New Sexta and Type names from Attitudinal Psyche

(Credit for names goes entirely to Attitudinal Psyche)

Ena - The Seekers
Duo - The Engagers
Tria - The Creators
Tessera - The Enrichers
Pente - The Transmuters
Exi - The Resolvers

Ena - The Seekers
FVLE - The Survivalist
FLVE - The Merchant
EVLF - The Catalyst
ELVF - The Poet
Duo - The Engagers
LVFE - The Conductor
LFVE - The Consultant
EVFL - The Inspirer
EFVL - The Adorner
Tria - The Creators
VLFE - The Enterpriser
VFLE - The Firestarter
ELFV - The Chronicler
EFLV - The Satirist
Tessera - The Enrichers
VFEL - The Arbiter
VEFL - The Harmonizer
LFEV - The Connoisseur
LEFV - The Philanthropist
Pente - The Transmuters
VLEF - The Contender
VELF - The Campaigner
FLEV - The Alchemist
FELV - The Aesthete
Exi - The Resolvers
LVEF - The Theorist
LEVF - The Visionary
FVEL - The Flourisher
FEVL - The Sensualist


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