
Showing posts from 2018

Empirical Markers in Sociological Diagnosis of Humanitarian Socionics Marmotte terrible / Empirical markers in the sociological diagnostics of ShGS There are security restrictions for this page </ span> Content  [  remove  ]  1 General information 2 Pantomimic and Socionic Properties 3 Oculomotor reactions and socionic properties 4 Facial expressions and socionic properties 5 Phenotypic features and socionic properties 6 Speech and Socionic Properties 7 References general information In diagnostics  , the  main focus in  diagnostics  is on non-verbal signals and visual information.  The following dynamic and static manifestations can be distinguished: 1.  Pantomime  : gesticul...

Model G Explanation

Image Model G Model G  (read "Model Ji"), Model G is a socionic model proposed by  Viktor Gulenko  , one of the main models used in the  School of Humanitarian Socionics  .  The main difference from other models is that the socionic functions are grouped by energy (the same vertigo) and are arranged in two rows: upper (close) and lower (far) distances. Content  [  remove  ]  1 Model G - energy model by Viktor Gulenko 2 Background 3 The principle of isomorphism and functional relationships 4 Communicative distance 5 G model device 6 Organization of socion with regard to model G 7 Positions of functions in model G 8 Positional analysis of functions 9 G model blocks 9.1 Social mission block 9.2 Social Adaptation Unit 9.3 Block of creative self-realization 9.4 Inflation block 10 Energy distribution between functions. 10.1 energy maximum 10.2...