Vertical blocks in the power model

Getting acquainted with the modeling of behavior in various sciences, I realized that in any model of behavior there must be at least four blocks - special devices that ensure the viability of the system. What are these blocks?

First, it is a block of receptors . Their combination forms a perceiving device that provides the connection of the simulated object with the external environment.

Secondly, the decisive device . It processes the information coming from the receptors and makes decisions regarding certain actions.

Third, the effectors are the actuator. Having received the necessary resources and commands from the decision-making device, it embodies the goal set, in accordance with the current situation.

And, fourthly, in a workable model one cannot do without a memory device - a memory unit .

Does the energetic model of a socionic object meet these requirements? - Yes, it corresponds to this and how.

The receptor block is formed in the model of the 4th and 8th positions. The impact on the four (starting position) excites the type, and on the eight (controlling position) it suppresses the type.

The solver combines the 1st and 5th positions. The first (manager) encourages and stimulates, and the fifth (demonstrative) - limits and encounters obstacles. “Entrepreneur” (LIE), for example, according to this scheme will encourage business initiative, but limit and subordinate the terms and speeds of partners.

The effectors correspond to the 2nd and 6th positions in our model. The difference between them is this. If the second (implementation) acts as a humble performer, then the sixth (manipulative) - as a cunning and obstinate "servant of two masters." So, “Entrepreneur” will go to any business innovation without any questions, then the ethics of approval or condemnation will be accepted only by the one he likes.

The third and seventh positions are included in the memorization unit. The operational memory is connected with the third (the role position) - I remember while I do it. The seven (brake position) - assigned the function of long-term memory. So, at the same Entrepreneur, emotional methods of influencing people are quickly lost, and sensory effects (well, for example, hardening procedures, survival techniques in nature) crash into memory for a long time.

These are the consequences arising from the energy model. Some of them are going to check out during a simple experiment. Another time I will write what.


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