Typing Lyuba for the Archetype Center

The actual answer is EIE!

My original guess: ESI
(also considered IEI, SEE, but I didn't think so, it looks like my consideration of IEI was the closest)

Definition of Order: Opposite to chaos (WL, interrelationship), order and chaos are two elements that exist in the world (BL) and too much chaos brings chaos and too much order brings tyranny (WI), some element of danger of tyranny and chaos (BS), judging the world as imperfect (WL, judging from the world from an abstract standpoint)

Freedom: I don't believe a living creature can experience absolute freedom, but we can feel the feeling of freedom in our everyday lives, when we have enough resources like time and money or anything else to get or achieve what we need.  In that case, we are sort of free. (A lot WI here, semantics about an approximate understanding of freedom and describing time and resources which refers to WI and BS, but acknowledges by some logic that absolute freedom is not attainable)

God: The creature that created this universe, he controls it, thanks to God the whole universe and its perfectly imperfect (again this seems like an abstract understanding of the world which is not empirically falsifiable or provable)

Human Beings: Outside of society, human beings are useless (maybe BE? orientation to human groups?), and it will die in a forest in a few days without anything (BS), humans can change lives in society.  Depends on the human being, but it is interesting how a society changes a person (BE, describing the behavior of humans in general especially in groups)

Morality: a group of rules that makes human beings less animal-like (more WL than WE, animal like is mostly BS and BE), we'd be more violent without it (BS and BE).  Helps a person find themselves what is good or bad, but in some scenarios you can't tell what is good or bad, sometimes you can't just say if someone is a person and it is not so black and white (maybe some WE here, subjective ethics? But it's written off as not that important?)

Betrayal: manipulation, a person has a position in which they are trusted and they use it against the other person (BS and BE)

Work: a tool a person can use to achieve whatever he needs (some BL/BS), if you add love to work and a person loves their job and has motivation (ethics) then he can do anything (not much processing of the logic of how they will achieve anything, seems unrealistic)

Boring Person: Someone who doesn't do anything with their life, but realizes it is different to everyone (WE?), you can see life handing them possibilities but they don't do anything (lack of BS?, dislike of the behavior of people BE reactions)

Trip: Back in Canada in my childhood we went to an apple farm, the memory is very pure and wholesome and it associates childhood with being free, happy with anything life gives you (ethics with WI)... it was autumn and the air was filled with the scent of fresh apples (a little WS), there was a cornfield and activities for kids, and there was a big field where you could roam and run and do whatever you want, there was nothing bad, only good and what like being a child is, happy with what you get and life is kind of... (WI, ethics, maybe more black since it refers to what it is like to be a child in general?)

Disturbing events of modern world: people's desire to post everything to social media is really unnatural (maybe BE?, judging the behavior of human groups in general, objective ethics), real life is a lot more complicated and you have to process other people's emotions, you have to think about what you say even though some people don't (again it seems like BE with some WE backing it up), people can be very different or anyone on social media and I like how the world is as it is so I don't like people being too involved in social media (ethics).  Nothing can be done to fix it because it is a choice each person has to make (WE up to subjective morals, but she dislikes this and clearly has an objective preference)

What values should be promoted in society: People should understand and be taught that everyone is different in their values and views (BI with WE?), there are some situations in which no one person is right. People fight over tastes, over values, but there isn't one answer, it's not this easy, it could save a lot time for people if they understood this fully and just respected one another and did what they needed to do (this does actually seem pretty WE to me, but at the time she referring to what everyone should do and how they should behave, so maybe it is more BE).  I also think people should strive to be the best versions of themselves (dynamic development), not constantly and not being harsh on themselves but at least thinking about what you do wrong and how you could change yourself (there is some objective ethics that people are doing wrong by and they need to do better, BE).  Sometimes you meet people who seem very traumatized by something and they don't acknowledge that something changed them (again, WE), and then they go around in their life and hurt others or act in a certain way without actually thinking about it (BS they hurt others and shouldn't do this, they need to think WI and WE about the past subjective motivations that influenced their behavior BE and improve it).  People should think about their psychological health more often (ethics), sometimes I do things a certain way and then realize why I do it (BE behavior first and then WI forming an ambiguous image from previous things that affected a person, subconscious influence)

