Dovgan: Essence and Vectors of Social Progress

Dovgan A. G. On the essence and vectors of social progress

Dovgan A., Kiev, 2005

Part 1. "Two vectors of social progress"

1. Evolution and involution as two vectors of social progress.

The founder of socionics, Aushra Avgustinavichute, introduced the concept of social progress as a key concept and essence of the functioning of the collective mind of socion. According to Aushra, “each type of intellect fulfills its part of the social order — the social function of its intellect.”
“The four rings of social ordering - a simple and correct system of transforming the needs and problems of all types of MI into a system of social orders - is the engine of progress consisting in the emergence of new ideas and their implementation in reality” (A. A. "The Theory of Intertype Relationships").
The four rings of social progress are divided into two parts - the so-called. right and left, or evolutionary and involutional rings that separate the dual dyads within each quadra. The direction of social order in the right evolutionary ring is characterized by movement from 1 to 4 quadra, and in the left involutionary one - from 4 to 1 quadra.
The right ring of social progress implements the main direction of social development, and the left - corrects it, and also produces options for social growth.
General approaches to understanding the two directions of social progress as processes of evolution and involution are presented in the work of V. V. Gulenko “ON THE WAVES OF AGING AND UPDATES: Progressive orientation in combination with Jung signs” January 7, 1996, Kiev. He considers the concepts of evolution and involution from several points of view.
1. In general philosophical terms: 
“Evolution reflects ontogenesis — that is, the unfolding of existing potential, and involution —epigynese — the emergence of new forms, coagulation, packaging, and accumulation of energy, leading to sudden outbursts of a new life.
Evolution spins the development spiral into a line, defining a horizontal trajectory of development, and involution, on the contrary, twists it, thus laying a qualitatively new frontier of development, its vertical trajectory .
Evolutionary development is characterized by smoothness and uniformity , while involutionarydevelopment is characterized by discontinuity and unevenness . ”
2. In biological terms: evolution and involution reflect the two sides of Darwin’s law of natural selection.
“The appearance of mutations is nothing more than an involution, the dominance of left forms, and their sifting or fixing in the process of adaptation (ie, stabilizing selection) corresponds to evolution, the predominance of right forms.
The left types are called upon to break homeostasis, and its restoration lies on the shoulders of the right types. The complete victory of one of the paths of progress leads to inevitable death. Only these deaths will be different. "Right" death comes from the gradual cooling, fading, that is, from old age. "Left" death is transient, it comes from a sharp overheating, oversaturation of the body with energy, leading to an explosion ... from an excess of youth. "
3. In cybernetic terms:
Evolution, or circular development, corresponds to negative feedback, and involution to positive. Involution leads to immoderate growth of the exponential law. Evolution - to stabilize within the framework of vital parameters.
Right progress means conservation, repeatability, it gradually fades over time, so this development trend is a symbol of aging, gradual wear. There is a loss of energy, but accumulates more and more information.
Involution ... occurs as a sharp push, spasmodic change, phase transition. In other words, it is a movement from the old to the new, rejuvenation, revival.
... Involution coils the spiral, concentrating the energy for a breakthrough. Involutionary accumulation of energy occurs in proportion to the loss of information resources of the system. "
T. o. Summarizing and complementing the above points of view in two directions of development, we can state the following.
Evolutionary development proceeds gradually and is characterized by the complication of the social system, the conversion of the energy of people and natural resources into information and its materialization in the benefits of civilization.
Involutionary development proceeds sharply and unevenly and is characterized by mutations, leaps, simplification and reorganization of the social system, folding of social information and release of social energy, the reverse movement from artificial civilization to the natural nature.
The evolutionary path, passing through the stages of childhood and adolescence, leads to a highly developed and informationally overloaded society. This movement from birth to death through the turbulent stages of wasting energy to the slow extinction of energy with an excess of information and culture.
The evolutionary path of human development in its hypertrophied logical conclusion leads to the emergence of a “homo-computerus” - a person with a hypertrophied developed brain and an atrophied body living in a completely artificial transformed technology and technology environment. The information processes of such a person are so complex (this is due to the need to manage the complicated life) that they take the lion's share of life time and human energy.
The involutionary path goes in the opposite direction, from old age to youth, from death to rebirth. This way of rejuvenation, regeneration, de-informatization of society, release of social energy. This is the way back from an informational society overloaded with problems and complexities into an “energy” society , by which we understand a society not burdened with information, but full of energy of people.
The involutionary path of human development in the informational sense leads to a simplification of life, to an excess of vital energy of people, restoration of harmony with the natural environment and, in its hypertrophied completion, leads a cultured person to savagery, and a civilized society back to the traditional one.
Evolutionary progress can be called informational progress with degradation of energy depletion, and involutional progress can be called “energy” progress and regression by folding information.
Conditionally, we call the “optimal” state of the social system and the human person in which energy and information are balanced. This state corresponds to the transitional phase between youth and maturity, and combines a peak of vitality with social productivity.
So, the evolutionary path of human development as the main direction of social development is especially important in its first stages, when it is necessary to ensure rapid growth, progress and complication of the social system.
The involutionary path is corrective , rejuvenating, returning society to the peaks of its productivity. Its importance becomes especially important when it is necessary to reform the society, to clear up the rubble of accumulated problems, to make overly complicated and ineffective social processes manageable, that is, to fight the premature aging of society, the loss of social energy.
V. Gulenko at the 2002 conference said that in the development of society there is a noticeable long phase of struggle between 2 and 3 quadras, which alternately alternate in the struggle for power. This phenomenon reflects the mechanism of self-correction of society, which seeks to extend the phase of optimality. In this case, there is a periodic return (rollback) from the maturity phase (Q3) to the youth phase (Q2), that is, the process of involution.
T. o. the alternation of the processes of evolution and involution are important and necessary for maintaining society in the state of optimality. Evolution leads society along the path of progress, and involution prevents it from premature aging.
The evolutionary direction of development (the transformation of energy into information) dominates and, according to the law of energy entropy, eventually wins. Then society leaves the pulsating phase of the struggle between the central squares and proceeds to a quiet and prosperous extinction in phase 4 quadras, which in a relic almost unchanged form can last for a very long time until the new life cycle begins in the process of involutionary accumulation of energy.

