Socionics Dichotomy Descriptions
Extraversion and introversion
At the physical level, extroverts are distinguished by their ability to spend energy in activities without thinking. They actively master the outside world, acting on it with impulsive actions. An extrovert behaves energy-consuming, since energy is born in it with some excess and it needs to be put somewhere.
Introvert does not have such energy reserves as an extrovert; therefore, it behaves more restrained and economical. He is more unfinished than remake. He draws energy from the outside, needs pushing from more energetic people.
Psychologically extroverts are more open people in informal communication. They understand themselves indirectly through other people. Direct self-deepening is a problem for them. Without receiving information from the outside, the extrovert feels an inner emptiness. The information vacuum is experienced by them harder than the energy one.
Introverts, when they communicate informally, automatically retain their inner closeness. Their inner world is better protected from invasions, they know themselves directly. The difficulties they have with the knowledge of other people. Being left without external information, the introvert generates it within itself. Much worse to him without external energy replenishment.
In society, an extrovert shows a broad tendency, expansion. He is more often endowed with leadership skills; he is better at leading large teams than small ones. In public life, he needs to be noticed, to actively influence the opinions or actions of people.
Introvert is less likely to become the leader of large groups. He comes to the fore more often in small groups, for example, in the family, being their support. It is more difficult for an introvert to take responsibility for other people on himself, it is always more convenient for him to shy away from competition and expansion.
The extrovert intellectual activity is faster. Per unit of time, an extrovert processes more information than an introvert. An extrovert is usually more “intelligent” if IQ is measured using tests with limited time to complete tasks.
Introvert thinks slower. He delves into the material and works it out more qualitatively, but at the same time loses in speed. Introvert wins in the intellectual competition only when the time for performing test tasks is not limited.
Sensory and intuitiveness
In the objective, physical world, sensorics feel like “fish in water”. They have everyday practicality, are able to conveniently arrange their living space. Without tension, they refer to routine procedures, the very process of caring for material objects.
Intuitive types are much less practical in the material world. Life is more difficult for them, their manual skills are worse developed. They work well and with desire work only when they make something unique, which is the embodiment of their imagination.
The materiality of sensation is also manifested in interpersonal communication. They communicate according to the “here and now” principle, accepting a person as he is in current reality. The problem of overestimating or underestimating their abilities, coming from idealizing reality, is uncharacteristic for them.
Intuitives communicate with a person according to the principle “there and then”, that is, they turn to the image that they have developed about people of this type. And the type is an idealized construction. For this reason, intuitive difficulties of adequate self-esteem and exaggerated or underestimated requirements for others are encountered.
In society, intuitives are prone to innovations, the first to pay attention to fundamentally new approaches. At the same time, they are not at all confused by the lack of probing, the absence of a precedent, and the lack of evidence from already known facts. These are authors or distributors in a society that were initially rejected by the majority of ideas, theories, inventions, products, lifestyles, behaviors, modes, etc.
Sensory types are guided by the familiar, justified, familiar from experience. If a new product appears, they are not in a hurry to pick it up, waiting for others to do it. But having accepted something and making sure that it works, they will no longer refuse it. They are driven primarily by utilitarian interest, not curiosity.
Sensors are people with a specific, visual-effective thinking. To speculative constructions they have no thrust. Even if sensorics are engaged in abstract-theoretical activities, they prefer to proceed from the existing analogues. Free fantasy, the separation of thought from known forms, creative insight are peculiar to them.
Intuitive people have really abstract (out-of-context) thinking. They like to think in the most abstract, purely speculative categories. They invent intuitives "from the head"; they only need empirical material to confirm or refute their conjectures. Intuitive intelligence tends to fantasy, imagination, life in a fictional (improved or degraded) reality.
Logic and Ethics
Logic, being in the objective world, learn and master it through objective data, in a purely external way. The world of logical types is inanimate, personally uncolored. Logics proceed from the necessity or benefit that a thing or person gives them. People of logic in many respects are treated the same way as standard objects, the value of which is in the performance of a particular function.
The world of ethics is a living, animated world. They are characterized by a subjective, personally colored attitude not only to people, but also to those objects that surround them. Ethics endow them with something like a “character”, inner mental qualities. Especially ethics are prone to animate nature.
At the psychological level, the logician has a rather low degree of emotional involvement. His inner experiences are more uniform and are easily forced out to the periphery of consciousness. In communication, logicians are not able to truly “read” non-verbal signals of the interlocutor - subtle facial expressions, uneven breathing, reddening / blanching of the skin, character of gaze, shades in intonation.
Ethical communication with people is characterized by deep emotional involvement. The inner world of ethics is rich in the nuances of feelings. He is able to feel the other person as if “inside himself”, since he is well aware of emotional vibrations. The ethic receives basic information about a person not from the speaker’s words, but through various non-verbal signals.
In society, in terms of formal communication, the logician differs by the orientation of actions directly on the task. Social behavior unrelated to the problem being solved is regulated by the etiquette of the social group to which they belong. These are not necessarily good form rules. This may be negative etiquette - crude morals, it is important that they exist objectively.
