Brief Descriptions of the Socionics Types

Credit to: Victor Gulenko, Ph.D

Visit Humanitarian Socionics School YouTube ChannelSociotype in four words. How to characterize a person in ten seconds

ILE: The Searcher
-curiosity, search, invention, while dispersion
Intuition of opportunities (I):
-proactive = circumstantial opportunities
-positive = promising, finding new ways, maximizing opportunities
-The seeker rushes to the search for positive opportunities, picks up all promising (+ I)
-The seeker is inclined to positive logical conclusions, moving along the chain of if-then conclusions, moving far from the initial position (+ L)
-The universe is ruled by a universal intelligence. This sociotype more than others believes in ability of human mind to comprehend the most complex phenomena, in intelligent design of the objective world, in that it can be explained from the point of view of precise laws of logic. ("God does not play dice" - Einstein)

SEI: The Mediator
-pleasure, easy disposition, circle of friends, while exhaustibility
Sensory sensations (S):
-proactive = pleasure sensations
-negative = sharp, invigorating, contrasting sensations, minimizing discomfort
-The mediator needs thrills, he is drawn to a combination of opposing tastes (-S)
-The mediator is rather irritable, seeks to avoid negative emotions in every way, but after engaging in an argument, he vigorously throws out his discontent (-E)
-The world is ruled by pleasure. This sociotype will only do work that is pleasant and not tiresome. Quite conforming in behavior, this type easily adapts to the others believing that people will positively reciprocate if only an atmosphere of comfort is created and something is offered that will improve the pleasantness of their lives.

ESE: The Enthusiast
-cordiality, care, trust, while obtrusiveness
Ethics of Emotions (E):
-reactive = organic emotions
-positive = hospitable emotions, innocent, monotonous, without a double bottom
-Enthusiast shows friendliness and emotions of hospitality (+ E)
-Enthusiast maximizes comfort and health, a lot of effort invests in the creation of additional amenities (+ S)
-The world is ruled by impulse, fervor, attraction. The most emotive of all types capable of influencing the moods of others. This type can be considered to be part of idealist group, as it is able to do only that which it finds likable. However, its dependence on the emotional state of others is quite material.

LII: The Analyst
-schematic, planning, self-sufficiency, while displaced (lacks punchy qualities to accomplish its goals)
Structural logic (L):
-reactive = conceptual logic
-negative = disjunctive, or-or-logic, multidirectional, three-dimensional, holographic. The logic of contradictions, doubts. Paradoxical logic. The logic of refutations
-The analyst compares the opposite options, indicating differences and inconsistencies (-L)
-The analyst puts forward alternatives, working on unclear, seemingly hopeless problems (-I)
-The world is governed by a thought («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people come to understand the systematized laws that govern the society, then society can be structured with fairness. The most constructive of all sociotypes, supposing that any phenomenon can be defined by universal prime elements (archetypes, Forms, a priori categories) and the connections between them.

EIE: The Mentor
-rebellious, gifted, imaginative, while intolerant
Ethics of Emotions (E):
-proactive = gaming emotions
-negative = shocking emotions, tragicomical, causticity, ridicule, ambiguity
-Mentor is shocking, pumps, stirs contrasting emotions (-E)
-The mentor is characterized by nostalgia for the past, the desire to insure against future dangers (-T)
-God, fate, destiny rule the world. This type is one of the most oriented at mysticism and religion, honestly believing in its own messiahood, seeing itself as a missionary for forces cosmic or divine.

LSI: The Inspector
-order, precision, perseverance/stubbornness, while faultfinding
Structural logic (L):
-proactive = organizational logic
-positive = implicative, if something - logic, building chains of causes and effects, linear, unidirectional. Strengthens compliance. Confident in its infallibility. The logic of evidence
-The inspector leads the investigation, proves (+ L)
-The inspector is set to use force as a means of defense, he recognizes coercion aimed at breaking the resistance of the violator (+ F)
-The world is governed by order and discipline. This type is most dependent on organization of its concrete environment, completely subjugating itself to its adopted system. Every major alternative is rejected since deviation from accepted and polished system is equivalent to losing foothold and descending into uncontrollable chaos.

SLE: The Marshal
-grasp/snap, action, maneuvers, while inability to curb his instincts
Power sensory (F):
-reactive = suppression force
-negative = opposing force, confrontational, attacking, threatening. Minimize weakness
-The marshal rather attacks, affects the vulnerable places, removes the weak (-F)
-Marshall thinks alternatively (or-or), his logic matches opposing solutions, discarding the worst (-L)
-The world is ruled by power and strength. Most resolute of all sociotypes. Will enter an engagement only when he is sure that he has advantage in force or has found a weakness in the enemy forces. Objective reality, given to this type via his senses – this is what he trusts. Everything else is an illusion.

IEI: The Lyrist
-ease, reconciliation, hopefulness about the future, while disorganization
Intuition of time (T):
-reactive = chosen time
-positive = the intuition of novelty, hope, curiosity, desire for the future
-The lyricist is optimistic, expects good results from the future (+ T)
-Lyric was initially tuned to positive emotions, harmonizes the psychological climate, smiles and uplifting (+ E)
-The world is governed by state, mood. This type possesses the most malleable type of psyche. It is strongly influenced by its own internal disposition. Because of this it is very easy to persuade this type in any issue if one is persistent enough. However, it will just as easily discard beliefs that were imposed on it.