2. Differences of the right and left types.

Progressive type orientation is essential and determines the different styles and formulas of thinking and type behavior. Consider the differences between evolutionary (right) and involutional (left) types on four levels: physical, psychological, intellectual, and social.

2.1. Physical level

2.1.1. Orientation in the activities of the process or result.
The left provide the result in a poorly established process. They start with a large, and small details are left for later. The right ones skillfully organize the process, but lose sight of the result. In their work they are scrupulous, they work through the material carefully, with emphasis on details.
2.1.2. Smooth or intermittent.
For the right types, the tendency to smoothness and a sequence of actions is characteristic, while for the left types, the sharpness of on-off action is characteristic, as well as switching to a new occupation.

2.2. Psychological level.

2.2.1. Priority in interpersonal communication.
Right and left types are very different in interpersonal communication. Negative personal manifestations at a distant communicative distance and positive ones at a close distance are typical, as a rule, for invaders.
If the left is more accommodating at short communicative distances, then the right is far away. The right maintains a positive appearance at a distance, and the left, on the contrary, close.
2.2.2. Features of the inner world and living environment.
The inner world of the left types is arranged more simply than that of the right ones, it contains less contradictions and therefore more integral and harmonious. However, this distribution of psychological "charge" is compensated by the opposite properties of the external environment.
The environment that surrounds the left types is usually complex and ambiguous, their conditions of existence are often variable and difficult to predict. Constant stay in the zone of conflicts and change of goals does not scare away involutors, but, on the contrary, is preferable for them. Evolyutory normally exist only under the condition of a simple and unambiguous environment that allows you to develop without jumps and imbalances
The psychology of right and left types in my opinion also differs by the degree of development of a conscious attitude and its relation to the unconscious.
Right types have a more developed conscious installation, complexity of mental processes and social rituals, complexity of thinking and behavior, an orientation towards maintaining social reputation, which determines the special significance of right types in the complex hierarchy and processes of modern society.
For the complexity of their conscious installation, the right types pay with internal conflict with the unconscious, which often leads to a discharge of the conflict in various psycho-social excesses, in which large masses of right types are involved, as well as toughening the relationship between right types while reducing psychological distance.
The left types, however, have a simpler and more natural conscious attitude, which is in greater harmony with the unconscious, are distinguished by simplicity in their natural thinking and behavior, orient themselves towards soft relationships in their small group and hard relationships at a distant distance. Therefore, the left types are more harmonious and happy, tend to avoid participation in mass movements and excesses.
However, the simplicity of conscious attitudes, thinking and behavior makes the left types less adapted to the complexities of life in modern society, the complex collective rituals of professional and social behavior, which they compensate for by their adaptation to harmonious work in a small group.

2.3. Intellectual level.

Thinking from the general to the particular is preferable among the left types. Thinking from the particular to the general prevails among the types of right progress. These two informational paths in formal logic are called deduction and induction respectively.
This mental feature leaves a significant imprint on informational activities, such as reading a book, writing an article, or public speaking.
Involutors have a tendency to read a book from the end, that is, to perceive first of all the general conclusions, the results, and only then follow how the author came to them. When the involuter himself expresses his thought, it is more convenient for him to begin the presentation with the formulation of general principles and the resulting laws, and then proceed to clarify the details and individual examples.
The evolutionator is inclined to perceive and present information in exactly the opposite way. It is more convenient for him to read the book as it is written, without jumping and rushing to the end. When the volunteer speaks, he gives first of all the details, starting points, facts, and only then, closer to the end of the speech, he formulates generalizations and final conclusions.
The right types think more difficult and detailed, which makes the thinking process slower and more energy-consuming. However, their mental products are well thought out and worked out in a chosen direction.
The power of right thinking in its artificial refinement, brilliant complexity and thoroughness. Its disadvantages can be lower orientation speeds and results, as well as “tunnel vision” due to the details of studying a certain aspect of the problem, the loss of the overall picture and a broad perspective.
Multivolume super-complex works are the product of the right mind's focused mind, which are the engines of mental progress. They spend a lot of energy on a long mental process, coming to great results.
The left types are prone to simplify information, have a simpler and faster thinking, which gives a quick but damp result, which further needs to be improved.
The power of left thinking is in the natural simplicity of a generalized full-scope consideration of the problem and the speed at which results are issued. Its shortcomings can be excessive brevity of presentation of information, as well as inattention to the details of the situation, which may be important.
The thinking of the best representatives of the left types has a brilliant simplicity, completeness and clarity. It collapses information, grasping the main aspects of understanding and managing the situation, achieving quick results with simple and natural means.