Ethics in social life is focused primarily on the individual person, and not on the task itself. It is very important to him, with whom he is with him, whether people like him or not, whether they accept him for who he is. The success of his life in society strongly depends on this, therefore he constantly delves into the psychological climate of the team, assessing the interpersonal situation in it.
In the intellectual sphere of logic, they prefer substantial logic to the formal. It is not so important for them to prove their opinion strictly “logically”, they are absolutely sure of it in essence. Therefore, they rarely appeal to external authorities and formal-logical rules of reasoning.
In ethics, the opposite is true. In intellectual activity, ethics are often preferred precisely to formal logic, which is already “proven” once and for all. Internally, they are very afraid of accusations that their opinions are not objective, therefore they are looking for support in something authoritative. What they are sure of exactly is in their attitude (positive or negative) to the products of their own and other people's intellectual work.
Rationality and irrationality
Physically, this symptom manifests itself through the muscle tone of a person, that is, the slackness / tightness of his body and organs. The rational type is always more trapped in the body than the irrational. Constant body tone makes movements rational mechanistic, angular. To achieve complete body relaxation for him is a considerable problem. Some rationals cannot take a relaxed posture even in sleep.
The irrational is relaxed somewhat more than is necessary for a stable rhythmic activity. His problem is to keep the muscle tone at the same level longer. For this reason, irrationals cause spontaneous, rush actions. They are well spurred by an extreme situation.
Psychologically, rationals are characterized by a stable mood (elevated, lowered, neutral). Changes in their mood occur under the influence of explainable reasons. The mood of the ration is manageable: it can be artificially cheered or saddened.
Irrationals manage their mental state poorly. It is better for them not to improve their mood, but simply to wait until the moment when a new spontaneous rise begins. However, after the rise inevitably comes the phase of decline. Uncertainty, randomness determines mood fluctuations in irrationals.
At the social level, rationals provide stability, adherence to traditions or, conversely, their persistent rejection. These are people who have long acted on the same system (constructive or destructive), without changing it in principle. The power of rationality in society, in the regularity of action.
Irrationals give rise to an unstable, changeable society. Solid discipline binds them, but they also get tired of their long-term freedom. These are the types that feel bad in the same state if it lasts a long time. They need alternatives, constant switching, variability.
Intellectually rational types are distinguished by the fact that they make decisions easily, quickly and categorically in a familiar environment. When the situation is unusual for them or uncertain, they begin to doubt, nervous. They need some time to think.
In addition, rationals have a good command of the speech and auditory communication channel. These are verbal (verbal) types. They articulate and consistently develop their thoughts in speech or on paper. In the inner thought process, they switch to visual images.
Irrationals are pulled with a final decision in a standard situation, but with abrupt changes in the situation, the choice is made quickly. Uncertainty, the probabilistic nature of the situation activates their thinking, makes them resourceful and sharp-witted. Therefore, they are more decisive precisely when rationals are confused.
External speech is the weak point of the irrationals. It is less clear and consistent with leaps and losses of the main story line. Irrational children are more likely to have bad diction. Their main channel of information is the visual (visual). Because of this, they perceive the world more holistically, synthetically. They process the perceived visual information within themselves in a verbal way.
Statics and Dynamics
In the most general sense, this polarity means an alternative orientation either to space (stationary) - the static pole, or to time (temporality, portability) - the dynamic pole.
Statics depend more on location than time, dynamics - on the contrary. Statics tend to fill space with objects, and dynamics - time with events. In other words, statics do not tolerate empty space around themselves - they immediately fill it with the things at hand. The speakers can not stand the empty time - boredom, a long stay in the same state. In a sense, statics (people of the place) can also be called constant, and dynamics (people of the time) can be called variables.
And now we will consider this polarity according to separate levels of communication.
And now we will consider this polarity according to separate levels of communication.
1. Intellectual level. Here statics opposes dynamics as discrete-fragmentary thinking of continual-associative thinking.
Discreteness or discontinuity is the division of the whole into fragments that are not intermingled. Memorization with statics is more effective when the material is structured by rigid semantic connections. In addition, each concept falls into its memory cell, like a computer. For a firm assimilation, they must fix it on paper (or in other tangible material).
Continuity, or continuity in thinking, gives rise to the associativity of representations — the unification of two concepts by a conditional temporary connection, when one of them, having appeared, immediately causes another in consciousness. The result is a holistic image with moving boundaries. The speakers remember well associatively, easily mastered such techniques as fast reading or eidetic.
Therefore, statics create circuits and structures better, and speakers create models and design projects.
Discreteness or discontinuity is the division of the whole into fragments that are not intermingled. Memorization with statics is more effective when the material is structured by rigid semantic connections. In addition, each concept falls into its memory cell, like a computer. For a firm assimilation, they must fix it on paper (or in other tangible material).
