Psychosophy Clubs and Sextas
Four types, combined by common strong and weak functions form a club . Representatives of one club, as a rule, have common interests, a similar life position and often occupation. In communication, we can subconsciously feel the representative of our club, we are drawn to it. In this case, you should pay particular attention to the fact that the club is not a quadra, and if the values of the club partner’s quadra do not match yours (pseudophilia or half-pseudophilia relations), then with prolonged communication or friendships / love relationships there may be serious misunderstanding, for example, in the case of ELFV and LEVF. In any case, the club always has a place for joint activities, especially self-expression of strong functions and their useful and adequate criticism of these actions. EF Club Strong Emotion and Physics, Weak Will and Logic Representatives: Pushkin (EFVL), Bukharin (EFLV), Borgia (FELV), Dumas (FEVL) Motto: "Masters of seduction" The mos...
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