Revision Rings

Revision rings

The criterion for the sweep of revision rings is to take a chain of quadras, the turnover of which has long been investigated. The alpha quadra has the greatest strategic innovation potential, it is replaced by a more narrowly focused but much better organized quadra beta, then the current gamma follows and the most conservative delta quadrant completes the baton.
Now we build the sweep:
Right statics: IL, LF, FR, RI. The inspector provides movement from the goal setting by the Seeker to the goal-setting by the Politician, while the Humanist stabilizes the functioning of the whole ring.
Left statics: LI, FL, RF, IR. The Marshal directs the unforgiving Analyst and the Keeper, and the Advisor corrects the Analyst to record the results of the Keeper.
Right dynamics: SE, ET, TP, PS. The mentor connects the opposites Mediator - Critic, and the Administrator gives feedback to the group.
Left dynamics: ES, TE, PT, SP. The lyric coordinates the Enthusiast and the Entrepreneur, and the Master ensures the self-preservation of the whole four as a whole.
In the left rings - the second and fourth, carrying out the renewal of society, the direction of information is opposite to the right rings, which stabilize development. In the left rings a reverse revision plays a much larger role. For example, the Marshal will rather try to change the behavior of the Guardian, rather than the Analyst. The analyst will have less influence on the Advisor than on the Marshal, etc.


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