Continuity, or continuity in thinking, gives rise to the associativity of representations — the unification of two concepts by a conditional temporary connection, when one of them, having appeared, immediately causes another in consciousness. The result is a holistic image with moving boundaries. The speakers remember well associatively, easily mastered such techniques as fast reading or eidetic.
Therefore, statics create circuits and structures better, and speakers create models and design projects.
2. Social level. In society, this polarity is manifested as a tendency towards specialization or diversification of resources.
The predominance of the speakers makes any human group unstable, prone to permanent changes and very sensitive to extraneous interventions. The speaker is committed to variation in its social roles. Such a group is also more tenacious, since a diversified society is more easily tolerating both supply interruptions and changes in value systems.
If the group is dominated by statics, then the rapid transformations are difficult to implement, as they encounter psychological opposition. The static group is more stable, but at the same time more conservative. The secret of its sustainability is in specialization. Everyone does their job, occupying their niche. As a result, the resultant force tends to zero.
The predominance of the speakers makes any human group unstable, prone to permanent changes and very sensitive to extraneous interventions. The speaker is committed to variation in its social roles. Such a group is also more tenacious, since a diversified society is more easily tolerating both supply interruptions and changes in value systems.
If the group is dominated by statics, then the rapid transformations are difficult to implement, as they encounter psychological opposition. The static group is more stable, but at the same time more conservative. The secret of its sustainability is in specialization. Everyone does their job, occupying their niche. As a result, the resultant force tends to zero.
3. Psychological level. Static-dynamic polarity controls the degree of balance of the nervous system. In general, the nervous system of statics can be called balanced, and the speakers - unbalanced.
Related to this is, in particular, mood variability. The mood of the dynamics, even if it is rational, may change several times a day for a small (from the point of view of an outsider, of course) reason. Static in its psycho-emotional state is quite autonomous. It is difficult for him to spoil the mood, but it is no less difficult to lift him.
Related to this is, in particular, mood variability. The mood of the dynamics, even if it is rational, may change several times a day for a small (from the point of view of an outsider, of course) reason. Static in its psycho-emotional state is quite autonomous. It is difficult for him to spoil the mood, but it is no less difficult to lift him.
4. Physical level. At this level, we have the stability or variability of the organism and the subject-everyday environment around it.
The speakers tend to change their wardrobe, the interior of the house, rearrange the furniture in the apartment just for the sake of diversity, from boredom. For statics, this tendency is not typical. They are harder to change the subject situation in the territory they are used to.
The state of the body of the speakers is less stable. They quickly recover, but lose weight just as quickly, it is enough to get into a state of strong emotional stress. For statics, the problem of losing weight turns the other side. Their weight category is stable: if they have already grown stout (or have lost weight), then this is a long time.
The same laws apply to other bodily parameters, such as temperature, blood pressure, sweating, etc. For example, the body temperature of the speakers can "jump" during the day, even when there are no obvious symptoms of indisposition.
The speakers tend to change their wardrobe, the interior of the house, rearrange the furniture in the apartment just for the sake of diversity, from boredom. For statics, this tendency is not typical. They are harder to change the subject situation in the territory they are used to.
The state of the body of the speakers is less stable. They quickly recover, but lose weight just as quickly, it is enough to get into a state of strong emotional stress. For statics, the problem of losing weight turns the other side. Their weight category is stable: if they have already grown stout (or have lost weight), then this is a long time.
The same laws apply to other bodily parameters, such as temperature, blood pressure, sweating, etc. For example, the body temperature of the speakers can "jump" during the day, even when there are no obvious symptoms of indisposition.
Central and peripheral
In the general sense, the sign “centrality” means the potential readiness (as well as unconscious craving) of the psyche for overloading in conditions of tough competition (or forced co-operation). “Peripherality” accordingly characterizes the opposite pole - a predisposition to moderate loads and a preference for voluntary cooperation over competition.
1. Intellectual level. The sign "centrality" forms a unipolar picture of the world. It is based on the conviction that someone is more right than another. Central intellectuals tend to have greater (especially secret) knowledge than others, claim to penetrate deeper into the essence of things. They are inherent in attempts to derive all the consequences of a single beginning. Knowledge for central is primarily a tool of influence, a way to achieve competitive advantages. Peripheral intelligence is quickly inhibited and crowded out if it falls into the forced mode and has to compete for a place in the hierarchy. He is alien to hierarchy and ambition.
2. At the social level, “centrality” controls the ability to seize or retain power in one way or another (from authoritarianism to skillful technologies for manipulating elections). Central types prevail over peripheral ones in the lists of rulers, businessmen, cultural figures and other celebrities. Peripheral types in themselves do not capture power and are not able to hold it. If they are at the top of the formal structures (for example, the state machine), then only as satellites or allies of the central types.
3. At the psychological level, between the central and peripheral, the opposite is traced in life values. The aggressively victimized value complex characterizes the central ones. It is realized through the possession of frightening force (its use is not necessary) or through the need to feel like a victim. Caring-infantile complex characterizes the peripheral. This complex acts as a need to take care of someone who is poorly adapted to the material world, or to adequately accept such care (not to “sit on the head” to the caring).