SEE: The Politician
-conceit, transfiguration (situational flexibility in actions), negotiations, while impulsivity
Power sensory (F):
-proactive = tacking force
-positive = maintaining balance; striving for the strong, seeking an ally, defending. Maximize Strength
-The politician defends better, relieves tensions between conflicting parties (+ F)
-A politician strengthens positive relations, cherishes connections and acquaintances, is able to forgive and go to reconciliation (+ R)
-The world is governed by connections, fame and prestige. Most cautious one of all sociotypes, as it learns everything through mistakes that have been made. It moves forward exploring its way by touch and trusting only its senses. Words, concepts, ideas – all of these are only instruments for exerting influence on people.

ILI: The Critic
-foresight, memory, optimization, while skepticism
Intuition of time (T):
-proactive = historical time
-negative = intuition of avoiding danger, mistakes of the past, contradictory trends
-The critic is pessimistic, cautions against mistakes, facing the past (-T)
-The critic is very economical and cautious, considers every penny, knows how to minimize expenses (-P)
-The world is governed by chance. Objective measures do not exist. Everything is relative and determined by probability. This type is most predisposed towards agnosticism of the intellect ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only when one attains complete inner clarity and tranquility that can be achieved via meditation.

LIE: The Entrepreneur
-motion, risk, success, while turbulence
Business Logic (P):
-reactive = financial logic
-positive = spending, investments, risks, combinations, running in a new one. Profit maximization
-The entrepreneur is more effective in a favorable market environment, the availability of investment (+ P)
-The entrepreneur is optimistic about the future, waiting for a positive development of events (+ T)
-The creator of everything is living nature. This sociotype animates nature, itself becoming a dualist i.e. recognizing in equal measures the material and the idealistic beginnings that unite in the natural realm.

ESI: The Conservator
-condemnation of evil, arrangement, economy, while tension (internal tension and anxiety)
Relationship Ethics (R):
-reactive = distance relations
-negative = ethics of condemnation, distancing, repulsion, minimizing evil
-The guardian condemns the negative in relationships, remembers the evil (-R)
-The keeper demonstrates pressure first, pushing the person to certain actions (-F)
-The world is governed morality and moral duty. This type of mentality more than any other depends on its internal moral attitudes. The individual is in the right to treat others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values is protected from any impositions from outside. Even objectively provoked passion can be brought under control at will.

LSE: The Administrator
-productivity, coordination, concentration, while irascibility
Business Logic (P):
-proactive = productive logic
-negative = savings, savings, careful operation of existing, cost reduction. Minimize costs.
-The administrator works well from negative business conditions, with a lack of funds (-P)
-The administrator minimizes discomfort, is not afraid of protracted inconvenience, overcomes ill health (-S)
-The world is governed by labor, by work. This type has the most materialistically directed type of psyche. It will base its argument only on existing knowledge and laws. Completely dependent on the process of work, subjugating its own plans to it. Will reject any theories or schemes if they are not presented in a form of already established methods.

EII: The Humanist
-kindness, tolerance, guilt, while vulnerability
Relationship Ethics (R):
-proactive = educational relations
-positive = ethics of forgiveness, attraction, maximization of good
-The humanist strengthens the positive side of relationships, forgives evil (+ R)
-The humanist sincerely believes in the idea, the ability of a person, helps their disclosure (+ I)
-The world is ruled by kindness. The type that is most predisposed to compassion, even if its words and feelings are not realized as actions. This type has idealistic notions about kindness and fairness and that if everybody abides by these notions in everyday life this will lead towards a more humanitarian society. However, these have to come from the depths of individual's soul rather than be imposed from the outside.

IEE: The Advisor
-insight, contact, inspiration, while inconsistency
Intuition of opportunities (I):
-reactive = ability opportunities
-negative = alternativeness, minimization of the impossible, hidden talents, hidden inclinations
-The adviser pays attention to hidden abilities and alternative possibilities, gives advice on how to get around obstacles (-I)
-The adviser, having broken off relationships, does not seek to restore them, therefore, he distances himself from unpleasant people, and he acutely perceives interpersonal negative (-R)
-The world is governed by a feeling that is more powerful than the individual; this is one of the most altruistic types that is capable of helping people not asking for anything in return. This type has a strong predisposition for empathy.

SLI: The Artisan
-comfort, agility/craftsmanship, self-defense, while boredom
Sensory sensations (S):
-reactive = health sensations
-positive = relaxed, smoothed sensations, maximizing comfort
-The master is looking for peace and relaxation, tension and contrasts he does not like (+ S)
-The master in the business sphere is an entrepreneurial worker and is eager to get the most out of the effort (+ P)
-The world is ruled by usefulness. In accordance with its philosophy this type will not do anything that it perceives as useless for itself and will never offer this to others. The principle of minimal action by which the physical world lives is its principle as well. As the most technologically-minded type, this type believes that the best argument is the one that appeals to the common sense of man.


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