2.4. Social level.

2.4.1. Naturalness-artificiality.
At this level, the difference between the left and right types is identical to the dichotomy “naturalness - public”, or, in other words, “nature is civilization”.
The nature is uncivilized: there is no state in it, sanctified by the tradition of laws, philosophy and religion, whose content is humanism and disinterested love of neighbor. Civilization is unnatural: the norms of morality, professed by a civilized society, cannot be derived from the laws of nature, the essence of which boils down to the struggle for existence. Left types closer naturalness of existence, and the right - the public.
2.4.2. Large groups - small groups.
Due to the fact that involory exhibit negative communication in a foreign territory, it is difficult for them to rally into large groups. Negative attitude towards outsiders does not allow them to create large groups. There is a tendency to act in small groups where there is room for informal communication.
Evolyutory, on the contrary, are well organized in large groups. However, in small groups, they get along much more difficult because as they get closer, they become much more intolerant. "
The right types under natural conditions to work in large and numerous organizations, in which positive relationships over a long distance with employees of other divisions and departments compensate for certain stiffness at close range in their small group, as well as frequent mismatch and competition between divisions.
Under natural conditions, leftist types of well -coordinated work in comfortable small groups, in which work and communication are not strictly regulated instructions and rituals, where there is a more flexible work schedule and greater freedom of expression.
The difference in psychology, thinking programs and behavior of right and left types often leads to misunderstanding and conflict, to the tendency to oust left types from difficultly organized organizations of the right type and to manage society at the highest level. There, in my opinion, the left types get mainly when it is necessary to simplify, to reorganize overly complicated and ineffective processes in organizations and society.

3. The place of the right and left progress in the structure of society, the peculiarities of the functioning of the right and left rings of social progress.

Right progress (progress of right types) reflects the movement in society at the macro level and the level of large organizations. It is characterized by a smooth, gradual, uniform development, selection from a variety of mutations and innovations most suitable for mass replication to the whole of society. Of the many models of development, the right types distinguish the main type, fix it politically and consistently implement it. In socionics, the right progress reflects the cyclical movement from 1 to 4 quadra as the main program of the evolutionary development of society. This is a dynamic in large right groups.
Left progress (progress of left types) is a movement within society at the micro level. It is characterized by a discontinuous, uneven development, the dominance of many mutations and innovations. Left progress is a move from 4 to 1 quadra as an internal correction of right evolutionary development. This is a dynamic in small left groups.
In human society, the task of involution is solved by the left types, and evolution - by the right ones.
If the process of involution - the abrupt withdrawal of the system from equilibrium and the birth of new forms - begins to dominate, then the danger of destruction of the system from overheating appears. In order to counteract overheating and dangerous changes in society, a powerful stabilizing mechanism of evolution is switched on, redeeming the energy of involution and guiding it in the direction of evolution - the deployment of useful innovations.
In social development, the dominant flow is the evolutionary flow, and the flow of involution is developed by the imperceptible accumulation of mutations followed by a sharp breakthrough, which is selected, picked up and deployed by the evolutionary flow.
From the point of view of the socionic mechanism, the dominance at the level of society of the evolutionary vector of development can be explained and confirmed as follows.
First, the differences of the right and left types on 4 levels, as mentioned above. The left types are focused on small groups, and the right - on large groups. Due to the complexity of thinking and social rituals of behavior in the right types, they are better than the left types manifest themselves in the management of super complex processes of managing society at the macro level.
Secondly, V. V. Gulenko expressed an empirically reaffirming idea of ​​central (2 and 3 quadras) and peripheral (1 and 4 quadras) types, according to which central types dominate society at the level of society. According to our observations, at the social level, the central right types are most common and visible. The left types are less common and noticeable.
The dominance of right tendencies at the level of society is explained not only by the simple numerical superiority and complexity of the organization of right types. V. Gulenko expressed the idea of ​​the presence in the struggle for existence in the central squares of a single repressed type - left introvert. In the 2nd quadra, Lyrik is forced out, who is the peacemaker and harmonizer of his militant quadra. In the 3rd quadra, the Guardian is ousted, who restrains the pragmatic onslaught of his associates on the quadra by moral restrictions.
So, in the composition of the right, the central types are represented in full - Mentor, Inspector, Politician, Critic. And among the left, the “militant” central group is represented by only two types - Marshal and Entrepreneur, while Lyrik and the Guardian are driven out.
Opinion about the dominance of the social development of the right evolutionary direction as the main direction of social development is also found among other authors.
So A.V. Bukalov in his work on the connection of Grof's perinatal matrices with the attitude of quadras (“On the mechanism of formation of information metabolism functions in the process of birth of an individual”) writes that in the process of political struggle in a society in the political arena, two types most often win - Mentor and Inspector, the struggle among which in the end ends with the victory of the Inspector:
Essentially (and this is a global problem of socio-political significance), the question arises of what type of people are suitable for high-ranking leaders. One thing seems certain: when it comes to restriction, violence against a person, even if “for her own good”, the administrative system and “correctional camps”, then we are talking about representatives of the quadra? It is all the more important to know that in the grouping of representatives of this quadra, competing among themselves, the dyad of the LSI-EIE (evolutionary ring of social progress), eliminating the corrective link - the dyad of SLE-IEI, wins. Inside the LSI-EIE dyad, the LSI prone to dictatorship wins. It is akin to a related type of LII, but in a different form.
We can exactly see this picture today on the political scene of modern Ukraine. Viktor Yushchenko (type Inspector) and Yulia Tymoshenko (type Mentor) are the leaders of the political Olympus today, and leftist types such as Yanukovich and Poroshenko (both have the Marshal type) are gradually forced out from the main roles as soon as the crisis stage of development is over. I see the socionic reason of repression mainly of the orientation of the left types on small groups, as well as in the simplicity of their thinking and behavior, in their unwillingness to delve deeply and adequately respond to all the complexities of political life and effectively manage super-complex processes of the development of society in quiet periods of history.
However, the left types are called upon to the public Olympus at times of crises, when it is necessary to reform overly complicated and ineffective processes of society or in the face of danger in wartime, therefore the central left types in the theory of ecfinals groups are named by V. Gulenko as a reform group , and the right central ones group debugging social processes .

