Functional States by Victor Gulenko

Credit to: Victor Gulenko, Ph.D

Visit!: Compensation of Communicative States

Visit Socionics.Kiev!: Expressive Possibilities of Mental States. Man and the world in the language of universals!


Very Brief:

Se: stimulation, aggression build-up and release
Si: practical care of bodily needs such as rest, nourishment, clothing, and shelter
Te: active, obstinate, and enduring
Ti: calm, cool-headed, and pedantic
Fe: demonstrative and expressive
Fi: modest and empathetic
Ne: taking chances and defying convention
Ni: contemplative and patient

Intellectual Level (way of thinking):

Se: reflexes, instincts, finding strong and weak points, feasibility
Si: tastes, colors, smells, touches, sensory perception of the current situation
Te: calculation of profitable actions
Ti: creation of schemes, construction, analysis
Fe: rhetoric, pathos, slogans, aphorisms, qualitative ratings
Fi: morals, values, good/bad evaluation, hidden commitment
Ne: hypotheses, insight, extraction of information from the subconscious by guessing
Ni: imagination, memories, predictions, contradiction, confusion, difficult choice

Social Level (informal role in a group):

Se: coercion, resistance, power center
Si: conformity, adaptation, decorator
Te: work, profit, engine, rhythm timer
Ti: following the laws/instructions/plans/schedules, objective judge
Fe: sociability, demonstrativeness, emotional involver
Fi: traditions, rituals, stereotypes, conciliator
Ne: innovations, experiments, generator of non-standard ideas
Ni: suggestion, hypnosis, visions, symbolism, process reflector

Psychological Level (experienced state of mind):

Se: mobilization, self-confidence, sense of mastery, mood to win
Si: hedonism, moment enjoyment, body susceptibility to discomfort
Te: automatism, thirst for movement, persistent motor arousal, energy
Ti: composure, self-control, sense of mastery, detachment, inexorability
Fe: passions, desires, mood, empathy
Fi: stable attachments, habits, inner stronghold
Ne: abilities, talents, immersion in oneself, internal focus on images
Ni: reflection, premonitions, omens, victimous mystical feelings, hallucinations, hypnosis

Physical Level (physical signs):

Se: muscular system, heavy but mobilized body
Si: skin and mucous membranes, soft body, comfortable posture
Te: cardiovascular system, reciprocating movements
Ti: skeleton bones, lack of emotional reactions, solid static body
Fe: hormonal system, wide-open eyes, complexion, rich facial expression
Fi: respiratory system, indirect signals of sympathy, antipathy, inadequacy
Ne: digestive system, defocused gaze, stopping movement, emotional release during insight
Ni: nervous system, sad eyes, postures of humility, lifeless body


Intellectual Level (way of thinking):

Se: Intellectually, state F means perception of strength-weakness. Thinking in this state is extremely specific, grounded, objectified. It is necessarily accompanied by muscular sensations. Thinking technology F is most conveniently compared with “probing” or “weighing” an object. F-thinking is non-verbal - it does not use words. A person who thinks by force sensory, lowers his eyes down to the ground. He seems to be listening to his body.

Si: Intellectual activity in the S state is the processing of signals from all senses. In state S, a person absorbs all the influences from the outside world — sounds, smells, touches, temperature — and compares them to each other in a single sensory complex. The difference from the state F is that the emphasis is on the dynamics of sensations — whether they are strengthened or weakened, harmoniously combined, or come out of each other. In the state of S, man again thinks not with words and not with pictures, but with his whole body.

Te: The state of business logic in the intellectual sense is thriftiness, evaluation of benefits, thinking through expedient methods of action. Thinking on the P-model proceeds in the form of verbal reasoning according to the formula “if - then”. Long chains of causes and effects line up. The grammar of such a speech is rather poor, but P-speech is dynamic, different lexical variety, well conveys the developing processes.

Ti: At the intellectual level, the L aspect means the construction of schemes, structures, classifications. This type of logic is aimed not at efficiency and profitability, but at the correctness and proportionality of proportions. Thinking in categories L, a person compares one object with another according to one or another criterion and places it in the corresponding cell of the classification table. L-thinking is a brief, extremely concise wording and definition. The law of structural and logical thinking is a minimum of vocabulary (meaningful words) and a maximum of grammar (official words - prepositions, conjunctions, particles, introductory turns).