What trends of your country do you see: one trend I see are teens and young adults preferring countries other than their own and being very disrespectful (trends WI, BE respecting certain groups of people). A lot of Russian kids thing that the USA is so much better, and I'm not saying it's wrong, people can think whatever they think, I love different cultures and you should keep an open mind (BI and WE, can respect different values, and BE in the group trends she is assessing). Disrespecting and hating your own nation is a bit too much (BE, objective ethics around people likes and dislikes of certain groups), no one says you have to love your country (WE is tolerated but not what is important, BS no one is forcing), but at least don't be rude to your ancestors and history and to the country in general (WI history, BS/BE rude and the "country in general"). I don't think it applies to Russia only, but something that happens all over the world.  It's hard to explain but I'll try (WI vague image of why it is bad, possibly weak logic since it is more of an ethical than abstractly reasoned assessment).  People see a category of people they don't like, maybe social category or fans they don't like, and they start hating the whole group (BE, ethics of groups).  Like if a person doesn't like this sports team or political view, they base their whole opinion of the person they meet by only one criteria (she against simplistic BE perhaps, it is very multi-faceted and seeing the BI and WE nuances within certain BE groups and in general she is processing hatred around certain groups which is more BE focused).  People can be really different, and I think it is just really ignorant and blind to do that (BI and BE at a sophisticated level and she wants to fix this)

Wars and revolutions in the modern world: I am against war and violence (ethics) but I understand that it is inevitable, it's just a natural thing that happens (WI and BS, maybe a little of BL/BE that's how the world works). I don't think wars are going to be the same as the first world war and any different wars in the past because weapons are really powerful and if everyone started fighting then the world would just collapse, I don't think that would be a problem anymore and I hope not (WI/BS).  Obviously there are information wars and different other types of wars that don't necessarily look normal, they aren't just combat and throwing bombs. I don't think these methods are justified (BS and BE commenting on certain uses of forth and human ethical behavior).

Tell us about the people around you: I can categorize people around me by 4 groups, family that I live with, friends that are close enough to be considered family and people use this world in a superficial way only by blood relation because to me it is people I am comfortable with and love and it's 2 or 3 people that are essentially family, 3rd group is friends that I talk every other day and this is a large amount maybe 20ish and I just socialize and joke around with people but there is no deep connection, 4th category is just strangers that I know or I've heard of or friends or friends or only affect my life a bit (I originally thought this was WE but actually now I realized it is BE, she separates the people in her life into various tiers or groups with different atmospheres, does not actually focus much on the particular relationships with the people)

Do you have "the inner circle" people: My inner circle is family and close friends that are like family.  I can tell these people anything, and I can share my emotions and my feelings and I will be comfortable with that because that's not always the case (BE wants to share her emotions, how she is feeling, and by this she evaluates her relationships which come secondary).  I trust these people, I'm connected with them, I can't just say goodbye and not see them for the rest of my life.  They affect my life pretty significantly.  (This is WE because she refers to the relationship she has with them)

Real friends? Tell again them: I have real friends, especially 1 is the closest of them all, I've known her for 7 years, and I know she's a good friend and will stay for a while (WI) and she has known me before in my teenage years and often when a child grows up in teenage years she loses lots of friends because over teenage years you become more of a person have opinions and things like that (WI course of time you change as a person BE), and she stuck around so I know she's gonna stay (WI and even in assessing whether people will stick around she uses their behavior BE rather than motivation), she lives in Canada but she is Russian and we can not talk for a year and then she flies back to Russia and bond like nothing happened (WI course of time assessment with ethics of relationship and behavior), and it does not go away even if I try to.  Very often, if you haven't seen a person for a long time, you have to adapt, you have to get used to them again, but with her it's like everything clicks and we act like we used to 7 years ago, 3 years ago, whatever (WI course of time assessment with ethics of relationship and behavior).  It's someone who wishes the best for me and who I wish the best for and who I love unconditionally and who loves me unconditionally (WE)