4. The social and psychological nature of the relationship of order and revision.

The founder of socionics, Aushra Avgustinavichute, introduced the concept of social progress as the key concept and essence of the functioning of the collective mind of socion, which forms a complete superorganism or a unit of social intelligence, being the highest form of organization of psychic energy, the energy unit of humanity consisting of the sum of sixteen socionic types and the relations between them.
Socionics, according to Aushra, gives rise to a new branch of the social sciences - “ sociomatics ”, being its part, which studies the social structure of society and intertype relationships.
According to Aushra, “each type of intellect fulfills its part of the social order — the social function of its intellect.”
“The four rings of social order — a simple and correct system of transforming the needs and problems of all types of MI into a system of social orders — is the engine of progress, in which the same order (or different sides) is executed and controlled not by one, but by four parallel operating rings and in which each type of MI is provided an active part in the social progress of society - in the emergence of new ideas and their implementation in reality "(A. A." The Theory of Intertype Relations ").
She connects social progress with the transfer of momentum in the order rings from the customer to the sub-order, as well as with the control of the execution of the order through social audit relations.
The sub-contractor perceives the impulse of the customer and strives to solve the problems formulated by the customer, and the auditor prevents the subdivision and the customer from coming together, forcing the former to implement the order in society, and not in a custom dyad.
Order relations are described in the works of A. Avgustinavichute as the mysterious relations of hypnosis, and the revision relations as the terrible relations of mental repression.
V. V. Gulenko differently formulated the essence of the relations of order and revision. A social order is interpreted as the transfer of an energy impulse or inclusion into work, and an audit as an information transfer and shutdown, correction by the auditor of the localization’s behavior.
The social essence of the order relationship is in the activation of the sub- order by the customer, compulsory inclusion in socially significant activities, and, on the other hand, in the information imitation of the customer in the sub-order, due to which turnover of quadras occurs and the transfer of the social progress baton occurs.
The social essence of an audit relationship consists, on the one hand, in adjusting by the auditor the execution of an order, in suppressing deviating or inadequate behavior of the subdivision, and on the other hand, in assisting the subdivision in solving problems that are impossible for it.
In my opinion, in any relationship it is necessary to consider information and energy transactions and their direction.
The social order provides the transfer of energy from the customer to the sub-order, one-sided unconscious programming by the customer of the activity of the sub-order, its inclusion in the work. The customer creatively suggests the sub-order (transaction f2 to f5), and also presses the energetic behaviorist lever, which operates according to the principle of adequate response “stimulus-response” (transaction f1 to f8), activating the work of the sub-order vital ring. The sub-order automatically tries to implement the programs inspired by the customer.
But the information is moving in the opposite direction. The customer looks at the abilities of the sub-order and, over time, strives to imitate him. By activating the Customer, a sub-order (transaction f1 on f6) transfers to the customer information about creative action methods (transaction f2 on f7), which extend the narrow standards of the customer in terms of its f7, and also (transaction f7 on f4) sets a simplified but more adequate behavior program Inadequate Customer F4.
In the order ring, a one-way automatic energy scrolling takes place due to the behavioral lever F1 at f8 (in a quasi-identical relationship, mutual energy scrolling occurs, a mutual order).
Revision or social control ensures the transfer of information from the auditor to the sub-revision (for the auditor transmits information from a strong 1 function to a weak 4 function and receives informational reinforcement of 2 functions) and the movement of information along the mental ring. At the same time, the energy is turned off, the demoralization of Podrevizny. The auditor turns off Podreviznogo (f1 to f4). At the same time, Podrevizny unconsciously suggests the auditor (f8 to f5), and also offers an acceptable program (f7 to f8). The auditor, on the one hand, corrects the inadequate behavior of the late Russian, and, on the other hand, supports him in aspects of his inadequate 4-function.
T. o. in the audit and custom rings energy and information moves in different directions. In a custom relationship, energy moves from the customer to the sub-custom, forming a one-way activation chain, and in a revision relationship, the energy moves from the revision to the auditor, forming a one-way ward chain, when the auditor picks up the flag that has fallen at the revision.
At the same time, information moves in the opposite direction. So in the relationship of the order information moves from the sub-order to the customer. In the informational sense, there is a “reverse order”(the term was introduced by V. V. Gulenko), whose social essence is imitation, thanks to which the society (organization) transitions from the values ​​and tasks of one quadra to the values ​​and tasks of another.
For example, the imitation of the Mentor Politician, who, losing the quadral ideology, is infected by the values ​​of freedom and money. Or the imitation of the Inspector Critic, who becomes cautious, skeptical, pragmatic.
Moreover, the “contamination” with the values ​​of the sub-order occurs gradually, through the exhaustion of the resources of the values ​​of its quadra at the new stage of development of society or organization with a real historical need for values ​​and behavior patterns of the sub-order.
The transactional nature of the return order is enclosed in a transaction (ф2 on ф7): the sub-order creatively shows the customer samples of the new behavior (ф2 on Ф7). F7 is normative (it accumulates the experience of others, knowledge, skills), it is valuable, it has the sign and quality of the dual style of thinking.
In a revision relationship, information moves from the auditor to the sub-revision (the reviser gives settings from f2 to f1 and f1 to f4 of the sub-revision). This information is well perceived by the local version due to the general style of thinking and is transmitted further along the revisive ring.
The exchange of energy in the relationship of the audit takes place quietly in the presence of a one-way chain of assistance. But if you follow the direction of assistance, then it is appropriate to speak of a “reverse audit” , in which the revision by its energetic weakness includes the auditor in the case, i.e. according to the block of his energy-maximum according to the energy model, V. V. Gulenko solves the problems of the late-life at the stage of his block break), which is not difficult for the auditor, either.
It can be said that the introduction of new quadral values ​​(movement of information) occurs in the direction of the psychologically weak dual dyad with the energy support of the customer and the information correction of the auditor. Psychologically stronger dual dyad as it passes the baton of goals and values ​​to its psychologically weaker receiver.
However, in the energy business relay (energy movement), a reverse informational process takes place, when a stronger dual dyad replaces the sub-living dyad faced with insurmountable difficulties.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that at the social level, central quadras (2 and 3 quadras) often dominate, and peripheral ones often play auxiliary roles.