Fe: Being in a state of emotional arousal, a person loses the objective severity of his judgments and plunges into the violent element of subjective preferences and feelings. His consciousness makes very biased assessments, which are only an expression of the value of an object or person for himself. At the same time, the thinking process takes the form of speech, rich in intonations, fast in tempo and extensive in verbal content. Thinking proceeds as a dialogue with a real or fictional interlocutor.

Fi: The intellectually communicative aspect of R appears as veiled, hidden ratings. Arguing in the R-form, a person seems to be afraid of admitting to himself that he prefers one object to another. In this state, a choice is made between two from the point of view of logic of completely equivalent options. There is another strategy of R-thinking - a conscious choice of the opposite of what we would really like. Thus, R-judgments are rational, that is, they have their own reason, even if it is hidden, but absolutely illogical.

Ne: In thinking, intuition I is the extraction of information from the subconscious. The subconscious storehouse of information of a person is equal in volume to the outside world, therefore the intuition of possibilities is the most intellectual of the functions of thinking. In state I, a person falls below the features of consciousness and draws from the depths of his intellect answers to paradoxical questions, before which logic is powerless. Technologically intuitive thinking I is operations with visual images. The vague pictures, extracted from the subconscious, are synthesized into a complex complex, which, compacted, at some instant, is illuminated by a bright flash of light — an intuitive guess. In a person who thinks in the I-way, his eyes freeze at an average level, and the pupils dilate. The look becomes defocused.

Ni: The state of T on the intellectual level forms the most abstract type of thinking, which reflects the global processes of the external world due to time. The law of entropy - the steady transition from more organized forms of life to more chaotic and simplified - is the basis of T-thinking. Birth, becoming, death and new birth in other forms - this is what information the human brain occupies in this state. If in the first state a person obtains knowledge from within himself, from his subconscious layers of the psyche, then in the T state information comes from the outside - from the "Cosmos". Thinking on the intuition of time occurs in dynamic visual forms. Eyes at the same time rise up and make small fluctuations, as if trying to follow the movement of the image.

Social Level (informal role in a group):

Se: In society, a person with a stable state F claims to be the power center of the group. He interferes in the course of the group's activities when he feels that it is necessary to speed up, slow down events or change their direction altogether. F-type as a conductor controls a group with one hand movement, turning the head or changing body position. But he usually does not want to stand in front of the group, officially head it. Therefore, another name for F-roles in society is an informal, or a shadow leader.

Si: The steady states S lead at the social level to an informal role in the team, which is called a closer, or designer. Such a person shows himself well when the external situation, perceived through the senses, is in a harmonious state. S-type avoids the activity that accompanies discomfort, noise, coercion, prolonged exertion of forces. Therefore, the closer is active in an isolated area of ​​society. Although its activity is limited, it is universal and diverse: monotony and repeatability are incompatible with the state S.

Te: At the social level, the long-held state P generates the informal role of the engine of the group. The fact is that in the state of P one cannot sit idle - he constantly resides in some beneficial activity. Next to a person who is in the P-state, it is impossible to rest. With his work rhythm, he unwittingly enters into the work of everyone who communicates with him at close range. For this reason, working groups nominate such people as official leaders. The second side of the P-role in the team is the formal leader.

Ti: The long-held state L leads to an informal role in the team — a systemizer or expert. It is expressed in making objective, disinterested judgments on any issues of life. A person in state L is prone to isolation within the group, to action according to the written and unwritten norms and rules existing within its framework. The second side of the L-role is the judge. Such a person is addressed, knowing his maximum non-involvement, so that he soberly reasoned this or that controversial case.

Fe: A person in state E claims the social role of an emotional “engaging”. In a team, he pays attention to the mood of people and actively influences those who deviate from the general level of group emotions. The task of the emotional engagement is, depending on the situation, to either cheer up, cheer or inspire, or cause negative emotions, it is unpleasant to touch and excite. Having completed the task of emotional involvement, the E-type switches to external communication - making connections in other groups and assessing the state of affairs with them. This side of the informal role of a person in the E state is called resource exploration.