4. At the physical level. The central ones have a tendency to use doping agents to whip up the body when overload occurs. It is not only about smoking and alcohol, but also about the use of any other substances with tonic or hallucinogenic characteristics. For the central, periodic checks of their competitiveness are vital: training in extreme situations, long hikes and other attempts to find the limit, conquer the summit, prove that I can, etc. Peripheral born for a more peaceful life without shocks and the need for excessive stimulation.
Right and Left
In its most general form, this polarity is understood as opposing the processes of unfolding and coagulation. A more formal name for this feature is evolution-involution.
1. Intellectual level. In intellectual activity, this polarity manifests itself as a complication or simplification of the structure of the object of thought.
The right types tend to complicate information, they think more difficult and detailed, which makes the process of thinking slower and more energy-consuming. However, their mental products are well thought out and worked out in a chosen direction. The power of right thinking in its artificial refinement, complexity and thoroughness. Its disadvantages can be a lower orientation rate and results, as well as the loss of the overall picture, “tunnel vision”.
The left types are prone to simplify information, have a simpler and faster thinking, which gives a quick, but damp result, which further needs to be improved. The power of left-wing thinking is in the natural simplicity of a generalized full-scope consideration of the problem and the speed at which results are issued. Its drawbacks can be excessive brevity of presentation of information, as well as inattention to the details of the situation, which may be important.
2. At the social level, right-wing types tend to unite into large groups, left-handed ones - into small groups.
The right types are better adapted to life in modern society, complex collective rituals of professional and social behavior. For them, a big role is played by reputation, the opinion of the external society. This is offset by a certain rigidity and intolerance at close range in their small group.
Leftists to co-operate in small groups, in which work and communication are not strictly regulated instructions and rituals. They are livable with respect to the people of their near circle of friends, whose opinion they take into account to a greater extent than public approval or censure.
3. Psychological level. At this level, the evolution-involution polarity is manifested in the complexity of organizing a conscious installation and its relation to the unconscious.
Right types have a complex, developed consciousness, the degree of control and repression of unconscious processes in them is higher, which often leads to conflicts with the unconscious. The left types have a simpler and more natural consciousness that is in greater harmony with the unconscious.
The degree of programmability of the psyche of the right is higher than that of the left. The right is difficult to get out of the imposed program, they tend to dwell on their inner experiences. The left quickly and less painfully get rid of illusions, imposed opinions, instilled thoughts, fanatical states, etc.
In addition, this polarity affects the stress resistance of the psyche. The right recovers more slowly after stress than the left. Their braking process is less consciously controlled than the process of arousal.
4. At the physical level, this polarity manifests itself as an orientation in activity towards a process or result.
The right ones skillfully organize the process, but lose sight of the result. For them, the most important quality of the result. They meticulously and carefully carry out small manual work, focusing on the details.
The left provide the result of a poorly debugged process, while often neglect the details, which reduces the overall quality. They are focused on the speed of obtaining the result. Usually, the left begins with a major one, and small details are left for later.
For the right types are characterized by smooth movements (even if they are rational) and connectedness (focus on one goal) actions. The left has a sharpness in the movements (even if they are irrationals), as well as an intermittent switch from one activity to another.
Positivists and Negativists
In a general sense, this polarity is associated, firstly, with the comparison or opposition of the two sides of the same object or phenomenon. Secondly, for the positivists to get a positive effect from some action has a higher priority than to avoid the negative consequences of it. Negativists are guided by the opposite principle: they are committed to minimizing the negative consequences of an event that has happened or is coming.
1. At the intellectual level, positivism appears as thinking in categories of similarities, and negativism - thinking in categories of differences and, above all, opposites. For positivists characteristic convergent thinking - one that should compare all the proposals and issue the only thing - the best solution. Divergenic thinking, peculiar to the negativists, aggravates contradictions, gives several alternative solutions to the same problem.
2. Social level. Positivism - negativism manifests itself as a degree of trust in others in the initial stages of dating. Positivists much more trust strangers or strangers than negativists. Negativists are mistrustful and alert. Over time, however, the situation may change: the positivists, convinced of their mistake, fall into undue suspicion. Collectives in which negativists predominate, ceteris paribus, are much more polarized than collectives with a predominance of positivists.
3. Psychological level. This polarity is associated with the integrity (integration) of the psyche. The positivists have a more solid and simple mind, they know what they want. The nature of the negativistic psyche is contradictory, in it opposing aspirations and desires collide. For this reason, the negativists are more likely than the positivists subject to mental disintegration, the formation of subpersonalities than the positivists. However, they can withstand internal conflict longer.
The subjective idea of a measure of happiness and well-being among positivists and negativists is also different. It is easier for a positivist to close his eyes to the "dark" side of life and pay attention to its "bright" moments. Negativists need to try hard to force unpleasant thoughts out of consciousness. On the other hand, if the positivist is still in a negative (for example, depressive) state, then it is much more difficult to find a way out than a negative one.