5. Social mission of sociotypes and their turnover in the framework of attitudes.

Let us now consider the role - the “mission” of each type in the development of society. According to the founder of socionics, Aushra Avgustinavichuete, “every type of MI is a performer of a specific social function”.
The left involutional types develop answers to the challenges of the environment, make a breakthrough, and the right pick up the most valuable innovations and spread them in society, as well as stabilize the social system.

5.1. So, the left types:

Enthusiast - provides emotional growth, charging the emotional energy of people, the spread of advanced ideas and social practices.
The analyst is a catalyst in basic science, an innovator-reorganizer of systems. It generates a lot of alternative ideas, creates a theoretical model of the future, to which we must strive. The initiator of the fermentation of minds.
Marshal is a revolutionary in practice, crushing enemies, destroyer of old, creator of new structures, penetrating power of history.
Lyric is the creator of the ideal of a brighter future, a dream that illuminates the souls of people.
The entrepreneur is a revolutionary innovator in business, an experimenter in applied science who makes discoveries of new empirical facts and methods.
The keeper is a fighter against evil, rigidly instilling moral norms, the creator of the ethics of conscientious work, creating moral prerequisites for the victory of a new cause.
Advisor - discoverer of people's abilities, including their potential, showing a way out of difficult situations. Finds capable people to rely on. Spreads advanced humanitarian ideas.
The master is the creator of simple labor technologies, which dramatically increase his productivity and give quick results with minimal expenditure of resources and strength.

5.2. The role of the right types in the development of society is as follows:

The seeker - finds promising ideas and discoveries, contributes to their formation, stabilizes, makes solid, clarifies their nature and deduces a clear formula and theory, which is strictly adhered to and promoted, disseminated in society.
Mediator - softens the atmosphere of excessive heat of struggle and labor by creating an aesthetically filled comfortable environment, pleasant communication.
The mentor - having caught social discontent, enters the group of fighters as an ideological leader - leader, spreads the group's ideas to large masses of people, directs their energy into the mainstream of the struggle, in which it exhausts it.
Inspector - completes Marshall's reform actions, extends new structures to the whole society, stabilizes, regulates, brings order and discipline, strengthens the rigid vertical of power.
A politician - speaks out the interests of influential groups and economic groups, conducts political bargaining, creates political and diplomatic alliances, tries on the warring parties, concluding temporary peace and thereby stabilizing the political situation in society.
Critic - criticizes too decisive quick actions, anticipating possible dangers and negative consequences, thereby narrowing the direction of social development towards the safest and most predictable.
Administrator - becomes a leader in the conditions of stabilization of new economic relations, picks up and distributes in the society special technologies for increasing conveyor-type labor productivity, based on conscientious and dedicated work.
The humanist harmonizes the psychological climate in the team, supports the sprouts of good relations, leveling the atmosphere of the struggle, sacrifices the progressive dynamics of the business to good stable relations.

5.3. The descriptions of the social roles of the right and left types detail the action of the energy groups described by V. V. Gulenko.

Here I will quote an excerpt from his work “On the Development of Society.” Kiev. December 26, 1991:
ARMERS (eng. Armourer - gunsmith) - left introverts “twist the spring” of social progress, extract energy for further movement, arm the subsequent group with everything necessary for a breakthrough.
FAYTERS (eng. Fight - fight) - left extroverts manifest themselves as the most active, energetic and penetrative with respect to fundamentally new beginnings. This is a powerful explosion of energy, concentrated by the previous Armer group, in all directions.
SURFERS (eng. Surface - surface) - right extroverts are brought to the surface of social movement by the previous stormy wave. They do not extract energy and are not energy carriers, but they are able to direct it to the good condition. Among them are most often preachers of ideas explaining the ripened discontent, or politicians who pop up due to the ability to speak on behalf of the masses, nations or particular social strata.
EVACUATORS (Eng. Evacuate - take out; pump out) - right introverts dissipate the energy of social movement, clearing the territory for further events. Their distinguishing feature is the desire to extinguish emotional outbursts, to smooth out critical periods in one way or another.