Your personal philosophy: I don't think I had a philosophy 10 years ago as I was only 7, it has changed in the last 2 years because I used to have this outlook that you should be nice to everyone, you should do the best you can to help others, and that hasn't changed.  But I realized that life is complicated and natural selection still works even though we're not animals (BL), and each person is born in this world alone and dies alone so everyone just kind of has to survive on their own (BS what is needed to survive, her BS is developing over her life, perhaps mobilizing) so if you meet someone along the way you can help then help, but a person has to be able to survive on their own or develop reflexes that help him in this world (BS people have to learn how to fend for themselves like she did and BE the ethics of how humans should develop)

Key to successful scientific report performance: You are going to present it to professors and people who will have to process information for you, so I would try to make my speech really organized so it isn't complicated to hear (BL), if there is a presentation I would make it visually comfortable to see (WS? or BS?), I would speak professionally (BL+BE)

Key to successful musical performance: It really depends on the musician because different musicians have different fans (BE assessing the different audiences and group), it really depends on the audience and fans

What you've been brought up by your parents?: I'm quite independent, so I'm not scared of the world so if I had to travel on my own which I've already done it's not going to be that scary (BS has been developed in her life), because that's just how the world is (BL when needed).  I think that's a very good quality to have because you're going to have to lose the fear and just do things anyways so why do it when you're thirty when you can acknowledge it at 16 (BS you need to get stronger and BE/WI things humans will developmentally have to deal with).  I used to draw things like dogs and my dad would tell it me to redo it by looking at the skeleton and muscles more and this traumatized me at 7, but I learned to do work as best as I can (maybe she did not like the BL and WS of her dad's recommendations of how dog's really are in the world, she wanted to draw it how she wanted).  I learned that almost any experience can help you in the future (WI considering the future), and if you have free time you should try something because you never know what life will give you and different skills develop different parts of the brain and you never know (BI learning new potential skills, having a sense of unexpected angles that might arise).  Even if you don't want to, you should still go and try things and it could change your view (learning dynamically, BE humans should behave this way to learn, BI let things vary).

What qualities are necessary for children: depends on the children (BI acknowledging the variability in the world), independence and the same qualities that have brought up in me (BS children have to be taught how to fend for themselves), the ability to work on yourself constantly and not accept yourself as you are (BE humans need to dynamically develop themselves in accordance with a certain objective ethics and BI they have more potential), you don't have to be lazy and you could be whoever you want to be (maybe too much BI in that not everyone can be anyone they want to be, also not acknowledging the WE static qualities of people that might limit them)

Your actions in an unfriendly group: I'm generally really friendly and have a way of acting and speaking for each person individually if I understand the person (WE), if it was unfriendly I would try and understand it and if I realized that I can't change the situation (WI/BS) then I would just adapt and not care, because if you can't change anything then why bother (could be WE or BE, but overall she values situations that maybe you could change which might be more BE).  One reason could be that I am straightforward and don't always tell people what they want to hear (BS and ethics estimating the hostile impact on her words on people).  If they're in a position where I can't help, and they need a shoulder to cry on then I can tell them what they want to hear, but if they're in a situation when this will affect them then I will probably say the "truth" and be straightforward because I don't like dishonesty (ethics).  For me even, it is easier to hear the truth and just work on myself (I can change my behavior and myself as a person, maybe BE), or see the situation more clear then to live in an illusion (BS, wants to know the real impact).  Sometimes people don't like when a person acts differently with others because they think they are fake, and I wouldn't say that because I just have different personalities in me (BE, behaving differently with different audiences, doesn't as much value her static qualities or relationships in all contexts), and I can naturally act like myself differently with different people, the other person will be more comfortable around me or I'll be more interesting to them (some BI also comes in, trying to be interesting to people)

