Socionics Core Small Groups
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Alpha Quadra
Alpha Quadra
Rings: Revolution, Determinist, Ideation Process,
Transition of feminine to masculine, Beta/Delta formal transition (seed)
Stabilities: Flexible-Maneuvering, Associative,
Restructure, Iridescent Hopes, Viscosity
Mission: Alpha, Research, Uniqueness, Business, Experiment
Intuition of Prospects, Searching for the new, exploring, inventing, taking risks, trying to be original, demonstrating ability
Intuition of Prospects, Searching for the new, exploring, inventing, taking risks, trying to be original, demonstrating ability
Rings: Transformation, Vortex, Concrete Results,
Transition of masculine to feminine, Beta/Delta natural transition (spread)
Stabilities: Linear-Assertive, Distributive,
Guardian, Realistic Plans, Crystallinity
Mission: Alpha, Social, Prestige, Passion,
Ethics of Positive Emotions, being happy, expressing enthusiasm, being friendly and open with people, sharing the joy of living
Ethics of Positive Emotions, being happy, expressing enthusiasm, being friendly and open with people, sharing the joy of living
Rings: Evolution, Dialectical, Concrete Process,
Most feminine, Beta/Delta formal transition (stability)
Stabilities: Receptive-Adaptive, Commutative, Diplomat,
Waiting, Viscosity
Mission: Alpha, Social, Well-being, Sincere, Filter
Sensation of Discomfort, treatment of a malady, resolution of everyday discomforts, good at avoiding extremes
Sensation of Discomfort, treatment of a malady, resolution of everyday discomforts, good at avoiding extremes
Rings: Involution, Holographic, General Results,
Most masculine, Beta/Delta natural transition (correction)
Stabilities: Rigid-Stable, Dissociative,
Constructor, Avoiding Failures, Crystallinity
Logic of Fractal Structure, fragmented and scalable, sees order in chaos, describing the same object in multiple ways, logic of contradictions and paradoxes, multi-dimensional and polymorphic, relaxed and/or alternatives, logic of energy socionics
Beta Quadra
Rings: Revolution, Dialectical, Ideation Process,
Most feminine, Alpha/Gamma formal transition (seed)
Stabilities: Linear-Assertive, Dissociative, Guardian,
Avoiding Failures, Monolithicism
Mission: Beta, Humanitarian, Uniqueness, Passion,
Personal Goal
Ethics of Dramatic Emotions, being angry, indignant, dramatizing events, ridiculing others, escalating conflicts emotionally
Ethics of Dramatic Emotions, being angry, indignant, dramatizing events, ridiculing others, escalating conflicts emotionally
Rings: Transformation, Holographic, Concrete
Results, Most masculine, Alpha/Gamma natural transition (spread)
Stabilities: Flexible-Maneuvering, Commutative,
Restructure, Waiting, Elasticity
Mission: Beta, Managerial, Prestige, Business,
Personal Goal
Power Sensing of Subordination, playing on others' soft spots, having them depend on you, building a hierarchy
Power Sensing of Subordination, playing on others' soft spots, having them depend on you, building a hierarchy
Rings: Evolution, Determinist, Concrete Process,
Transition of feminine to masculine, Alpha/Gamma formal transition (stability)
Stabilities: Rigid-Stable, Distributive,
Constructor, Realistic Plans, Monolithicism
Mission: Beta, Managerial, Well-being, Cool, Social
Logic of Uniform Structure, securing the structure that has proven to work, rationalizing one and only right decision, stubbornly following your principles, thorough reading of directions or drafts, linear eithor or thinking, logic of information socionics
Logic of Uniform Structure, securing the structure that has proven to work, rationalizing one and only right decision, stubbornly following your principles, thorough reading of directions or drafts, linear eithor or thinking, logic of information socionics
Rings: Involution, Vortex, General Results,
Transition of masculine to feminine, Alpha/Gamma natural transition (correction)
Stabilities: Receptive-Adaptive, Associative,
Diplomat, Iridescent Hopes, Elasticity
Intuition of the Future, wondering about the future, believing in a good outcome, being hopeful, holding the vision, bringing future into the present
Gamma Quadra
Rings: Revolution, Determinist, Concrete Process,
Most feminine, Beta/Delta formal transition (seed)