Fi: At the social level, a person in a state of R is able to play the informal role of a harmonizer in a team. His actions are aimed at maintaining a warm and friendly psychological climate, smoothing sharp corners, reconciling people. A person who performs the R-role, acts not as a judge or "resolver" of conflicting opposites, but as their conciliator. He knows how to calm people down, relieve emotional stress. Personal commitment in this case, of course, do not disappear, but carefully hidden.

Ne: If a person holds state I for a long time, then in society he will take the role of an intellectual leader - a generator of ideas. I-type shows increased intellectual activity, strives for new and complex tasks. Idea generator with great difficulty is given standard, routine operations. He gives all his strength to get rid of them, inventing new approaches. A person in state I does not care much about the opinions of people about his proposals and projects. Making a discovery, he satisfies his cognitive curiosity.

Ni: The steady state T in society leads to the consolidation of the informal role of the “reflector”. In this state, a person predicts the entire social and psychological dynamics of the team - is a kind of sensitive indicator of changes. In it, as in a drop of water, all bad and good that was, is and will be in this group of people is reflected. In the T-state of man expects a contradictory combination of the fate of the "prophet" and at the same time the victim, which everyone will be blamed for common failures.

Psychological Level (experienced state of mind):

Se: Psychologically, the state of F is felt as complete self-confidence. Any doubts, experiences, reflection are incompatible with this state. Feeling master wherever a person is. Set to win at any cost. Strong nervous system and self-control. Rapid mobilization of forces, allowing at any second to strike or repel a blow. All of this - unambiguous psychological signs of the state F.

Si: At the psychological level, the state S is experienced as pleasure, pleasure, satiation, satisfaction of the feeling of thirst or hunger. In state S, a person expresses his feelings through concrete care, help in meeting biological needs. This state can be compared with the process of capturing an image on a photographic film, drawing a picture on the surface of a paper, recording sound on a magnetic tape, etc. S is the most diagnostic state: it allows determining the localization of pain in the body and their intensity. This state is characterized by constant cyclical dynamics — filling and emptying hollow organs and vessels with a circulating substrate.

Te: Psychologically, the communicative aspect of P generates a state of motor arousal, a thirst for useful activity. In the state of P, a person experiences an increase in working capacity, becomes energetic and purposeful. This state is very energy consuming, so a person who is in it is nervous a lot, often unrestrained. Any distraction from work is perceived by him as a useless waste of time, loss.

Ti: Psychologically, a person in the L-state is distinguished by composure and indifference. In this state, there are no feelings and subjective preferences. Figuratively, this state can be likened to a block of ice or the geometric correctness of a crystal of some mineral. This is the least psychological state, since it has absolutely no soul, human warmth. But, on the other hand, it is the most balanced and stable. It is a state of obedience, diligence and discipline.

Fe: In psychological terms, the state of E is expressed as a strong desire and passion that is exciting to a person. It can erupt in the form of violent joy or inconsolable grief. In the state of E, another person feels like himself. This is the essence of the process of empathy, which is so necessary for the practicing psychologist. The state of E is rational, that is, it is realized by man, but it is very difficult to control them. Passion, be it joy or grief, is always one-sided: it concentrates all the mental resources of a person on one object and thus deprives it of the possibility of choice.

Fi: Psychologically, the state of R is experienced as an internal aggression towards someone or something, as a deep attachment. Interestingly, this condition is not emotional. There is no expression in it, but there is a long-term dependence of a moral and ethical nature. The state of R is a guarantee of loyalty in a relationship. It is like a compass needle, which, in any attempt to turn its body, returns to its “native” north direction. Thanks to R, we perceive people, places and times as ours, relatives or as strangers, alien.

Ne: Psychologically, in state I, a person experiences feelings associated with self-absorption — external detachment with strong internal concentration. This state resembles in its psychological effect a dam breakthrough. The first stage of the intuitive process is accompanied by a painful feeling of dissatisfaction: the person does not find a place for himself, carrying the idea. The idea, it would seem, is ripening on its own, but it is necessary to intervene in this slow process, so that the images that are needed come out of the subconscious. Then the intellectual tension abruptly, abruptly gives way to relief and joy - the idea was finally born into the world.