5.4. Now we will consider the development of types within the framework of the installations for the type of activity , taking into account the above laws.

5.4.1. The development of Scientists.
1. First, as a result of experiments, information appears on new phenomena. This is the stage of the Entrepreneur who makes a breakthrough in the new, revealing new facts of the objective world. This is an involutional breakthrough, an applied discovery.
2. The seeker is the first to catch the newly appearing facts that are still vague and not comprehended in their essence. He explores these facts and, in the process of intellectual insight, comprehends their inner nature and deduces the causal formula of the phenomenon. The Finder closes this formula in theory, brings it to the public and irreconcilably protects it from criticism. This is the fundamental evolutionary stage of the Seeker.
3. The critic finds contradictions and inconsistencies in the Seeker's theory, dynamizes and adapts it to the requirements of practice, complementing the applied developments. This is an applied evolutionary stage of criticism.
4. The analyst, analyzing the theory of the Seeker, notices phenomena that are not included in the latter’s narrow formula. He begins to work on alternative ideas and makes new discoveries, which he describes in a new theory, broader than the Seeker theory. This is a fundamental involutionary stage, preparing a new breakthrough.
The entrepreneur begins to experience new Analytics ideas in practice. These ideas are promising, but rather intuitive, requiring deepening and refinement for wide dissemination. They are picked up by the Seeker, who develops and transforms them into a promising rapidly spreading theory, which in turn criticizes and adapts to the needs of the Critic's practice. The analyst refines and expands the Seeker's theory again, generating new ideas. The cycle is closed.
This theory can be illustrated by the example of the development of psychoanalysis and socionics.
1. First, new information about mental phenomena appeared and experiments were conducted (information about hysteria, practice of hypnosis).
2. Then Z. Freud focused on the comprehension of the nature of hysteria, made a discovery and created a theory of psychoanalysis.
3. This theory has been subjected to various kinds of criticism and attacks, but despite this, it has become a widespread theory and practice of treating the psyche.
4. The student of Z. Freud, CG Jung, created a wider model of the psyche and generates a huge number of diverse ideas and theories.
One of his theories is picked up by I. Myers-Briggs and A. Avgustinavichute and independently developed and widely distributed in the West in the form of typology and in the USSR in the form of socionics.
The further process takes place before our eyes.
5.4.2. The development of humanities.
1. Lyric creates ideas about a brighter future into which the present can evolve with the joint movement towards it.
2. The adviser brings to the surface of society a mass of alternative humanitarian ideas.
3. A mentor, having felt ripened discontent, chooses one promising humanitarian idea, turns it into a powerful ideology, recruits broad masses of its supporters and fights for its victory.
4. The humanist puts the winning idea in the form of universal human values ​​and specifies in moral laws.
There is a calm of the masses and spiritual stagnation. Lyric begins to dream of a brighter future. The cycle begins again.
5.4.3. The development of socials.
1. The keeper acts as a champion of high moral standards and an accuser of evil; he issues his own program of social behavior, the basis of which is the ethics of honest work.
2. An enthusiast picks up and brings to the surface of society new social practices in the form of a new fashion, creating small groups around social innovations.
3. The politician begins to use new social practices for status purposes and makes them widespread.
4. The mediator gives them the appearance of a convenient and pleasant social practice. There comes stagnation, the cult of idleness and pleasure.
The heyday of hedonism conflicts with the Guardian’s morality and the commandments of work ethic.
The cycle begins again.
5.4.4. The development of managers.
1. The master creates unique high-performance technologies of individual labor. But obsolete working methods prevent them from becoming widely practiced.
2. Marshal destroys the old, creates new forms of economic life and management, creates new structures.
3. The administrator contributes to the spread of these forms in society and introduces universally advanced working methods.
4. The inspector turns the state and economic structures into a well-established mechanism, introduces regulatory instructions and discipline.
Inspection structures gradually ossify, become impervious to change. There is stagnation. Masters invent new methods of labor, which are in conflict with the existing forms of labor. The cycle begins again.
This is the effect of two streams of social development in groups of types within the framework of attitudes to the type of activity.
V. V. Gulenko also considered the evolution of types within the framework of attitudes to the type of activity, but from a different angle - within the framework of the change of socionic temperaments from the most energetic to the least energetic. This approach reflects the turnover of types in a stable evolutionary stage of development of society.

Conclusion to Part 1.

Thus, evolution and involution are the “yin” and “yang” of the development of society, two interrelated sides. The evolutionary process of stable uniform development, the unfolding of new forms dominates the historical development, and the involutionary process of the birth of new forms imperceptibly matures in the depths of society, and then manifests itself in the form of sharp leaps and breaks to a qualitatively new level.
Different types play different roles in the process of historical development - catalysts-preparers and distributors-growth stabilizers.
Such a view opens up new horizons for understanding social and personal processes, using this knowledge in the framework of social analysis to cognize and optimize the development of society at the micro and macro levels, and also serve as the basis for new research.