4. Physical level. Positivists and negativists solve the problem of physical energy balance in different ways. If positivists feel the need for physical charging, then for negativists it is more important to discharge accumulated energy, transforming it into some kind of action. For productive activities of a substantive nature, the positivists need to be “wound up” or even angry. Negativists, on the contrary, should be given to throw off part of the negative.
Aristocrats and Democrats
The aristocrats are representatives of the Beta and Delta quadras. For these sociotypes, the predominance of vertical communication over horizontal communication is indicative. With vertical communication links, there is always a hierarchical inequality: the head is subordinate, the elder is the youngest, the other is his own, and others. Such communication will inevitably be in the nature of subordination. A person in aristocratic squares is evaluated primarily by his communicative status as to who evaluates (my level or not?), And then by the other criteria.
The severity of aristocracy, understood in the broad sense as subordinate, is different for two aristocratic quadras. The second square consists of brighter aristocrats than the fourth. The aristocracy of the second quadra is harsh and uncovered. This is always a division into servants and masters, talents and mediocrity, their own and their enemies, which inevitably leads to the caste of social order in the period of the second quadra.
In the fourth quadra there are no such social contrasts, and therefore their aristocracy is smoothed out. However, the types of this quadra are also guided by the principle of "their own - others'" when evaluating people. Do others live according to the same laws as us? Doubt about the optimality of their priorities, as a rule, does not arise. At the same time, the image of the enemy, as in the second quadra, is not formed, but the individuals behaving in an uncivilized way or simply intellectually undeveloped individuals are credited as second-class.
For aristocratic quadras, time flows linearly, not cyclically. They are able to clearly separate the past from the future. The second square is directed towards the future; it is like a fired arrow piercing time. The past for the second is not valuable, on the contrary, it always has a negative connotation. At best, it is declared that it is necessary to take from it the most valuable and move on. It is the second quadra that produces the ideas of the "ideal" states of the future and tries to make the whole of humanity use them to build them.
The fourth quadra is more focused on the past, which usually bears the positive face of established traditions, which need not be changed, but respected. The sociotypes of the fourth quadra are opposed to all kinds of social experiments. Anyway, thanks to the linear perception of time, in these squares there is no repeatability of events, marking time. In the period of aristocratic quadras, long-term stagnation or stagnation does not occur.
Democrats- Representatives of Alpha and Gamma quadras. The principle of horizontal communication reigns in these squares, that is, communication on an equal footing when there are no leading and driven, better or worse. A communication partner is put side by side, rather than above or below. Accordingly, the attributes of subordination characteristic of aristocrats are also absent. Instead of the power of a higher center, the democrats organize coordination between subjects of the same level. Hierarchical power in the democratic quadral period does not give special privileges.
More pronounced democracy as the principle of the organization of public life in the third quadra. This is the most volatile square, which is committed to representative forms of government, permanent elections and re-election. In the period of the third quadra, many dozens and even hundreds of different parties are formed, which join temporary coalitions. Interpersonal contacts are as informal as possible, titles and titles are of very low weight.
The first quad is not so democratic. Although horizontal communication for her is a matter of course, but sometimes crossing the boundaries of the third quadra's familiarity is shocking. In the first quadra there is no such individualism, democracy is not used in it to protrude its deviations from the social norm. In the first quadra there is no struggle of disadvantaged minorities for their rights for the simple reason that no one infringes upon them, and they are not formed during a harmonious lifestyle. Democracy is understood by the First Squares as rational adherence to the laws of nature.
Democratic quadras do not live in linear, but in circular (cyclic) time. The third quadra has a distinctly wave-like rhythm of ups and downs, which is almost impossible to predict. Therefore, the sociotypes of the third quadra are focused on the current moment. The traditions of the past are of little significance to them, and the future concerns them only the nearest. The stagnation of life in the third quadra alternates with turbulent reformational periods, just as the market elements of supply and demand dominate its economy.
In the period of the first quadra, time seems to stop at all. This quadra homeostasis - the dynamic equilibrium of society with the environment. Stormy collisions do not occur, life flows calmly and harmoniously. The first square exists out of time as one big family, in which one generation takes the place of the other, reproducing with little or no change the spent lifestyle. It is located in such a "cocoon" very comfortably, but at the same time it is dangerous: any aggression from outside destroys it quickly.
The severity of aristocracy, understood in the broad sense as subordinate, is different for two aristocratic quadras. The second square consists of brighter aristocrats than the fourth. The aristocracy of the second quadra is harsh and uncovered. This is always a division into servants and masters, talents and mediocrity, their own and their enemies, which inevitably leads to the caste of social order in the period of the second quadra.
