
Showing posts from February, 2019

Equifinal Groups

Equifinal groups V. V. Gulenko  , 29. 11. 1997, Kiev. Published:  "Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology"  , 1999, № 5. Introduction Among the huge number of four-type groups that can be distinguished in the socion, several entities claiming a special communicative role draw attention to themselves.  We are talking about equifinal groups - those that have the maximum integrating effect and therefore are most preferable as the structural base of a mature, balanced society. There are only four such groups - temperamental, groups of attitudes to the type of activity (“discussion clubs”), quadras and rings of social progress.  They are like four end points, between which the choice of the direction of development of society takes place at its critical points: Installations - quadras - society - rings - temperaments Temperaments play the role of the socion's sensory subsystem, and the installation for an activity - the role of the intuitive s...

Patterns of the Grouping Process

Patterns of the grouping process V.V.Gulenko  , 11.05.1998, Kiev The group can arise immediately, or it can be assembled "brick by brick". Movement occurs either from small groups to large, or in the opposite direction - from large to small.  I will consider in this article only the first way - through the gradual quantitative growth of the composition and debugging of the internal network of relations in the group. From a large group to a small one: through the formation of individual groups within the mass of people over time.  Then just cut off those people who did not fit into any of them.  However, you will not receive such controllability and targeted formability as in the first case. Mandatory prerequisite: not to include in the process of team-building people with extreme manifestations of character (accentuation): too sociable or very closed, inexorable truth-seekers or complete opportunists, visionaries not from this world or hardened materialist...

Iceman: Humanitarian School Link

Dovgan: Essence and Vectors of Social Progress

Dovgan A. G. On the essence and vectors of social progress May 3, 2009 05:16 pm Categories:  Methodology and Philosophy  ,  Tags and Groups  |  Tags:  order  ,  leftism  ,  pravost  ,  audit  . Content: Part 1. "Two vectors of social progress" 1. Evolution and involution as two vectors of social progress. 2. Differences of the right and left types. 2.1.  Physical level 2.2.  Psychological level. 2.3.  Intellectual level. 2.4.  Social level. 3. The place of the right and left progress in the structure of society, the peculiarities of the functioning of the right and left rings of social progress. 4. The social and psychological nature of the relationship of order and revision. 5. Social mission of sociotypes and their turnover in the framework of attitudes. 5.1.  So, the left types: 5.2.  The role of the right types in the development of society is as follows: 5.3....