Part 2. “Progressive orientations in business”

6. The difference between organizations and teams of right and left types.

The properties of teams of the right or left type are largely determined by the properties of left or right sociotypes, but are not reduced to them (anti-reductionism).

6.1. Properties of left involution types and left organizations.

Thinking styles of the left types, both dynamic (synergistic thinking) and static (holographic), tend to simplify, brevity, simplicity, and speed.
In behavior and decisions, the left types are also fast, focused on quick results, which can then be improved (not to be confused with extraversion).
Left types prefer to work jerky, with frequent folding and switching cases, with returns to improve quick results (not to be confused with irrationality). In their activities, periods of downturns and rises, lull and storm, abrupt expenditure of energy and resources and subsequent accumulation are noticeable, which is more acceptable in business processes that are tolerant of uneven activity.
Left types are livable at close range and difficult at long distances, so they work in small and medium-sized groups and organizations that have soft relationships with members of their team.
In small groups of left teams, simple and effective schemes of work, devoid of excesses, work.
Inclined to simplify activities and minimize information, left teams are characterized by an excess of energy and freedom of expression in teamwork.
The simplicity of the structure of the left organization and the speed of information processing makes it flexible and susceptible to changes in the external environment.
The disadvantage of such simplicity may be a certain primitive structure and business processes, the use of primitive tools and technologies of labor, sometimes giving an average result.

6.2. Properties of right evolutionary types and right organizations.

Thinking styles of the right types of both dynamic (dialectical and algorithmic thinking) and static (causal) results in complexity, detail, thoroughness, and therefore require more time.
In behavior and decisions, the right types are also relatively slow, focused on the process, taking into account all the subtleties of the situation (not to be confused with introversion).
Right teams work more smoothly, consistently and evenly, consuming energy and resources systematically, avoiding congestion and emergency jobs, which is more acceptable in business processes that require complex organization and detailed planning (not to be confused with rationality).
The right types are livable at a distant distance and indifferent at close, so they work in large groups and organizations that maintain a reputation and relative mildness at a distant distance with strangers and tougher and haughty relationships with members of their team.
Large organizations of the right type are characterized by complexity and hierarchical multilevelness of the organizational structure and working procedures, the scale of business processes that require the efforts of many people to produce outstanding results from the complex work of the collective mind.
The flip side of right-wing organizations is that they often suffer from excessive formalization and bureaucratization, overload with papers and information, which give rise to inflexibility, delay in responding to changes in the external environment, constraining the creative energy of people and freedom of expression.
Incompetence of people in large organizations often leads to increased internal competition, power struggles and career advancement, intrigue prosperity, which undermines the effectiveness of team work and the organization as a whole.

6.3. Findings.

In the complex system of interrelations of modern business there is a place for big business, in which the right types dominate, and for small business, in which representatives of left types feel more comfortable. Business giants are characterized by complexity and scale of business processes, but also sluggishness and bureaucratization. Formula behavior and the survival of small businesses is the simplicity of the structure, quick response to changes in the situation, innovation.

7. Features of interaction and turnover of types in teams of the right type.

Consider a theoretical model of type turnover in the right team in business and society at the macro level, which reflects the specialization of the role of the right types in the team and the laws of their turnover in the framework of direct order and revision.
1. The seeker finds promising business opportunities, makes discoveries and inventions.
The mediator creates a comfortable working environment for the Seeker and other team members and helps with advertising inventions in informal contacts.
2. The mentor picks up promising and relevant time ideas and creates an ideology of development based on the opportunity that the Seeker has opened, inspiring the team to work for a great goal. The inspector is engaged in practical organization of activities, creates a clear working mechanism, a hierarchical vertical structure, which is characterized by centralization of power, planned character, and monumentality.
3. The critic notices the many shortcomings of the inspection system (its slowness, formalism and bureaucracy, static character) and prepares reforms, liberalization, which the Politician implements through political intrigues. A new, more liberal order is being introduced in society, which leads to the redistribution of property, previously concentrated in one hand, passing through the crisis of restructuring of the system to accelerating business activity, economic growth.
4. When the speculative ways to achieve profits exhaust themselves and the society establishes tight competition in all sectors, the Administrator begins to work on increasing labor productivity by introducing progressive methods of labor, ensures the development of regions. The humanist smoothes the consequences of social divisions by the ethics of love and forgiveness. The organization and society reach the stage of smooth running.
5. Calm and streamlined activity gradually comes to a standstill and fades. There is a need for renewal, a new path of development. This search problem is solved by the Finder. History repeats itself.
This is the life cycle of large right-wing organizations.
The mechanism of the return order in the team of the right evolutionary types:
The social nature of the return order is the imitation of the customer's ability to sub-order, which leads to a transition from the values ​​and objectives of one quadra to the values ​​and objectives of another.
1. The seeker imitates the Mentor in his ability to be an intellectual leader, an ideologue of large groups of people. The mediator imitates the Inspector’s organization, his demands and ability to manage people, maintain order and discipline.
2. The mentor imitates the Politician, his diplomatic abilities, the talent of political intrigues, the ability to maneuver between the opposing sides, and deftly escape from the blow. The inspector imitates criticism, his caution, foresight, professionalism, business dexterity, the ability to use events in his favor.
3. The politician imitates the Administrator, his ability to work highly productive, the ability to create comfortable conditions for activity. The critic imitates the Humanist, his ability to maintain good relations with people, his creative abilities, and the joy of helping people selflessly.
4. The Administrator imitates the Seeker, his inventive abilities, visions of prospects and innovations, clarity of ideas. The humanist imitates the Mediator, his ability to enjoy life, to experience subtle emotions, flexibility in relationships with people.

