Socionics Upbringing

Teaching children upbringing - recommendations of socionics

For the practice of mass consultations, a simple and technologically advanced system is needed in order to carry out an analysis based on typical facts and laws. These criteria are met by an adapted typology of the personality of C. Jung.
One of the features of the interpretation of the Jungian system is the consideration of the psychological type as a combination of temperament and installation on the type of activity. There are four types of temperament (linearly energetic, flexible-agile, receptively adaptive and balanced-stable) and four attitudes in activity (managerial, social, humanitarian and research).
Socionic recommendations on the upbringing of children, taking into account the characteristics of temperament:
1. Linearly-energetic temperament. Socionics and parenting - recommendations
Children with such a temperament are encouraged to assign responsible tasks, actively discuss the events that have occurred, and more often be interested in their assessments. They should be gradually accustomed to perseverance, to develop a loyal attitude to the opinions of others. Verbal praise for children with a linearly energetic temperament will be useful only to a small extent. Especially effective for them is the practice of “active listening”.
Temperaments in Humanitarian Socionics
2. Flexible and agile temperament . Socionics and parenting - recommendations
These children need to provide a variety of external impressions. Boredom from the monotony kills their initiative, forcing them to be distracted by extraneous activities. It is necessary to encourage the aspiration of children with a flexible-debating temperament for informal leadership. The big problem with this temperament is indiscipline. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly keep them in some voltage, switching from one class to another.
3. Balanced and stable temperament . Socionics and parenting - recommendations
The advantage of these children is obedience and sense of duty, and the problem lies in the lack of initiative and unruly. First of all, it is necessary to develop the independence of children with a balanced and stable temperament, broaden their horizons, train their vocabulary and fluency. It is especially useful to teach them to solve problems on their own ingenuity, and also to act in conditions of an extreme situation.
4. Receptive-adaptive temperament . Socionics and parenting - recommendations
Children of this kind of warehouse are internally sensitive, often complain, everything is wrong. But it would be wrong to protect them from the “blows of fate” by any means, to overprotect them. Children with a receptive, adaptive temperament need more verbal encouragement than other temperaments. For a long time to explain something, “chew” does not make sense, as they quickly turn off. They need to show more, slightly touching.