In the fourth quadra there are no such social contrasts, and therefore their aristocracy is smoothed out. However, the types of this quadra are also guided by the principle of "their own - others'" when evaluating people. Do others live according to the same laws as us? Doubt about the optimality of their priorities, as a rule, does not arise. At the same time, the image of the enemy, as in the second quadra, is not formed, but the individuals behaving in an uncivilized way or simply intellectually undeveloped individuals are credited as second-class.
For aristocratic quadras, time flows linearly, not cyclically. They are able to clearly separate the past from the future. The second square is directed towards the future; it is like a fired arrow piercing time. The past for the second is not valuable, on the contrary, it always has a negative connotation. At best, it is declared that it is necessary to take from it the most valuable and move on. It is the second quadra that produces the ideas of the "ideal" states of the future and tries to make the whole of humanity use them to build them.
The fourth quadra is more focused on the past, which usually bears the positive face of established traditions, which need not be changed, but respected. The sociotypes of the fourth quadra are opposed to all kinds of social experiments. Anyway, thanks to the linear perception of time, in these squares there is no repeatability of events, marking time. In the period of aristocratic quadras, long-term stagnation or stagnation does not occur.
Democrats- Representatives of Alpha and Gamma quadras. The principle of horizontal communication reigns in these squares, that is, communication on an equal footing when there are no leading and driven, better or worse. A communication partner is put side by side, rather than above or below. Accordingly, the attributes of subordination characteristic of aristocrats are also absent. Instead of the power of a higher center, the democrats organize coordination between subjects of the same level. Hierarchical power in the democratic quadral period does not give special privileges.
More pronounced democracy as the principle of the organization of public life in the third quadra. This is the most volatile square, which is committed to representative forms of government, permanent elections and re-election. In the period of the third quadra, many dozens and even hundreds of different parties are formed, which join temporary coalitions. Interpersonal contacts are as informal as possible, titles and titles are of very low weight.
The first quad is not so democratic. Although horizontal communication for her is a matter of course, but sometimes crossing the boundaries of the third quadra's familiarity is shocking. In the first quadra there is no such individualism, democracy is not used in it to protrude its deviations from the social norm. In the first quadra there is no struggle of disadvantaged minorities for their rights for the simple reason that no one infringes upon them, and they are not formed during a harmonious lifestyle. Democracy is understood by the First Squares as rational adherence to the laws of nature.
Democratic quadras do not live in linear, but in circular (cyclic) time. The third quadra has a distinctly wave-like rhythm of ups and downs, which is almost impossible to predict. Therefore, the sociotypes of the third quadra are focused on the current moment. The traditions of the past are of little significance to them, and the future concerns them only the nearest. The stagnation of life in the third quadra alternates with turbulent reformational periods, just as the market elements of supply and demand dominate its economy.
In the period of the first quadra, time seems to stop at all. This quadra homeostasis - the dynamic equilibrium of society with the environment. Stormy collisions do not occur, life flows calmly and harmoniously. The first square exists out of time as one big family, in which one generation takes the place of the other, reproducing with little or no change the spent lifestyle. It is located in such a "cocoon" very comfortably, but at the same time it is dangerous: any aggression from outside destroys it quickly.
The sign "quest-deklatimy: test hypothesis by experiment
1. Modeling experiment
As an introduction, I want to say a few words about the use of the term “modeling experiment”. In psychology, there are three types of the actual experimental method: natural experiment, modeling experiment and laboratory experiment.
Laboratory experiment - involves conducting research in a psychological laboratory, equipped with special devices and devices. This type of experiment is also distinguished by the greatest artificiality of the experimental conditions. It is usually used in the study of elementary mental functions (sensory susceptibility and motor reactions, differences in sensory thresholds, memory, etc.) and much less often in the study of more complex mental phenomena (processes of thinking, communication, etc.).
The natural ( field ) experiment , as the name of this method says, is closest to non-experimental research methods. The conditions used in a natural experiment are not organized by the experimenter, but by the life situation itself. In this case, the experimenter uses only a combination of various (contrasting, as a rule) conditions of the subjects' activity and fixes with the help of observation or special diagnostic methods one or another psychological peculiarities of the subjects.
Simulation experiment.When conducting a simulation experiment, the subject acts according to the instructions of the experimenter and knows that he participates in the experiment as a subject. A characteristic feature of this type of experiment is that the behavior of the subjects in an experimental situation models (reproduces) with different degrees of conditionality actions that are quite typical for life situations: setting goals, making choices, performing various intellectual and practical actions, etc. The modeling experiment allows solving particularly difficult, complex research problems in which many factors are intertwined.
I will give one example of a modeling experiment. In November last year, the experiment on modeling a 520-day flight to Mars was completed. It began on July 3, 2010. It was conducted by the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The hypothesis about the content of the attribute “questimost - deklatimimnost” was tested by us exactly by means of a modeling experiment.
I announced this experiment even during the fourth meeting of the Round Table on the topic "Signs of Functions", which was held in the Teacher's House on February 13, 2012. Observers from all schools were invited. However, only Galina Chikirisova from MIS responded. She was a member of our group of experts.
