Equifinal Groups

Equifinal groups

V. V. Gulenko , 29. 11. 1997, Kiev.

Published: "Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology" , 1999, № 5.


Among the huge number of four-type groups that can be distinguished in the socion, several entities claiming a special communicative role draw attention to themselves. We are talking about equifinal groups - those that have the maximum integrating effect and therefore are most preferable as the structural base of a mature, balanced society.
There are only four such groups - temperamental, groups of attitudes to the type of activity (“discussion clubs”), quadras and rings of social progress. They are like four end points, between which the choice of the direction of development of society takes place at its critical points:

Installations - quadras - society - rings - temperaments

Temperaments play the role of the socion's sensory subsystem, and the installation for an activity - the role of the intuitive subsystem. Quadra more closely than any other groups, are associated with values, therefore, represent the ethical subsystem of the socion.Groups of social progress reflect the processes of formation of socially expected behavior and control over the observance of socially approved norms. They contain the mechanisms of the development of society, therefore they form the intuitive subsystem of the socion.

1. Central and peripheral types.

This attribute separates beta and gamma, on the one hand, from alpha and delta, on the other.
The central quadras have as their incentives such powerful factors as power and money.
Peripheral are integrated on the basis of the values ​​of knowledge and humane relations.
It is obvious that power and money reach out to each other, as well as knowledge and harmonious relations that they push to the periphery.
Visibility types in society. Among imperceptible, ordinary people, all types are represented approximately equally, but among people of famous and influential, the picture changes dramatically. The top of the pyramid is occupied by six types.
1. Russian "troika": ET - Mentor / Player, LF - Inspector, FL - Master / Marshal. (TE - Lyric in quadra beta is repressed). This triad dictated to Russia its historical path, in which the authoritarian power of the bureaucratic state intertwined with the spiritual impulses of a restless soul.
2. American "troika": PT - Entrepreneur, FR - Politician, TP- Critic. (RF - Keeper is a superseded type in quadra). This triad has created a stronghold of liberalism and the economy of free competition in the United States.
I am perplexed by the complacency and ignorance of the realities of life by many of today's socionic schools, which find among prominent people just as many representatives of the periphery as the central types. Probably, they consider, following Aushra Augustinavichiute, that it is not a matter of type, but of relationship. Remember the longstanding argument about who is to blame: the people or the system? If everyone dualizes, he thinks Augustinavichiute, then people will become better. But this cannot be done if the large masses of people are not moved, that is, not to destroy and recreate anew the whole pyramid of social stratification. Isn't it easier to get involved in people right away

2. Right and left types.

I reviewed in detail at all levels of communication [3]. Socionics has a lot of controversy with this differential feature.
The dispute begins with what types to call the word “right” and which types - the word “left”. At one time I suggested renaming the poles of this scale.
The dispute about Eros and Thanatos. Both one and the other branches of progress, taken one by one, lead to death: either from fading - a slow death from a lack of energy, or from an overstrain - a quick death from an excess of energy.
Thanatos is a monopolization of development by one branch, Eros is a trend of cooperation between both branches.
Of the psychological dichotomies, externality / internality is the closest (J. Rotter, 1966) - external / internal locus of control (lat. Locus - place). To blame yourself first of all for failure is intrinsic to the internals (left), which means that the locus of control is located inside. Blame others - externalities (right), the locus of their control is located outside [2].
At one time, I proposed to designate the direction of evolution as a sign before the function. What progress to assign the sign "+", and what "-"? If you push off from the cybernetic principle of feedback, then a positive OS, leading precisely to a rapid, exponential growth of the system (left progress), and a negative feedback giving stability to the system corresponds to the right progress.
The left (male) hemisphere of the brain, as is known from neurophysiology, controls the right half of the body. These subsystems of the human body are peculiar analogs of the types of left progressive orientation. The types of right progress, on the contrary, correspond to the right (female) hemisphere of the brain and the left side of the body controlled by it.

3. Groups of social progress.

These groups are formed by the orthogonal intersection of the two considered binary scales:
social progress = left / right x center / periphery
CentreCoordinator, Lirik 
Entrepreneur, Keeper
Mentor, Policy Inspector 
, Critic
PeripheryAdvisor, Master 
Enthusiast, Analyst
Administrator, Humanist 
Seeker, Mediator
The right and left center is the union of the second and third quadras.
1. Right center: ET - LF, FR - TP. Group debug social systems. Stability and order.
2. Left center: FL - TE, PT - RF. Group reform, business development.
The right and left periphery - the union of the fourth and first quadra.
3. Right periphery: PS - RI, IL - SE. Future society, informatization and humanization.
4. Left periphery: IR - SP, ES - LI. The deepest periphery pushed out of the socion. Gives a view from the outside, communicates with other socions. The principle of the fourth superfluous in tetratomy - the four-fold division of the system.
It is very important that here, firstly, in each group the dyads are linked in pairs by rationo-order and ration-revision. The fact is that rational asymmetric relations are much more stable. In the case of the irrationals, dual relationships have proved more stable.
Secondly, with such a communicative grouping, the second and third quadras are “on one side of the barricades”. In the post-Soviet countries, they have always fought against each other. The cycle of reform-counter-reform in the Russian Empire shows that the third quad always blocked our second quad. In China, they formed an alliance: the Communist Party introduces the capitalist economy in a centralized way. This gave the highest rates of economic and social growth in the world [4].

4. Organization of society: the distribution of subsystems.

The societal space in a stable version is organized through a balance in each of its subsystems - economic, political, psychological, intellectual, as well as between the subsystems themselves.
1. The economic sphere: the organizational principle - temperamental groups. The same pace of technical, mental, and other joint operations is convenient in starting, stopping and coordinating production activities.
2. Intellectual sphere: an organizational principle - a discussion club. Deep and comprehensive problem analysis. Brainstorm. There is a good experience in conducting training on the integration of installations.
3. The psychic sphere: the organizational principle is the quadral group. The most worldly comfortable: the coincidence of values, provides a good proportion of relaxation and toning.
4. The political sphere: the organizational principle - the group of social progress. The order gives energy pushes forward, prompts to act, the audit controls the observance of self-justified standards, preventing the deviation. The socionic interpretation of stable growth is very consonant with the sociological approach. Social order embodies the same mechanisms that in structural functionalism are called executing, and socialist revision corresponds to social control.
According to T. Parsons (Social System, 1951), in the course of the development of society, a system of “role statuses” is created, each of which is assigned a certain expected behavior (socionic attitude of the order), and a set of sanctions is created - encouraging or punishing for meeting - efects (socionic relation of audit).


  1. Gromov I. A., Matskevich A. Yu., Semenov V. A. Western theoretical sociology. Publishing house "Olga", St. Petersburg, 1996, p. 181 - 196.
  2. L. Kjell, D. Zigler. Theories of personality (fundamentals, research and application) - SPb., Peter Press, 1997, p. 419 - 421.
  3. Gulenko V.V., Tyshchenko V.P. Jung at school. Socionics - intergenerational pedagogy. Publishing house NSU, Novosibirsk, 1997, p. 128 - 138.
  4. The dragon we saw with our own eyes. "All-Ukrainian statements" from 29. 03. 1997.


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