Gulenko: Logic of Changes and Request Rings

Credit to: Victor Gulenko, Ph.D

Visit Socionics.kiev!: Logic of changes. How order is born out of chaos

1. Clarification of terms used

In classical socionics, when examining groups of types, the main attention is paid to quadras. Very popular among the old and new socionics was the law of the turnover of quadras. However, until now, few people thought about why this turnover occurs. Really,

What makes quadras take turns?

Where does energy come from? My report is dedicated to the answer to this difficult question. I am absolutely convinced that the answer should be sought in those groups of types that form the energy subsystem of the socion. That is why my main subject of study in this year were the order of the ring .

And yet, why they?

Let's think about which of the binary socionic attributes control the energy side of metabolism? These signs are:
Extraversion - Introversion (Vertigo)
Evolution - Involution (rotation)
Questicity - declination (ripple).

Understanding the last polarity of Aushra and socionics echoing her never suited me. Interrogative or exclamatory intonations, which they consider to be the essence of this trait, are far from the most important manifestation of these intertype differences. Yes, it is experimentally not yet confirmed. The inspector, for example, is good at asking questions, although he is considered a quest. Otherwise he would not be an investigator! Answers are given by evasive, streamlined ones, often just joked off. So, the interpretation of this feature as “questioning” and “asserting” has yet to be resolved.

I, however, put a different meaning in the content of this attribute, namely, the degree of intensity and radicalism of change. Quests are more radical in their actions and, above all, extraverted. Less radical declastic, especially introverted. The confrontation and balancing of these tendencies gives rise to the resulting vector of development. This is the first circumstance.
Secondly, I drew attention to the fact that in many sciences involved in the study of complex systems, mechanisms of development that are similar in many ways to the quest-decliable concept are described. In evolutionary biology, for example, mutations and selection are central. With a certain degree of convention, I use these terms. Then it is possible to say the following: psychological mutations (random changes, most of which are useless or even harmful) are produced by questyme types, and their selection and consolidation are done by declime.

There are other analogies. I see a direct connection between the questness and declination with the concept of the historian A. Toynbee "call-answer". Or with the “stimulus - reaction” scheme of behavioral psychologists. They are all based on self-regulation scenarios, commonly known as trial and error.

Thirdly, at the energy level, this polarity corresponds to such opposite processes as the concentration of energy (quest) and its dissipation (declime). Energy terms, which I will also use in the following, are hubs and dissipators. In addition, the development by the concentration of energy I will call intense, and by the dissipation of energy - extensive.

Fourth, for this polarity, there are, essentially, two types of feedback:
1) amplifying deviations and disturbances - questine, and
2) weakening, compensating them - decliable.

Which of the two opposing tendencies — questimna or declativic — will prevail, is determined not only from within the system, but also under the influence of external factors. In the event of a serious threat to the existence of a collective, two choices arise before its members: to leave before it is too late, or to remain. To leave the system in distress is the choice of declacim, and to remain in it is the choice of quest. And stay either for active struggle (more typical for extroverts), or for a simple device (more introverts are concerned).

2. What are the changes

I distinguish four fundamentally different paths of development - types of change, namely:
revolution (radical break-up, coup). Moving from the starting point to the final one occurs in one jump;
transformation (phased rework, parts of the system are shuffled). Moving, so to speak, in large steps;
evolution (smooth gradual changes). Moving in small steps;
involution (convolution, retreat) - hidden, latent changes.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the term “evolution” itself is understood in the scientific literature in two ways. First, it is understood as any natural change over time. Secondly, - as gradual change - the opposite of revolution. This, of course, is inconvenient, since the more general category has the same name as the more particular category. In this report, I will use the word evolution in a second, more specific sense.

Consider all kinds of changes in more detail.

2.1. The revolution is a quick and radical change.

Coup, pole change, explosion. The radical coup is carried by extraverted right-side quests - Seeker (ILE) in the first quadra, Mentor (EIE) in the second quadra, Politician (SEE) in the third quadra and Administrator (FEL) in the fourth.

The Seeker makes a revolution in science, a humanitarian revolution (a revolution in minds, a change of ideology) - Mentor, a social revolution - Politician (integral type of political unrest), a management revolution - Administrator (in its course decentralization, delegation of power to the localities).

At the functional level, the revolutionary cycle is written as: F -> E -> I -> P -> ...

That is: A force situation - an emotional surge - a non-standard idea - a realizing action ...

Types of radical energy, connecting together, form a ring that generates a flash of violent activity. Their essence can be expressed in one word - energy generators. It is these types of most heat up the emotional situation in the group. It is useful for any manager to know who in the team he leads is potential troublemakers and to prevent them from uniting against themselves.