8. Features of interaction and turnover of types in commands of the left type.

Consider a theoretical model of type turnover in the left team in business and society at the micro level, which reflects the specialization of the role of left types in a team and the laws of their turnover in the framework of direct order and revision.
1. Advisor and Master as talented peripheral aristocrats (Advisor is talented in communication with people, and Master in technology) are effective in the periphery, but poorly adapted to the center.
2. The entrepreneur is activated by the Advisor (customized energy impulse) to introduce technological innovations of the Master (revision understanding) and spins innovative dynamic business, breaking into the center of society, and the Keeper makes this expansive development stable, cutting off dishonest and unreliable customers (revisiting understanding of the Advisor).
3. The innovative stage of business is exhausting itself, running into competitors that have appeared and the ineffectiveness of the regular management of the Entrepreneur. The Marshal, having received the customized impulse of the Entrepreneur, defeats the competitors with hard power methods and reorganizes the management, making it effective. Lyric, having received a custom energy pulse from the Guardian, harmonizes relations within the new organization. The entrepreneur sympathizes with the penetration and organizational strength, the business acumen of Marshall and, under the blows of competitors, is compelled to yield to him a key role. The Marshal receives from the Businessman a custom-made energy impulse and levers of business management.
4. The powerful structure created by Marshal - the power (no longer innovative) monopolist, begins to suffer from some dispersion, emergency and short-sightedness of marshal control. Having received a customized impulse from Lyrics, the Analyst introduces system analysis and strategic planning, structuring and systemic innovations, and puts forward ideas for creating fundamentally new products. Enthusiast, having received the impulse of Marshal, makes a breakthrough in sales, orienting marketing to people, carefully meeting the needs of customers.
5. Systemic structuring and care deplete themselves in conditions of intense competition and overproduction. We need polishing the quality of products and business technologies, creating layouts of new products of the Master and a flexible approach to the people of the Advisor, his ability to find and convince paying customers. Layouts of innovative products excite the interest of the Entrepreneur, who finds investment for its development and creates a new promising market. Marshal breaks into a super profitable business and strive to bend it under him. History repeats itself.
Such is the life cycle of left-wing small and medium-sized organizations.
The mechanism of the return order in the team of left involutional types:
The social nature of the return order is the imitation of the customer's ability to sub-order, which leads to a transition from the values ​​and objectives of one quadra to the values ​​and objectives of another.
1. An enthusiast imitates the counselor’s insight in evaluating people, flexibility in dealing with them, and the ability to find a way out of difficult ethical situations. The analyst imitates the Master, his professional skills and ability to protect health.
2. Marshal imitates Enthusiast in the ability of friendly communication with people, faith in success, the ability to create coziness and comfort. The lyricist imitates the Analyst, his clear understanding of situations, ingenuity and ingenuity, the vision of alternative solutions.
3. The entrepreneur imitates Marshal, his business acumen and ability to compete, to create effective organizational structures and reorganize the ineffective, his organizational talent and ability to get the most out of it. The guardian imitates Lyrics, his prudence, ability to smooth out conflicts, a positive attitude.
4. The adviser imitates the Entrepreneur, his efficiency, ability to outstrip time, the pace of his business, confidence in success. The master imitates the Guardian in his ability to defend the interests of his loved ones, the presence of a strong moral code.

9. Features of the interaction of sociotypes in teams of mixed type.

Is it possible to unite right and left types and teams within a single supercommand? The answer to this question is positive.
At the same time, large financial and human resources, highly complex and large-scale business processes are combined with fast and flexible innovations, and centralized management is complemented by the self-government of project teams and small teams.
There are several approaches to creating a mixed team of left and right types.
The first approach is a separate interaction of teams of the right and left type within the framework of a single super-team. This approach is implemented in practice in the following forms:
but. the coexistence of a large right organization and a network of small left-wing contracting companies connected with it;
b. absorption by the giants of venture firms-competitors along with their brains and technologies;
at. the creation within companies of separate divisions, project groups, financial centers,
The merger of a group of small companies into a single association or holding.
The second approach is to combine the right and left types in the same super command. In such a team, people of 4 styles of thinking cooperate together, together examining and solving problems in 4 different ways, and attention is paid to achieving a quick result and improving business processes.
Such a connection is possible in the following forms:
but. on the basis of socionic attitudes on the type of activity;
b. on the basis of temperamental groups;
at. on the basis of semi-related clubs.
Creating a powerful super -team of the future is possible on the basis of detailed type specialization both at the mission level of the type as a whole, and at the level of subtle subtype differences defining the submission types, more precise application of each team member, as well as on the right combination of right and left types in a single organization like two hemispheres of the brain.
The ideas of creating super-efficient and well-coordinated teams of the future are developed by V. V. Gulenko at the school of sociological analysis and humanitarian socionics and are worked out in practice during the socionic consulting process.


  1. A. Avgustinavichute, Socionics. Introduction S. -P. 1998
  2. V. V. Gulenko “ON THE WAVES OF AGING AND UPDATES: Progressive orientation in combination with Jung signs” , January 7, 1996, Kiev.
  3. V. V. Gulenko, “Management of a well-coordinated team. Socionics for the head. - Moscow. 2005

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