Ni: Psychologically, the T-state is experienced as a victim (sacrifice). This state is most religiously colored, as it is imbued with the desire for liberation from all earthly, carnal, binding spirit. In a state of T person pulls to the mysterious, otherworldly, transcendental. In its immoderate manifestation, it leads to hallucinations, the emergence of various mystical visions. A person with persistent T-states is most susceptible to hypnosis. Another tinge of experience on the intuition of time is subjection to fate, lack of free will, life at the behest of higher powers.

Physical Level (physical signs):

Se: At the physical level, this state requires a massive, full body. There are few movements, but they are all performed firmly, with one jerk, without pauses. Static posture firmly standing with both feet on the ground man. The look is sharp, intent, heavy. This look as if weighed, estimate the balance of forces. Despite being firmly grounded, the axis of rotation passes through the body: the state F is very agile - the body can be easily turned in any direction, quickly responding to the situation from the front, rear, side.

Si: Physically, the state S is recognizable by a soft and relaxed body, a comfortable posture in which the body area is in maximum contact with the surface of the support. In the S state, uniform physiologically conditioned processes in the body are noticeable - respiration, blood circulation, heat waves. Gestures are stingy and precise, but at the same time smooth, without tension. Facial expression is associated with a reduction in the taste muscles located around the mouth and nose. Pleasure or displeasure, pleasure or aversion is imprinted on the face.

Te: Physically, the P state is fast movements with a uniformly adjusted rhythm. Muscle contraction-relaxation is subordinated to the same goal, performed in the same direction, therefore, in such a state, a person is rather inflexible and unbecoming. Having entered the P-state, a person completely surrenders to him, turns into a kind of productive mechanism. It is difficult to get out of it immediately. Gaining inertia, the muscles continue to rhythmically contract, and limbs move. The more intense the work, the longer it takes to recuperate.

Ti: On the physical level, a person in the L state is characterized by an almost complete absence of manifestations of “life”. The mimicry with its stillness resembles a statue, the body is straight and fixed, the eyes are dull and do not express anything. Body movements are kept to a minimum. The rule “one organ - one function” is observed, that is, they only take the hand, walk with their feet, and eat with their mouth. Operations are performed discretely underlined, with a noticeable fixation of the beginning and end.

Fe: The physical signs of a person immersed in state E are well recognized. These are wide-open, burning eyes, rich facial expressions, quick and expressive gestures, randomly-jerky movements, change in complexion (redness or blanching). The ability to enter the state of E is necessary for all who work on the stage or even speak to the audience. The emotional expressiveness of an actor or speaker is the main means of influencing an audience.

Fi: Physically, the state of R is very difficult to identify precisely because in it the true relationship is hidden either behind indifference or behind the opposite. It can be detected by barely noticeable disagreements and minor disruptions in normal communication. Her voice trembled a little, her complexion slightly changed, her eyelids trembled and assumed their usual position — all of these are reliable signals of relationships. Indirect sympathy-antipathy, attraction to a person or repulsion from him, accompanied by a slight internal excitement, physically indicate that you are observing state R.

Ne: On the physical level, state I transforms you into a person of non-standard behavior. The face becomes very expressive: the stiffened, defocused look, the muscles around the eyes are strained, the brows shifted to the nose bridge form vertical folds on the forehead. The body freezes in the position in which you are caught intuitive thought. Movement stops, static is established. This continues until the moment of insight, after which the static is suddenly replaced by violent emotional dynamics. A strong physical stimulator of state I is the feeling of swimming - immersion or weightlessness.

Ni: One of the most important signs of the T-state is the loss of the sensations of your body. In the T-state, the person feels neither pain nor carnal pleasures. The lifelessness of the body is manifested in its fragility, pallor and inner emptiness. The T-state is expressed through the postures of humility: the shoulders are lowered, the neck is drawn in or, conversely, the head is too extended, the head is bowed or raised, and the overall figure is bent. Movement in this state is uniformly slow and smooth. It is like some kind of waking dream. The eyes of a person in the T-state are very sad, they are like a reflection of a dim mysterious, "moon" light.