2. 2. Transformation - a quick but gradual change.

When this occurs, the adjustment to local conditions, partial alteration. Such changes occur by penetrating deep into the system through a network of nodal points. Like the capture bridgehead. Over time, the entire system is under control. Such a pattern of behavior is characteristic of extraverted left deklacims. In the first quadra, this is how the Enthusiast (ESE) acts, in the second quadre Marshal (SLE), in the third quadre the Entrepreneur (LIE) and in the fourth quadre Advisor (IEE).

A distinctive feature of these types is that they generate distributed network systems. They divide the single energy flow into many streams. This is how a network is formed that covers a large area. For example, Marshal is building a clan-type network. Enthusiast - a network of friends who provide each other useful services. Advisor - interest clubs and parties. The entrepreneur deploys trading and financial networks.

At the level of individual functions - a mirror image of the previous cycle: F -> P -> I -> E -> ...

The power struggle in this cycle causes a useful action, then an unusual idea appears and ends with all the emotional reaction of people.

Types of transformational energy are connected in a ring that distributes the energy generated by someone. The key word for them is energy distributors.

Two types of rapid change — revolution and transformation mirror each other. Consider this difference on the example of the functional modules IP (block of the social mission of the Seeker) and PI (block of the social mission of the entrepreneur).
In the first case, we have the formula “innovative technologies”, that is, we first find the idea (I) and then develop it technically (P), in the second case, the formula reads like “profitable innovations”, which means getting profitable technology (P) and then uncover it by finding non-standard use for it (I).

2.3. Evolution - slow and gradual changes.

Smooth development, without jumps and zigzagging, often leading to the restoration of the previous order. Such changes are characteristic of introverted right deklaktimov. In the first quadra to evolutionary change, the Mediator (SEI), in the second Inspector (LSI), in the third Critic (OR) and in the fourth Humanist (EII).
In this way, the system becomes stable. However, if evolutionists are not bothered (for example, such a leader has been in power for too long), then stagnation occurs. Access to existing resources is blocked, previously stored ones become unusable, lost or stolen.

At the functional level, the evolutionary cycle is written as: S -> R -> T -> L -> ...

This is interpreted as follows: comfort leads to stabilization of relations, then to slowing down processes, then to the preservation of the structure.
Evolutionary types are the opposite of energy generators. Their key characteristic is energy absorbers. The logic of this group, instead of energy and active action, gives a pile of papers (or electronic documents) - information, data. Ethics accumulate relational information. In this ring, qualitatively carry out such operations as replication and copying.

2.4. Involution - a radical, but slow change.

Convolution, gap programs, reverse development. In a negative manifestation - degradation. In a positive manifestation - internal restructuring. Involators motto - "two steps forward, one back." Involutionary changes come from introverted left quests. In the first quadra is the Analyst (LII), in the second - Lyrik (IEI), in the third - the Keeper (ESI) and in the fourth - the Master (SLI).

At the functional level, the involution looks like this: S -> L -> T -> R -> ...

This means that comfort leads to reorganization and order, as a result of this, time is released, and then relations are rebuilt. Having received a breathing space, these types do not calm down, but, on the contrary, start any kind of alteration, reorganization or the next improvement, as they think.

The key word for involute users is energy saving. They compress information to produce energy. All unnecessary, unviable, complicating the functioning in conditions of lack of resources is cut off. Their resources do not disappear, but are used in full.

The difference of two introverted rings - evolutionary and involutional, as we see, in rotation. Take for comparison the functional modules TL (right rotation) and LT (left rotation). These are blocks of the social missions of Criticism and Analytics, respectively. They consist of the same elements (up to the sign), but oppositely directed. In the first case we have the formula “changeable structures”, in the second? "Structure changes." The action of the Critic, according to its formula, is to grasp a changeable image and design it structurally, for example, write a program (programming) or predict a trend (sociology). In the case of Analytics, first of all it is necessary to catch the system L, and then set it in motion T (modeling) or change its course (restructuring).

3. Experimental verification of interaction in order rings

Experiments with energy rings most often I spend during socionic seminars and training courses. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to gather the necessary types of people to compile 4 order rings with the time and material and organizational resources we have. In addition, for successful and clearly convincing experiments, the types of participants must have a bright and contrasting profile, otherwise all patterns will be blurred. We almost never have such a picture.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a compromise and conduct an experiment either with incomplete in composition or number of groups, or with volunteers with appropriate accentuated functions. There is also a certain middle variant when there are partially representatives of the necessary types, and partially not and then instead of the missing types their functional substitutes are used.

