Normalizing versus Hemispheric

Normalizing versus Hemispheric

The right hemisphere is known to be responsible for figuratively sensory perception. This includes, on the one hand, artistic thinking (intuition), but also, on the other hand, motor orientation in the physical space (sensory). In particular, the high coordination of movements characteristic of athletes is proof of their right hemisphere.
But how do opposite functions coexist? - Nothing strange, I already wrote a lot about the equivalence of intuition and sensorics (in the case of the same vertices). Thus, a right-hemisphere person is primarily a creative type variant. It enhances the irrational functions, plus an additional function "E". I add that harmonizers (H-subtype) are mainly related to the right-hemisphere ones, though they are still a transitional case.
But what about the left hemisphere? Purely left hemisphere is an N-subtype. A moderate left hemisphere is a D-subtype.
A good criterion for distinguishing hemisphere is unambiguity or ambiguity. For right-brain thinking, alternatives co-exist - two mutually exclusive relationships become complementary. As the property of an electron to be both a wave and a particle. Left hemisphere work poorly with ambiguous contexts, holistic systems. For them, the law of unambiguous constant choice of several alternatives applies.
If we take the example of composers, then this is a well-known contradiction between the right-hemisphere Mozart and the left-hemisphere Salieri.
And now about the relationship between "C" and "N". They are varieties of psychological induction and reduction. “C” turns on “N” (direct energy pulse), and “N” turns off “C” (reverse energy pulse). This is happening now, it will be so in the future. Because there are objective laws of humanitarian socionics that are independent of our desires.


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