Shekhter and Kobrinskaya Experiment on Small Groups in Socionics
Small groups in socionics
F. Shekhter, L. Kobrinskaya.
Report at the All-Union Conference
"Socionics - purposeful formation of collectives",
Poltava, April 1988.
Published: "16", 1991, No. 1 (5), p. 13-21; repeatedly: "Socionics" (newsletter), Kiev - Novosibirsk, 1990, No. 1, p. 47-51; repeatedly: SMiPL, 1997, No. 1.
The problem of relationships in the team is one of the main in modern psychology. The purposeful formation of collectives is impossible without solving this problem within the framework of a particular psychological system.
Socionics, which is a kind of synthesis of various psychological systems, theories and typologies, provides by far the most simple and original method of forming work collectives and other social groups with a pre-planned task, i.e. purposefully.
The typology of "small groups" is one of the relevant sections of socionics. The study of "small groups" gives us the key to the further practical implementation of socionics. The results of the experiments already show the rich potential of "small groups", further broad prospects for this direction, which gives us the right to assume that in the near future "small groups" will occupy, by no means the last, place in the arsenal of tools in modern social psychology and applied sociology .
Surely the typology of "small groups" can find practical application in medicine. The range of functional properties of some "small groups" is quite wide.
First of all, some groups have excellent psychotherapeutic effects. This is an effective means of group psychotherapy. In addition, it has been observed that certain groups have a significant effect on the course of certain diseases. Participation in some groups leads to an accentuation of the participants' diseases, participation in others leads to an improvement in the condition.
All this is still under investigation. Unfortunately, there is almost no help from specialists - psychotherapists and psychiatrists. Such contact, and perhaps cooperation, would be mutually enriching.
The place that each person occupies in the work collective, labor productivity, implementation, even health depend on many factors, and above all on the psychological climate. The psychological climate of the group is determined, first of all, by the level of mutual understanding in it, the friendly attitude of people towards each other, the ability at the right time to transfer the initiative or take it into their own hands. All this is largely due to the intertype situation in the group, the relationships represented in it.
Man is social in nature. A group of people, whether it is a work team, a student group or the crew of a spaceship, gives certain qualities to its individual members, increasing or decreasing the degree of their functioning. In many respects, this depends not only on the nature of the goal of the group or the individual qualities and properties of its members, but also on the interpersonal relationships existing in it, that is, on the specific intertype situation. Knowing the typical composition of a group, it is possible to some extent to predict the behavior of its members, the nature of their communication with each other, and also to predict which manifestations of their type will receive the necessary positive assessment and support.
In the work of G. Reinin "Morphology of small groups" the whole class of integral small groups (there are 35 in total) is divided into two subclasses:
1) Groups in which all elements are in the same intertype situation, represented by a set of three symmetrical relations. These are the so-called homogeneous or homogeneous groups (there are 15 of them).
2) Groups, in which there are also three types of relations, but one pair of types that are in a symmetrical relation, is in a better position in relation to the other pair. The author calls such groups heterogeneous. There are only twenty heterogeneous groups.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous groups together form a class of integral small groups (that is, groups closed with respect to intertype relationships). The number of relationships in a holistic group is three.
Participants in the experiments belong to approximately the same age group. They were not assigned any specific tasks. Just communication, for about 20-30 minutes.
Groups such as quadra and club have already been described in detail in the works of A. Augustinavichute. Therefore, we briefly describe their properties.
1) "Quadra".
The structural unit of socion. The set of intertype relationships in all four quadra is represented by complement, mirror, and activation relationships. Common to all four types are three (out of fifteen) Reinin traits, called "quadratic". It is these three signs that determine the nature of quadratic relations and the properties of the quadra. Characteristic characteristics can be found in the work of A. Augustinavichiute, “Theory of the Rainin Symptoms”.