How do you define close person?: They are close when they know what is happening in my life emotionally (BE), because nothing is eventful but they have something going on in my head or I'm thinking or feeling something and if the person knows this and I can tell them that information I would consider them close (BE wants to share her emotions), because if I have a friend who isn't close I'm not going to tell them everything because I see no point (WI sees futility since it won't go anywhere).  It is someone I am comfortable around because I'm not comfortable emotionally around people that often (BE still talking about emotional comfort), they really have to be special and I have to get used to the person (WE).  I stop communicating with them if the person changed in a way I don't like (WE, static categories changes, but it is changing based purely on the behavior of a person, doesn't look into what motivated it as much maybe?) or if a person doesn't respect me (BS and ethics, certain boundaries of respect and violence to a person).  If a person did something bad to me, I'm not someone who would tell them it's okay and let them do it again and again (BS and WI estimating danger and what will occur, also orienting by human behavior).  I have respect for myself a tiny bit, I wouldn't say I am self-centered but if a person is disrespect then I don't think they deserve my time (some BS respecting her own power) because if I like a person I give them attention and love and a person who is disrespectful just doesn't deserve that (ethics)

Outstanding people: Viktor Tsoi, Jordan Peterson, and Lana Del Ray.  Viktor Tsoi I listen to his music daily, but apart from his music, he really fascinates me as a person and it just happens to me that I look at a person and think everything about them is really nice and authentic (BI fascination, and ethics), just his clothes (sensing) and way of speaking and songs and lyrics and interviews where he takes a few seconds to think before he says, he feels like a good person to me (Be she is assessing him by his behavior).  I don't know if I have anything in common with him, to me he's like a character from a movie and he's got a character and is a very specific person (WE), sometimes I can be the same if you know me well I do have a character and I'm not just every other person (WE).  Jordan Peterson is just someone I can listen to and I just agree with everything he says and sometimes he says something or writes it in his book and you knew what he was talking about but he delivers it so well and so accurately that it just makes me happy (BE she is made happy by just watching his behavior), his thoughts are so logical and just make sense (WL?).  He's a very smart man and he's kind of like a father figure to many I'm sure because he always has the right things to say and he has the perfect balance between being realistic and a bit harsh and a bit nice, you can't be too harsh or nice to people (ethics+BS balance) because you don't want to give people hope where there is no hope (WI).  Lana Del Ray, I'm not that deeply connected with her and just generally because I feel like I don't know her since she doesn't let people know her (ethics), she's not as open (I suppose this is more BE behavior and not looking into the motives for her being open or not), I listen to her music a lot and she doesn't use that position and she is still honest and herself, she's modest, which you don't always get with celebrities, and she just does what she feels like (ethics), she hasn't changed a lot with popularity (WE static qualities, but also BE referring to how her behavior hasn't changed) and she is very caring and nice and she writes poem if she wants to or songs, and if she doesn't want to she doesn't.  She's a really dreamy and calm person (WI?) and has good harmony with herself (WE), nothing knocks her off her feet (BS) and she is stable and knows what she needs (WE). Not all people can come to that, and you can tell that she's gone through a lot (WI) and her path wasn't short and no one is born with harmony and knowing what they need and want and should have done but she's in that position now and I respect her for that.  Her music is perfect for me and feels like it was made for me.  Like Jordan Peterson, I think I have that balance, sometimes I tell them what they need to hear (BS+WI) but I also sometimes take the other road and make sure they feel safe and good and not scared (ethics paying attention to the audience).  For Lana Del Ray, lots of teenagers don't understand what they are and what they need, and like Lana I think I do, I have this harmony with myself (WE).  I'm not the emotional loud type of person (BE and WL, assessing people in terms of broad groups and how they behave with an emotional tone)

If you were a mayor of your city: I would not be a mayor of my city in any case (WI), because I would not get to that position, I would need to pay a lot of money for that and I don't think there is enough money in the world for someone to take me as mayor (BS+WI+BL).  But, I don't think I would do well in that position, I would ask the nation what they need, give them what they need if it's not something outrageous because sometimes people don't know what's good for them (BE trying to be responsible for the desires of the group of people), people think they want one thing but they don't think about what it's going to affect (WI), I don't think they know what they want so I will give them what is available (BS, control of material resources) and let the people settle down and be happy and make life comfortable (WS, she acknowledges that this exists but lets others find it), do what I think is right (WE?).  I would make all the construction workers and lower people citizens of Russia and not people from other countries because I think you should respect your own country first and if you're the mayor you should think about what your nation needs first (BS and BE you have to responsible for certain groups of people), because there are a lot of people from Moscow that don't have a job and people come from other countries and steal that job (BS and BE control of material resources of certain large groups of people that you have to have some ethical responsibilities for), I feel like that's not really fair