The simplest way to start is to break the general group into extroverts and introverts (for this I use the FAP test and organize pair dialogs for visual verification of the validity of the partitioning), and then check separately extroverts and separately introverts for questiness - declivability. The last polarity, if you remember, I interpret as concentration or dissipation of energy.

Therefore, we take, for example, two extroverted rings of different pulsations — one radical (concentrating energy to the extent of an explosion), and another moderate (dissipating energy and not allowing a critical energy release) and work with them.

We introduce each of them by trial participant. After the probe has stayed for some time in the ring that has accepted it, we will collide it with the second probe, which the same time spent in the opposite ring (the “collider” exercise). The behavior of each ring (we pay special attention to communication with an alien!) Will be videotaped. After that, let's compare the results: samplers will share their opinions, and the video will be watched by independent experts. Significant difference will be there. It will manifest itself in distances, movements, emotional agitation, etc.

Another variant of test exercises for energetic with different pulsations is the simulation of their actions in a situation of systemic crisis, an inevitably increasing threat. Or at least in a rather tense situation of time shortage. The theory of energy groups predicts a significant difference in the behavior of questits and declimes under these conditions. The quests are trying to “reanimate” the crashing system until the last (and they often succeed in this), and the declimes prefer to leave such a system (for a new start). So far, such exercises have not been conducted by me. They will be associated with the next step of experimental work with order rings.
Further experiments on the power of the socion is its division by rotation. The task is to allow the right and left sociotypes to freely share in 2 subgroups. I wonder what they will do? Are they divided by verity or acceleration (statics / dynamics)? If the first will occur more often, then the energy model (development of the SHGS) has a priority in reflecting group dynamics, if the second, then the infomodel (also model A). There is also a situation of uncertainty. Then it will be necessary to proceed to the verification of intermediate, energy-information models.

4. Order groups as a special case of quaternion

The sweep of the socion along the order rings is nothing more than a special case of a quaternion - a fourfold balanced energy-information system with clearly distributed roles and streamlined relationships. And if so, then the distribution of roles, as well as structural? Functional relationships between order groups will be described by the “DCNH” system.
This will probably be the case. Power generators will play a dominant role in the custom subsystem of the socion, power distributors will play a creative role, energy absorbers will normalize, and energy saving will remain a harmonizing role. The latter, as is well known, by virtue of low power, are often pushed out of their quadras.
The basic axis of the power of socion according to our analysis is formed by the right energy groups? Power generators, as well as dual energy absorbers. Since right-sided quests are energetically dominant in socion, socion as a whole has right (i.e., clockwise) rotation.
And now let us sum up the togs. As you can see, the main driving force of the socion is order relations. Duality, from this point of view, plays a supporting role. It harmonizes extrovert and introverted energies (front and rear) within the framework of a double ring. Thanks to it, synchronization occurs (in angular rather than linear velocity) of two unidirectional in rotation, although of different power groups.
It is the right energy alternation according to the “explosion / stability” scheme that leads to the type of development of society that we observe in real history. Moreover, the alternating epochs of people of different cultures evaluate differently. In the East of the era of stability, when little is happening, people regard as good, and the epoch of change as bad. In the West, marks are often set in the opposite way. Revolutionary change is associated with progress, and long-term stability is associated with decay or backwardness.
Thus, on the time line we see the alternation of extroverted and introverted parts. But each of these areas still consists of direct (right) and return (left) pulses. In the macrosocium, in most cases, right-wing groups dominate. The left rings only occasionally skip between these basic stages, switching them.
And what is the use of the interaction of right and left types? - Between the rings of different rotation correcting relationship. Indeed, a revolution without transformation is destructive and destructive. It is the same as connecting the device to the mains directly, without lowering the voltage. Of course, introverted rings are also being adjusted. Evolution without a cleansing involution is anabiosis, hibernation, running in a circle, lack of fresh air.
So, in the course of inevitable changes, the energy of the system decreases, and information, on the contrary, increases. Out of chaos (state with maximum energy), order is born (state with maximum information). Between them there are two transitional sections - the transition of energy into information and the opposite transition of information into energy. In this eternal cycle of change, the initial revolutionary upheavals lead to the transformation of the system into a new stable form, which over time grows old and cracks until it is swept away by a new explosion. This is the essence of energy-informational metabolism.
As if the blood, which has escaped from a fresh wound, spreads in thin streams through the body, is absorbed into clothes or simply stops in hollows and folds of skin - and so it remains for some time until it collapses and crumbles into dust.
Thank you for attention!


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