2. Experimental hypothesis
At the first stage of planning an experiment, a hypothesis is advanced. And at the second stage, the hypothesis is refined through the definition of variables that can be observed and fixed.
Our current experiment, called “The Test of Change,” was a continuation of the previous one. The difference was that the tribes, whose lives we modeled, passed from the alpha stage to the beta stage, that is, they came into motion - they broke from their homes and tried to develop new territories and a new way of life.
The well-known scheme of A. Toynbee “challenge - response” can be viewed as a social action of the attribute quest - deklatimnosti. That quest is challenging - "Challenge" in English. So they say about the positive aspect of defiant behavior. Challenger is a challenger. In a negative sense, this is a provocateur. The one who accepts the challenge takes the position of responder. The answer to the call give declaring. Whether it will be the answer - accepting or rejecting is very difficult to predict.
I will list the various manifestations of the symptom of CD in the behavior of groups that were considered as part of our hypothesis:
- Making proposals or evaluating them
- Provocative statements
- Categorical statements or evasive statements
- Aggravating actions or pacifying actions
- Randomness in actions / order in actions
- Damage to the environment
- The choice of the last solution from several proposed or the choice of the average
What are the consequences of these and similar behaviors? - From the main meaning of the attribute “questability - deklatimimnost” - the nature of the prevailing type of feedback in the communicative system . In life, there are both systems with a predominantly positive OS, and systems with a negative OS. And the difference between them is fundamental and significant.
If we consider the semantics of “questness - deklatima” on four levels of communication, as required by the methodology of the HS, then the manifestation of the feature will be expressed in the following:
1. Offers - evaluation . Through this polarity, the sign appears on the intellectual level. These differences are crucial for situations like brainstorming. Quests are subject to questing, and decalims are for evaluating such proposals.
2. Attractiveness - reactivity . This is the psychological level of manifestation of the trait. Who is the first to signal for personal convergence? Who gives a reason, and who uses this reason? Attracting quests, and reactive-declatims. If we consider the action of the trait in a negative way, then we are talking about the degree of provocation. Provocative behavior is more typical for questims.
3. Radicalism - moderation . Here we have in mind the manifestation of the trait in society. The consequence of this polarity is a tendency of creativity or destructiveness in the life of communities. The most notable destroyers are revolutionaries (extroverted quests). This means, of course, not an information product, but real actions. Because of this particular quest, it's difficult to organize and hold together for a long time. Greater resilience and organization is a hallmark of deklatim communities compared to quest ones.
4. Stimulus - reaction . The physical level of the trait. Reflexes for those and others, apparently, work differently. Everything is difficult here, as the need for instruments or scrupulous observations. Moreover, it is not the reaction rate that is meant (this is influenced by extroversion, sensorics, as well as dynamics). What then? - a variety or unpredictability of reaction. Research of this type is still to come.
As an addition to the main hypothesis, I also consider such features in the communication of these opposite types of groups.
First, rhetorical (general, low-content, not requiring an answer or accepting any answer) questions are characteristic of quests. And special, targeted, requiring unambiguous answers to questions - for declating.
Secondly, as a result of this way of communication, direct answers from questims and evasive, indirect answers from declimes.
3. Preparation and progress of the experiment
Starting to prepare the experiment, I took into account that:
- To humanize the experiment, one should replace the “man-man” clash as much as possible with the man-nature clash.
- It is desirable to focus on the border of various ecosystems (forest and water). The fact is that the sign of CD is borderline, interquadral, and I treat the quadru in its static aspect as a certain ecosystem.
When and where did the experiment go? - For two days, June 2 and 3, 2012 at our old place in the Goloseevsky forest on the hill and on the shore of the lake Didorovka.
Three groups of eight people each were formed — a quest group (Seeker, Mentor, Analyst, Lirik), a group of declatim (Inspector, Critic, Advisor, Humanist) and a mixed group. The observation involved an expert group of 4 people.
The groups were dressed in T-shirts with the logo of the experiment in three different colors - blue, red and green.
How the experiment went
Every day from 2 pm to 6 pm, the experimental groups carried out four tasks connected by a single plot.

- Tribal Council (Leader’s Choice),
- totem search (culmination - the construction of a ladder),
- harvesting raw materials and
- fair (sale of harvested raw materials).
On the second day, the tasks were more difficult:
- building a raft
- crossing,
- honoring distinguished themselves by crossing and
- conclusion of a tribal union.
Thu about showed experiment

4.1. What was confirmed
All those who observed the experiment, as well as the participants themselves, were united on the following points.
First, the stimulating-provocative nature of the quest, especially the extrovert, and the mobilization-response nature of the deklatim, especially the introvert, was confirmed.
Secondly, it confirmed the greater cohesion and organization of the declating and the lesser - quest.
Thirdly, a great inclination of the questims to discuss various offers and options in comparison with declimes was confirmed.
Unexpectedly, the thesis that the quests cause more harm to the environment was confirmed: the “red” team cut down a living tree and used it to build a staircase instead of a dry one.