The law of state compensation:

None of the eight communicative states of a person can stay too long. Life obeys the law of unity and struggle of opposites. Any phenomenon has its opposite, which steadily follows it, like a shadow. Plus is impossible without a minus, top without bottom, and life without death. Moreover, the end of one state is also the beginning of another.

Opposites continually replace each other: the more one extremes prevail, the stronger the pendulum will later swing in the opposite direction. In mathematics, this law is called equivalence , that is, the equivalence of two quantities. Here is how CG Jung writes about this: “ It became clear enough to me that only where there is a bias does the path of life continue. However, where there is no tension created by opposites, there is no energy . ”The name that Jung used to denote this phenomenon is compensatory.

However, Jung himself gives priority to the discovery of this most important law to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Heraclitus called the regulating function of opposites “enantiodromy”, which is translated as “running back”. The transition of opposites into each other brought Hegel to the center of his dialectic, who lived almost a millennium and a half later than the ancient thinker from Ephesus. Both philosophers, apparently, belonged to the type of ethical-intuitive extrovert , the inner world of which was literally “woven” from contradictions.

Compensation of one communicative state by another happens inevitably, but this objective process can be accelerated or slowed down. The one-sided functioning of the personality has detrimental consequences: the overdevelopment of one side of the psyche automatically turns into the underdevelopment of the other, and when compensatory switching occurs, the bitter fruits of artificial “clamping” are regrettable. The opposition that has finally escaped into freedom finds wild, strange, archaic forms.

Below I will briefly expand on the eight formulas of compensatoryness. Their awareness will help explain why radical changes sometimes occur in the behavior of an individual, as well as regulate the rhythm of switching in varying degrees. And you should always take into account which communicative aspect is leading, and which - compensating. The ratio of opposites fifty-fifty is fraught with confusion, jamming, the inability to make a choice. Close to optimal ratio is 3: 2.

If a person is in a good mental form, he is not fixated on, develops, his pairs of equivalent states constantly alternate. One aspect, following the individual rhythm invested in it, flows into another, and this gives the psyche stability without obsession.

1. E-P: emotional excitement is compensated by the business process. At the moment of strong emotional outbursts of a person, he pulls to move, move objects. Saturated emotionality turns around with fussy movements, useless running around.

2. P-E: hard work necessarily requires periodic emotional discharges. Too long stay in the labor process leads to emotional breakdowns, quarrels, rampant feasts. This type of compensation has long been introduced by people as an alternation of working days and days off.

3. R-L: likes and dislikes are compensated by logical rigor and objectivity. Strong sympathies for someone are aligned with the underlined disinterest in him up to cold-blooded ignoring. Warm or hostile relations between relatives are sometimes replaced by waves of indifference.

4. L-R: objectivity and comprehensiveness are compensated by subjective attachments and one-sided decisions that are far from logical justification. A long stay of a person in a deadpan state L ends with falling into a strange dependence on the very first person who managed to reduce the psychological distance with him.

5. F-I: strength and power give rise to invention and ingenuity as compensation. Persons who have achieved unlimited power, be it state power or the power of money, are distinguished by wild fantasies and whims. In the people, this type of compensation is called "with fat rage." The executioner, reveling in power over his victim, is also very resourceful in the methods of torment.

6. I-F: intuitive thinking is compensated by increased aggressiveness and self-confidence. Intellectuals, accustomed to acting as generators of ideas, are becoming heavily portable in everyday life and require privileges. Deep immersion in the subconscious images entail an increase in primitive sexuality.

7. S-T: physical relaxation, saturation of biological needs leads to philosophical reflections on fate and the meaning of life. So the animal life of primitive people was compensated by superstition. But even now people living for the sake of the stomach and the accumulation of things balance their one-sided sensory nature with belief in omens, anxiety, primitive religiosity.

8. T-S: reflections on “high matters”, spirituality and moral quest are compensated by carnal pleasures, earthly instincts, admiration with their own bodies, etc. Religions cultivating T's conditions carry out this compensation as lifting the ban on fast food after the end of the fast. For one-sided adherence to T, a person pays with perverted tastes, unnatural diseases, sadomasochism.


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