How to find an approach to children with types Inspector and Keeper

We are now beginning to consider the psychology of children with force sensory. This feature is associated with various forms of aggressive behavior. First, take the so-called “passive aggression”, which in model G is explained by the position of F5. This is structurally different from F1 active aggression, which we will consider another time.
I want to emphasize that we will not care how children manage. The technical and managerial approach is well known - it is a stick and a carrot, and how to bring them up. In other words, I will set forth a humanitarian approach, the essence of which is to understand and motivate!
If the power sensoric is strong, but internally, we get the Inspector and Keeper types. The position of the function F in this case is described as follows: the internal energy maximum (that is, the strongest function of the bottom row), code F5. This means that aggression is manifested, firstly, on its territory or special motivation is needed to lift the restriction of the introverted temperament and go to action in a forceful way already open.
Systematically restrained aggression, which manifests itself in the form of stubbornness and sabotage, in psychology is called passive aggression . In other words, passive aggression is an indirect expression of anger. When a person feels "on edge", but can not express anger or resentment confidently and openly.
Another of its characteristics is the deposition in time, which is associated with the starting function T4. This means that passive aggressors are delaying the manifestation of aggressive actions to the last.
1. Inspector (LSI)
If the power sensoric is constrained by structural logic, we are dealing with an Inspector type. Record L / F. Power sensorics is in the "denominator".
Children of this type are neat and collected. They are disciplined, teachers listen to the lessons. They hold back their emotions in public, do not openly laugh and do not get angry. Their mouths are closed. If smiling, it is only one side of the mouth.
Thanks to a balanced and stable temperament, they are diligent and patient. They can perform a monotonous task for a long time, fully concentrating on it and not being distracted. They answer only when they are asked, they do not cry out from their seats. It is not easy for them to formulate their thoughts, they make mistakes in public speech, especially if they are worried and in a hurry to express themselves.
Work is made out carefully, progress is good, not below the average level for the class. Usually, children of this type like to read books or in modern conditions of computer domination of the book they can be replaced by systematized information from the Internet.
The exception is the running class, in which there is no discipline, on which the teachers gave up. The fact is that the Inspector does not like to stand out, wants to be like everyone else. Therefore, if the classroom noise is systematically, then the Inspector will also behave this way.
They are well suited with a classic, consistent learning system: an explanation — the answers to questions — a test task — work on mistakes.
Putting as an example the good academic data of the Inspector, teachers can unwittingly put him in jeopardy in an informal relationship in a classroom where audacity, disobedience to the teacher and contempt for school knowledge are valued. Then the Inspector is faced with a choice: either to become like everyone else and play according to someone else’s rules, or to become a stubborn loner and fend off the encroachments of arrogant wind-ups that persecute the “white crows” in their environment.
They have good sensorimotor skills (for example, coordination of visual perception and movement), which, however, are fully revealed only in their usual environment. Observation and concrete logical thinking allow them to be well oriented in the material and to solve problems within the framework of the rules they know or in the developed territory. They also have a well-designed aesthetics (a combination of L + S functions). At home they make something or build, tailor or sew clothes (girls), decorate life. In modern reality, all this happens with the use of a computer.
Difficulties for children like the Inspector are experienced in performing so-called “creative” tasks, that is, those where it is necessary to compose and improvise. They also important system in the supply of material. In a chaotic environment with unpredictable events, they experience anxiety and physical discomfort. However, they compensate for this disadvantage by attracting an increasing amount of information, including examples and samples on their subject of interest.
Due to the coincidence of the child's temperament with the school regime (CS) and from the natural self-control (tightness), children of this type may acquire diseases related to hypodynamia early (spine, joints) or stress in themselves (stomach ulcer). Prevention is very important for their education: firstly, diverse physical activity (football, hockey, skiing, swimming) and, secondly, a rich emotional environment. It helps them to relax and remove excessive self-control. Thus, the work of the creative block of functions — the fifth and sixth according to model G — is liberated. Especially LSI girls need an emotionally rich setting.
Parents should in no case apply violence, especially sudden in relation to the child LSI. On the contrary, the family should have an inspiring atmosphere of humanitarian interests and personal growth that would prepare the child for a wider world view, tolerance for other points of view and understanding of another way of life. Suppression of a child by force sensory leads to the fact that the child grows up mentally injured and angry. In the worst case, he can become avenger for the offense and humiliation inflicted on him. This is how F. dysfunction manifests itself. This is the psychological mechanism behind the onset of serial killers. A good illustration of this process can serve as a film directed by Peter Weber "Hannibal: The Ascent" 2006
2. Guardian (ESI)
If the power sensoric is constrained not by logic, but by the ethics of relationships, we are dealing with a type of keeper.
These children stand out with an underlined accuracy and cleanliness. Cleanliness as freedom from dirt, both physical and moral, is their main need. They are wary of strangers and silently, with one glance and a condemning facial expression make it clear: how can you behave? Compared to other children, they are more conscientious and consciously relate to socially approved norms of behavior, as well as a neat appearance. They can’t get to them for a long time, how can one neglect all this without remorse? In general, they look grown-up, demonstrate the seriousness of their intentions.
ESIs are always preparing for lessons (with the exception of antisocial dysfunctional families), they do not want to upset teachers or parents, beautifully draw up their work and enjoy it. They are diligent, as a rule, they have time for school, but they do not advance forward. They have a good feeling of their body, so it is not difficult for them in physical education classes. They work well with hands, have good grades in needlework and labor disciplines.
It is very noticeable how they build relationships with their peers: carefully, demanding and selective. They are able to maintain strong relationships, they always help their relatives and friends, both in word and in deed. With difficulty, they make a decision to part with a person, they do everything to preserve the relationship. They are specialists in complex relationships. But if you made a decision to part, it would not be possible to persuade them or to soften them. If a friend meets expectations, they remain loyal to him and do everything to create comfort and maintain his health. They are very tuned to the traditional family and raising healthy offspring.
Custodians have difficulty performing risky or overly creative assignments without specific indicators or divorced from the specific needs of the family, class, or school. Girls of this type in situations of suspense and uncertainty can hardly hold back tears. In unfamiliar surroundings or with a dramatic change in the usual course of events, they are lost, sometimes even “numb” from the alarm that seizes them.
They have good auditory perception (obedience - the first channel is auditory), good motor and emotional memory. That is, the actions that bear a strong ethical imprint - definitely good or bad, are remembered. It is very important for them that there are no annoying people around them (dishonorable, dirty, lazy and irresponsible), and also that they are encouraged, amused, tuned for success.
Due to the fact that their sensation is controlled by ethics, they become more relaxed by adolescence, they know how to keep a comfortable distance - such that they do not oppose themselves to the class and at the same time maintain autonomy. In boys, this is even more pronounced than in girls. They tend to emphasize the negative and injustice, which is always enough in human collectives, to make fun of vices ridiculously. In any case, they will not hide their sharply negative attitude towards human mores, built on selfishness and dual morality.
In relation to them, the use of violence, harsh physical punishment, especially in a degrading manner, is unacceptable. If they are traumatized in childhood, it will lead to anger, stubbornness in adulthood, agility and heightened demands on loved ones. In this form, dysfunction will occur under F. Risk factors are family abuse (whipping), often consisting of an antisocial father and a depressed mother.
What approach is needed for F5 children?
Briefly, I will formulate this way: together with the child, to draw up rules and then encourage their implementation. Punishment is also possible, but sparing and rare, necessarily following after warning. For example, put in a corner, deprive walks, etc. This method is similar to the training, the essence of which is to ignore the minimally bad behavior of the child and to reinforce the good. The difference is that you need to explain more the reasons and motives of actions.
As an embodiment of the principle, you can take the so-called behavioral approach in psycho-correction. A similar technique, in particular, is followed by Joan Frost, a British TV presenter and writer. Known as a leading reality show. "Supernew".


Victor Gulenko

01/14/2018 18:19
Hello, Hope! The inspector needs a cohesive team and clear rules of the game, as well as the difficulties that he must overcome on the way to his goal. Since competition and the struggle for limited resources are waiting for our children’s lives, your daughter will still wake up this function. The worst is not that. The problem is that she will have to endure the collapse of her previous convictions and painfully adjust to other realities. And this is a very traumatic situation for the Inspector psyche.


01/06/2018 16:50
Viktor Vladimirovich, thanks for the article, only now I noticed it. I have a daughter, LSI, 9 years old (maybe inherited a sociotype from my mother, who was also LSI, there is also an external similarity between them). Lana from infancy was very calm and obedient, so I was even worried about her lack of initiative. We sent her to the Waldorf School, where there is a pronounced humanitarian approach to learning, an emotional atmosphere (music, dancing) and a lot of movement and sports. She feels good there, but I think: aren't there too greenhouse conditions for LSI, there are no grades and competitions and competition is not encouraged, after three years my daughter in this school has become very similar to EII needlewoman). In general, my husband and I think that it would be better for her: to leave her at this school,


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