (implicit) involvement - E, R
- Implicit (implicit) abstraction - I, T
- Explicit (explicit) involvement - F, S
- Explicit (explicit) abstraction - P, L
The quenching-mirage functional pairs were discovered by CG Jung and called them mental functions in an extrovert and introvert setting. Since then, they have been repeatedly rediscovered by other researchers, who have no idea that they are already walking along the beaten path. In particular, the typology of cerebral preferences Neda Hermanna [9], identifying four types of behavior and thinking - “expert”, “organizer”, “communicator” and “strategist” fully corresponds to the second method of forming Jung functions. At the same time, the “left-right hemisphere” scale repeats our “explicit-implicit” dichotomy, and the “cortical-limbic” dichotomy - our “discreteness-contradiction” dichotomy:
- expert (left hemisphere cortical) = logic P, L
- organizer (left hemisphere limbic) = sensory F, S
- Communicator (right cortical) = ethics E, R
- strategist (right limbic) = intuition I, T.
2. Superego-business (anti-equivalent) pairs:
E <+> P, R <+> L, F <+> S, I <+> T
2. 1. The first method of education is using the “expression-impression” and “discreteness-continuity” scales:
- Expressive discreteness - E, P
- Expressive integrity - F, I
- Impressive discreteness - L, R
- Impressive integrity - S, T
2. 2. The second method of education - using the scales "dynamics-statics" and "expression-impression":
- Dynamic expression - E, P
- Dynamic Impression - S, T
- Static expression - F, I
- Static impression - L, R
2. 3. The third method of education - using the scales "discreteness-continuity" and "dynamics-statics":
- Discrete dynamics - E, P
- Discrete Statics - L, R
- Holistic dynamics - S, T
- Holistic statics - F, I
Superego-business functional pairs correspond to the temperamental states of a person. At one time they were described by G. Ayzenk using two scales - “extraversion-introversion” (corresponds to our scale “expression-impression”) and “emotional stability” (corresponds to our scale “dynamics-statics”). Thus, they described the temperaments in the second way.
- Choleric conditions:
- E - emotional excitement, desire,
- P - motor excitation, movement,
- Phlegmatic states:
- L - absolute impartiality, hardness,
- R - suppressed emotions, concealment of desires,
- Sanguine states:
- I - openness to all unusual, the joy of knowledge,
- F - absolute self-confidence, enjoyment of power,
- Melancholic states:
- T - sensitive susceptibility, mental suffering,
- S - body sensations, physical suffering.
3. Dual-semi-dual (equivalent) pairs.
E <-> L, P <-> R, F <-> T, I <-> S->->->->
3. 1. The first method of education is using the scales “discreteness-continuity” and “goal-setting-execution”.
- Discrete goal setting - E, L
- Discrete execution - P, R
- Holistic goal setting - I, S
- Holistic performance - F, T
3. 2. The second method of education is with the help of the “movement-inertia” and “discreteness-continuity” scales
- Motor discreteness - E, L
- Motor Integrity - F, T
- Inertial discreteness - P, R
- Inertial integrity - I, S
3. 3. The third method of education is with the help of the “movement-inertia” and “goal-setting-execution” scales:
- Motor goal setting - E, L
- Motor performance - F, T
- Inertial goal setting - I, S
- Inertial execution - P, R
Dual-semi-dual functional pairs correspond to the states of dynamic equilibrium of the individual with the environment at the maximum energy exchange. These relationships are most biological and correspond to symbiosis or, in the case of an equilibrium exchange with the habitat of a whole complex of species, the biocenosis.
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