Gulenko: 6 Most Prominent Central Types
The Centripetal Law of Communication. Estimate Your Chances in Business Competition Victor Gulenko, April 25, 1998, Kiev. Translated by Dmitri Lytov, December 2005. Translator’s notes are given in italics . Even possessing enormous capacities of memorization, our brain “prefers” to compress information in order to fit it into the narrow space of our operational attention. The volume of unconscious information is huge, but our consciousness can master it only through consolidation into comparatively small number of rationally convoluted concepts. Only in course of time and with some galling experience many business people acquire a simple set of criteria that allow evaluating people and situations. Growth of vital experience is inevitably accompanied with more compact convolution of information and mastering of operations of its qualitative processing. In this work I would like to show that typology, as a specific form of classification, helps to significantly accelera...