Stabilities: Flexible-Maneuvering, Commutative,
Diplomat, Iridescent Hopes, Viscosity
Mission: Gamma, Social, Prestige, Passion,
Power Sensing of Resistance, non-compliance, forming alliances against a stronger enemy, being assertive about their demands, protecting their interests
Power Sensing of Resistance, non-compliance, forming alliances against a stronger enemy, being assertive about their demands, protecting their interests
Rings: Transformation, Vortex, General Results,
Most masculine, Beta/Delta natural transition (spread)
Stabilities: Linear-Assertive, Dissociative,
Constructor, Realistic Plans, Crystallinity
Mission: Gamma, Researcher, Uniqueness, Business,
Business Logic of Investment, investing to make a profit, valuing profit over usefulness, exchanging, raising prices, constantly updating the product, responding to demand quickly
Business Logic of Investment, investing to make a profit, valuing profit over usefulness, exchanging, raising prices, constantly updating the product, responding to demand quickly
Rings: Evolution, Dialectical, Ideation Process,
Transition from feminine to masculine, Beta/Delta formal transition (stability)
Stabilities: Receptive-Adaptive, Associative,
Restructure, Waiting, Viscosity
Mission: Gamma, Researcher, Self-worth, Cool,
Intuition of the Past, thinking of the past, remembering past errors, trying to prevent them from happening again, extrapolating (looking for signs of the past repeating itself)
Intuition of the Past, thinking of the past, remembering past errors, trying to prevent them from happening again, extrapolating (looking for signs of the past repeating itself)
Rings: Involution, Holographic, Concrete Results,
Transition from masculine to feminine, Beta/Delta natural transition (correction)
Stabilities: Rigid-Stable, Distributive,
Guardian, Avoiding Failures, Crystallinity
Mission: Gamma, Social, Well-being, Sincere, Filter
Ethics of Disapproval, keeping others at a distance, being suspicious, holding a grudge
Ethics of Disapproval, keeping others at a distance, being suspicious, holding a grudge
Delta Quadra
Rings: Revolution, Dialectical, Concrete Process,
Transition from feminine to masculine, Alpha/Gamma formal transition (seed)
Stabilities: Linear-Assertive, Distributive,
Constructor, Avoiding Failures, Monolithicism
Mission: Delta, Managerial, Prestige, Business,
Personal Goals
Business Logic of Saving, working efficiently, being economical, using resources frugally, working hard
Business Logic of Saving, working efficiently, being economical, using resources frugally, working hard
Rings: Transformation, Holographic, General
Results, Transition from masculine to feminine, Alpha/Gamma natural transition
Stabilities: Flexible-Maneuvering, Associative,
Diplomat, Waiting, Elasticity
Mission: Delta, Humanitarian, Uniqueness,
Passion, Personal Goals
Intuition of Alternatives, setting yourself apart, finding ways of avoid boredom, turning the commonplace upside down, noticing the hidden side of things
Intuition of Alternatives, setting yourself apart, finding ways of avoid boredom, turning the commonplace upside down, noticing the hidden side of things
Rings: Evolution, Determinist, Ideation Process,
Most feminine, Alpha/Gamma formal transition (stabilize)
Stabilities: Rigid-Stable, Dissociative,
Guardian, Realistic Plans, Monolithicism
Mission: Delta, Humanitarian, Self-worth,
Sincere, Social Good
Ethics of Forgiveness, forgiving people, giving them the benefit of the doubt, grieving and comforting those struck by grief, being kind of others
Ethics of Forgiveness, forgiving people, giving them the benefit of the doubt, grieving and comforting those struck by grief, being kind of others
Rings: Involution, Vortex, Concrete Results, Most
masculine, Alpha/Gamma natural transition (correction)
Stabilities: Receptive-Adaptive, Commutative,
Restructure, Iridescent Hopes, Elasticity
Mission: Delta, Managerial, Well-being, Cool, Social Good
Sensation of Comfort, adjusting the environment to make yourself as comfortable as you can, make your territory autonomous
Sensation of Comfort, adjusting the environment to make yourself as comfortable as you can, make your territory autonomous
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