The intermediate character of the mixed group was partially confirmed: in the “Honoring” episode, when they presented a variant consisting of awarding a girl like declimes, but a reward of imaginable character like questims.
D. Pavlov was involved in the processing of the experiment protocols. Due to poor filling, he failed to identify any sufficiently pronounced dependencies between the variables. Only two points were able to collect minimal statistics:
- The level of activity of the group changes abruptly: "yes" for questims and "no" for declimes
- under the item “conflict situations”, they were most often recorded in a mixed group.

Since we didn’t manage to collect enough statistics to process it, as a result, I’m giving excerpts from reports fixed to the lead groups, who not only set tasks, but also followed the actions of their group throughout the experiment.
Observations leading deklatimov (Irina)
1. Was there a fixed leader in your group? How did he stand out?
There was a clear leader - Cyril. Stand out immediately and was not discussed. The choice of the leader was quick (offered - accepted). Throughout the experiment, I did not give up leadership, stood out vividly when communicating with other tribes. In his led a softer policy. Questions answered and helped the tribe. Rallied the tribe.
2. What subgroups did your group share? Has the composition of these groups changed?
There were no subgroups. Hierarchy was. Cyril - men of the tribe - women of the tribe (while communicating with everyone and everyone).
3. How did group behavior change throughout the day?
The behavior has become more cohesive and calm (especially contrasted with the behavior of other tribes).
4. Has the group changed its behavior on the second day? If so, what did it mean?
On the second day, the line of behavior remained the same. The group acted independently in the specified framework. Comments, tips were not discussed, but were taken as information (even if something was unclear or disliked).
5. Were there internal conflicts in your group? If so, who was their source and how were they resolved?
There was no conflict. Pressure too. Self-organization was. Discussions and the opportunity to speak out too.
6. What did you find incomprehensible, strange, difficult to explain in the group's behavior?
Everything was clear. I was surprised by the self-organization and cohesion of the group, as well as support within the group. Few discussions. All quickly get down to business.
Observations leading quest (Nikolai)
1. Was there a fixed leader in your group? How did he stand out?
- Yes, Andrei showed himself such a leader - on the very first day, almost immediately. Selected activity when choosing a place for the totem. Also, Misha was a very active candidate for the role of leader - but after the incident with a felled tree, as they say, he was “blown away” and misled. Andrei devoted a lot of time to the discussion of the task and the methods of execution.
2. What subgroups did your group share? Has the composition of these groups changed?
In principle, the team was fairly cohesive, no clearly defined groups were observed. In the process of performing tasks were grouped by the work performed.
3. How did group behavior change throughout the day?
By the end of the first day, the group became more united than at the beginning, even the girl who was trying to separate from the group and become an observer took an active part. The turning point of the first day was the construction of the stairs.
4. Has the group changed its behavior on the second day?
On the second day, the composition of the “Reds” group changed greatly, and the behavior changed accordingly. There was less coherence, she actively “pulled the blanket over herself” Vika, tried to prove herself as a situational leader. The team got used again, which significantly slowed down their joint work and reduced the efficiency of interaction. However, after the construction of the raft, the team gained its former cohesion.
5. Were there internal conflicts in your group?
At the end of the second day, there were some clashes for power between Vika and Andrey.
4.2. What could not be confirmed
It was not possible to verify the thesis about the propensity to choose the middle or extreme variant depending on the pole of the sign of the CD. Unfortunately, we were not able to create the conditions for normal observation during the relevant experimental task (“Fair”).
It was also not possible to confirm a more chaotic search at the quest. And again because of the poor organization of this task. One thing is a speculative search and another thing, when you need to find a real object buried in the ground.
5. Conclusions and future plans
I must say right away that our main mistake was that it was not possible to create a prepared and quite numerous team of experts. This time we acted according to the formula “better is less, yes is better”, but it was impossible to observe the behavior of such a number of people in a large area with only 4 people.
The second drawback was the same as in the previous experiment. It did not happen to cause sustained motivation of participants. Of course, such a factor of retention of participants as a lack of material interest also played its role. In the absence of funding, it is almost impossible to make serious preparations for such a complex event.
And, nevertheless, I consider the modeling experiment method to be very promising and I am going to develop it further. Particular attention, in particular, deserves checking groups for coherence in the implementation of actions with increasing coordination.
Next year we will change the format of the experiment. As I have already said, in order to hold it at the proper level and not be afraid that the participants will run away due to fatigue or loss of interest, you need to get funding. Since we are deprived of it, we will most likely move on to small and medium organizational formats.
Topics of our future experiments:
- asymmetric IO (revision and order), the comparison of the consolidating power of which will allow in practice to check the features of work of two different socionic models - information and energy;
- the sign “ascending - descending”, which together with the sign “central - peripheral” is responsible for the distribution of quadral roles in socion.
Abstracts of the report of Victor Gulenko at the 28th conference of the IIA, September 22, 2012
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