The country you would like to live in: To be honest right now I would live in Moscow because I find it really comfortable (WS) and there's a lot of pressure and a bit of natural selection (BS+BL, she prefers the BS environment).  You can't just be a nobody and everyone will respect and be nice to you (BS+Be, you have to have power and certain standing in a group of people), sometimes that's the point, people can be mean here but you need to become somebody to be noticed (BS+BE?).  It's more interesting when you have to develop like that and use evolution and you have to see how things are and adapt (Dynamic).  I feel like without that pressure you won't grow (BS and BE) and that I could never exist and not change (always changing, going against WE values).  What I dislike: I feel like people do not really change their points of view, people are really close minded in Russia, if their grandpa told their dad and the dad told the son they don't second guess or think about their view (BI she acknowledges more variation than most).  It was okay to beat a woman a hundred years ago so it's okay now (BE and BI), they are rarely open to other cultures

Portrait: A woman, but you can see that she is feeling something in her eyes, depressed or sad (WE/BE), probably painted when portraits were popular and everyone looked pretty (WI).

Pompeii: I don't like it, I don't think it's realistic (BS+BL).  There's no dynamic, if a volcano is erupting you aren't just going to stand there you are going to quickly move (BS)

Hunters: People after a hunt, not the easiest job and they had a hard day and spent their time hunting rabbits or ducks (BS) and now they get to lie down when they can eat and talk and they can relax and have a good time (BE)

Planes: Unrealistic (BS+BL), probably a metaphor there (BI), probably some balance of happiness but I'm scared for those two (BS/WI) and it's probably cold up there (WS)

Ships: The author wanted to show the power of the sea (BS) and the humans in the boat can't control the situation or calm the ocean down (BS), or they'll get really lucky

Steps: This reminds me of a feeling when you're going down an empty stairway or in an empty hall and close the lights down, and you run to your bed because you are scared demons are gonna get you (BS), it's a great visualization of this feeling, nothing in particular is going after you just this vague feeling (WI)

Tree: Tarot Card association (WI), looks like a picture some culture would have like a tree of learning (BI), some style of some culture, probably a metaphor and I don't like thinking about it when I'm unsure (BI?), I don't like open... (doesn't value BI)

Man in the dark: composition wise it is really interesting, most of the picture is black but the light that falls on him is really well drawn and something is not right with him but I don't know what he's doing, we can see the beginning of something bad and something is going through his head that shouldn't be (WI+WE/BE)

Group of people: 19th century people sitting around (WI), everyone has their own role and they are all characters, each person creates something in the room

Black birds: supposed to be serious but it makes me think of crows just getting together and being all mysterious but it would probably look really funny with those crows looking like they are looking at each other and doing something (WI), people who think they are mysterious and important (BI) but they are not really doing much (BS+BL)

Three girls: reminds me of my family because we have three sisters, they are all really different, if you look at it long enough you could start feeling what each girl's character is (WE), old picture (WI), they aren't doing anything useful (BL)

Forest and sea: probably a metaphor there but I don't... (BI/WI), two worlds in one picture, it's an interesting illusion but I don't think there is much meaning.  Some pictures want you to think for hours and here it's just a nice picture (ethics and sensing)

Woman in a room: in this picture, the light in the room is cold and the windows really big (WS) but I feel like I can feel the coldness and emptiness of the room (BE+WS) and the lady waiting if you pressed resume she'd wait for a few more hours and then someone would come and the room would be filled with people (WI and BE course of emotional atmospheres), she's waiting for that and it's cold and calm (WS) and the cloth is not moving and it's all really still and it will change (WI)

Skeletons: reminds me of some scene from a cartoon, those giants are different truths of life (BI) or feelings or things that are more powerful than a human being (BS) and you can see a tiny human being just trying to find his way in just different statues, each statue is something a person meets in their life (BI), just a tiny human trying to stay alive (BS)


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