Star Wars Psychosophy Types

Lately, I've been trying to type Star Wars characters for fun. This might be foolish because fictional characters are not bound to obey the frameworks of typologies trying to model reality. However, it was still fun and probably highly imperfect/debatable.

FVLE (Goethe): Qui-Gon Jinn
FLVE (Aristippus): Hondo Ohnaka, Nute Gunray
EVLF (Ghazali): Luke Skywalker, Chirrut Imwe
ELVF (Andersen): Kylo Ren

EFVL (Pushkin): Darth Maul

VFLE (Napoleon): Cara Dune, Wilhuff Tarkin, Cad Bane
VLFE (Lenin): Darth Plagueis, GO-TO

VFEL (Twardowski): Anakin/Vader, Ahsoka, Mace Windu, General Grievous, The Mandalorian, Asajj Ventress, Jango/Boba Fett
VEFL (Tolstoy): Palpatine/Snoke, Count Dooku, Padme Amidala

VLEF (Socrates): Bastila Shan, Thrawn
VELF (Akhmatova): Princess Leia, Revan
FLEV (Epicurus): Han Solo
FELV (Borgia): Kit Fisto

LVEF (Einstein): Yoda, Plo Koon
LEVF (Pascal): Obi-Wan Kenobi
FVEL (Chekhov): Captain Rex, Rey, Savage Opress, Jyn Erso
FEVL (Dumas): Lando Calrissian

Unknown (potentially to add): Poe Dameron, Darth Nihilus, Wedge Antilles, Baze Malbus, Fives, Echo, Commander Cody, Grogu, Ackbar, Orsen Krennic, Hera Syndulla, Aayla Secura, Bail Organa, Shaak Ti, Commander Wolffe, Hevy, Cassian Andor, Sabine Wren, Finn, Galen Erso, Kanan Jarus, Galen Marek, Jabba the Hutt, Saw Gerrera, Greef Carga, Bossk, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Darth Bane, Mon Mothma, Nien Nunb, Darth Malak, Mara Jade Skywalker, Greedo, The Inquisitor, Commander Gree, Ezra Bridger, Captain Phasma, Embo, Max Rebo, Mother Talzin, Owen Lars, Shmi Skywalker, Commander Bly, Beru Lars, Pre Vizla, Darth Malgus, Maz Kanata, General Veers, Admiral Piett, Jaina Solo, Ima-gun Di, Tobias Beckett, Dexter Jettster, Yaddle, General Hux, Bib Fortuna, HK-47, Zeb Orrelios, Captain Needa, Darth Talon, Barriss Offee, Enfys Nest, Darth Traya, Bo-Katan Kryze, Iden Versio, Waxer, Hardcase, Boil, Satine Kryze, Satele Shan, Dengar, The Daughter, Quinlan Vos, Aurra Sing, Second Sister, Mandalore the Ultimate, Coleman Trebor, Dogma, The Father, Rahm Kota, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Admiral Trench, Jocasta Nu, Agent Kallus, The Son, Tera Sinube, Captain Panaka, Captain Typho, Chancellor Valorum, The Bendu, Yarael Poof, Lama Su, Depa Billaba, Admiral Yularen, Ben Skywalker, Taun We, Agen Kolar, Cham Syndulla, Riyo Chuchi, Onaconda Farr, Darth Sion, Nahdar Vebb, Stass Allie, Captain Tarpals, Boss Nass, Major Shriv Suurgav, King Katuunko, Lord Vitiate, Lor San Tekka, Del Meeko, Oppo Rancisis, Ninth Sister, Queen Scintel, Ponda Baba, Tsavong Lah, Jolee Bindo, Eighth Brother, Chairman Papanoida, Talia, Latts Razzi, Salacious Crumb, Halsey, Juno Eclipse, Bultar Swan, Sly Moore, Sixth Brother, Luminara Undili, Atris, Juhani, Tseebo, Anakin Solo, Fifth Brother, Kyle Katarn, Maris Brood, Jacen Solo, Dr. Rig Nema, Nossor Ri, Watto, Brianna, Exar Kun, Zam Wessel, Darth Zannah, Lux Bonteri, Jar Jar Binks, Sebulba, Lott Dod, Admiral Ozzel, Queen Julia, Darth Marr, Jedi Exile, Calo Nord, Saesee Tinn, Mas Amedda, Darth Krayt, Prince Xizor, Dash Rendar, Seventh Sister, Alonysius Kallig, Naga Sadow, Cin Drallig, Canderous Ordo, Githany, Carth Onasi, Gilad Pellaeon, Talon Karrde, Nomi Sunrider, Lumiya, Lord Kaan, Admiral Holdo, San Hill, Carnor Jax, Sariss, Marka Ragnos, Vergere, Arcann, Ziro the Hutt, Garm Bel Iblis, Kir Kanos, Alema Rar, Dj, Mina Bonteri, Sy Snootles, Cay Qel Droma, Lady Proxima, Darth Jadus, Ulic Qel-Droma, Zayne Carrick, Hanharr, Darth Phobos, Bao Dur, Kento Marek, Serra Keto, Mission Vao, Vaylin, Atton Rand, Scourge, Jaden Korr, Cade Skywalker, Governer Pryce, Admiral Saul Karath, Jerec, Nom Anor, Rosh Penin, Tavion Axmis, Desann, Jan Ors, Darth Baras, Darth Zash, Kazden Paratus, Visas Marr, Komari Vosa, Prime Minister Almec, Sora Bulq, Cassie Cryar, Sergeant Slick, Admiral Daala, Darth Desolous, Darth Bandon, Commander Larma D'Acy, Kyp Durron, Pong Krell, Zaalbar, Abeloth, Rush Clovis, Master Codebreaker, Azrakel, Captain Argyus, Darth Thanaton, Tahiri Veila, Syo Bakarn, Mical., Darth Cognus, Letta Turmond, Xanatos, Jorus/Joruus C'boath, Aleema Keto, Bos Aseca, Lobot, Alora, Grand Moff Kilran, Callista Ming, Brakiss, Gideon Hask, Captain Ozzik Sturn, Maw, Pic, Celeste Morne, Cipher Nine, Zekk, Lucien Draay, Darth Wyyrlok III, Yun, Darth Maladi, Arca Jeth, Lomi Plo, Raynar Thul

Notes: I have a lot of Twardowski. This actually makes sense to me, because the main characters in Star Wars are often fierce, assertive warriors who express themselves physically (VF) with a lot of internal emotional turmoil and conflict which is hard for them to express (3E), and not very interested in abstract intellectual things. But there's plenty I'm unsure about.


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