About the different nature of your images
About the different nature of your images
First of all, I will mention that figurative perception according to socionics is an irrational scheme for constructing the psyche. Consequently, imagery will mean sensory or intuitive phenomena of mental life. If we are talking about abstract images, we mean images that are intuitive, speculative and virtual, not materially embodied.
On the other hand, intuitive images can be divided into fantastic, phantom, ghostly, images - dreams or images-memories. They are closely related to dreams. These are "images-like." I designate them as T-images , since they are a product of the intuition of time. They are opposed by images-ideas, entities, "images-what." Images of this type are aimed at the external real world, and not at the world of internal fantasies. They are generated by intuition of opportunities and carry a great innovative potential. In other words, these are I-images .
There is another difference between the two. In the T-states, the visual channel works in a person, he sees with his inner vision very colorful and panoramic pictures. At the same time, he seems to forget about his body - it is as relaxed as possible, and therefore almost weightless. In I-states, on the contrary, your inner viewer sees only a trimmed picture or very vaguely and dimly - some silhouettes, shadows, spots. But it feels well the movements of the muscles of its body, the “standing" wave of tension in it.
These two classes of images divide the territory among themselves. They do not need to be combined, brought together, since repayment occurs from this. In the case of aaming, it is the latter that are widely used, since they are more likely to be embodied externally. On their basis, the mechanism of the so-called breaking of patterns (I-function conflicts with the L-function) and beyond. Introverted T-images are embodied rather hallucinatory. They act on the principle of a self-fulfilling prophecy. T and L are connected into a single inextricable chain of mental programming.
And finally, it is useful to distinguish between images-questions (the so-called questimy) and images-answers (declarative). Interrogative images stimulate people more radical, able to aggravate. They are not satisfied with the available answers. And the responding images are characteristic of people more prone to returning the situation to a stable state. The following quaternary classification is obtained:
I? → I! → T → T! → ...
I think that it is in this order that the character of images and corresponding states must be changed in order to achieve a natural circulation of psychic energy: from external images to internal ones, from questive images to declarative ones. In this way, the entire intuitive energy of your psyche is worked out, “pumped”.
On the other hand, intuitive images can be divided into fantastic, phantom, ghostly, images - dreams or images-memories. They are closely related to dreams. These are "images-like." I designate them as T-images , since they are a product of the intuition of time. They are opposed by images-ideas, entities, "images-what." Images of this type are aimed at the external real world, and not at the world of internal fantasies. They are generated by intuition of opportunities and carry a great innovative potential. In other words, these are I-images .
There is another difference between the two. In the T-states, the visual channel works in a person, he sees with his inner vision very colorful and panoramic pictures. At the same time, he seems to forget about his body - it is as relaxed as possible, and therefore almost weightless. In I-states, on the contrary, your inner viewer sees only a trimmed picture or very vaguely and dimly - some silhouettes, shadows, spots. But it feels well the movements of the muscles of its body, the “standing" wave of tension in it.
These two classes of images divide the territory among themselves. They do not need to be combined, brought together, since repayment occurs from this. In the case of aaming, it is the latter that are widely used, since they are more likely to be embodied externally. On their basis, the mechanism of the so-called breaking of patterns (I-function conflicts with the L-function) and beyond. Introverted T-images are embodied rather hallucinatory. They act on the principle of a self-fulfilling prophecy. T and L are connected into a single inextricable chain of mental programming.
And finally, it is useful to distinguish between images-questions (the so-called questimy) and images-answers (declarative). Interrogative images stimulate people more radical, able to aggravate. They are not satisfied with the available answers. And the responding images are characteristic of people more prone to returning the situation to a stable state. The following quaternary classification is obtained:
I? → I! → T → T! → ...
I think that it is in this order that the character of images and corresponding states must be changed in order to achieve a natural circulation of psychic energy: from external images to internal ones, from questive images to declarative ones. In this way, the entire intuitive energy of your psyche is worked out, “pumped”.
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