Quadra gives a person a sense of psychological and physical comfort, mutual understanding in all areas, a sense of emotional satisfaction. There is no omission, the fear of making mistakes, disappearing or not completing something disappears. The initiative taken by anyone immediately gets support. They quickly come to a method of joint action, find a practical solution. The quadra is good, comfortable, you can feel the mobilization of forces, security, confidence, understanding. Such a group is an energy whole. The rhythm of communication is calm, measured. Due to the activation relationship, some stress arises. Thanks to this, all members of the group are constantly involved, included in the general information and energy flow.
2) Group "Bouquet".
A group of four people. The relationship is superego, business, family.
On the basis of "static-dynamic" the group is homogeneous. In the group, type accentuation occurs. The atmosphere is tough. Communication goes on the same plane, there is a lack of a core, a dominant idea. Internal preoccupation with one’s own problems. This leads to isolation - each as if by itself, separately. Signs common to all four types become dominant, appear more prominently.
In the group there is a lack of energy, strength. Unlike quadra, there is no emotional support, rather the opposite. Emotionality becomes sharper appears aggression.
With a long stay in such a group there is a feeling of physical fatigue.
There is an opinion that the atmosphere of such a group negatively affects the course of some diseases. The observations give every reason to consider this hypothesis true, but more research is needed.
3) Group "Order Ring".
A homogeneous group of 4 people. The relationships of superego and social order are presented.
There is some tension in the group. Interpersonal contacts are obscured. Feeling of emotional and intellectual balance. There is an excess of energy compared to other groups. Communication is not exhausting. Comfortable enough, but there is no sense of security, as in quadra. The topic of conversation is almost unchanged. All participants noted a specific tension in this group. Communication in pairs almost fails, only all together. Going into such a group after quadra gives a sense of stability. If the communication does not last more than 20-30 minutes, then certainly it is a plus due to the mobilizing effect on the participants. If longer, then begins to exhaust. Joint rest in such a group is difficult, as participants find it difficult to relax.
4) Group "Control Ring".
A homogeneous group of 4 people. The relationships of superego and social control are presented.
According to participants, this is a "execution group." Communication is difficult. If everyone is silent, then tension, even suspicion, is felt. Participants seem to be looking for each other's shortcomings. The controller condemns the monitored and vice versa. There is a lack of emotions. Criticism is more intellectual than emotional.
One of the most negative groups. Such group properties are caused by the nature of the presented intertype relationships. The group gives a negative somatic reaction, a feeling of physical fatigue in all participants.
It is noted, however, that the properties of this group are manifested with unequal strength with different selection of participants, although general trends are always preserved.
5) Group "Ring of progress."
The Ring of Progress group is of great interest. It includes two parallel rings of social order. Such a combination gives an interesting effect.
A group of 8 people. The relationships of complement, social order, social control, repayment and superego are presented.
Group members: logical-intuitive introvert, ethical-sensory extrovert, intuitive-ethical introvert, sensory-logical extrovert, sensory-logical introvert, logical-intuitive extrovert, intuitive-ethical extrovert, ethical-sensory introvert.
Participants adapt for a while. The rings seem to “ignite” each other. Extroverts “reveal” introverts and make them more active. The degree of activity of both is approximately the same. There is a mobilization of forces. Strong intellectual dominance. Emotions manifest and fade into the background. Willingness to make decisions and joint action with a focus on practice. Feeling of increased interest in everything. Disputes and discussions are not exhausting. They do everything together. Even emotions become common. All participants in the experiment during their stay in this group had a sensation of an unusual nature - a feeling of a strong energy flow that has a certain direction and passes through the center of the brain.
During individual conversations with each of the participants after the end of the experiments, the opinions were the same. Here is one of them (personality type - intuitive and ethical introvert):
during the experiment - a feeling of uplift, mobilization, intense intellectual work. Thoughts are formed unusually clearly, fall into the general direction of the dispute, security, mutual understanding is felt from both sides. there is no ordinary sense of misunderstanding, the futility of a dispute, lack of thought and lack of understanding. Confidence in the result. After an explosion of activity - an unusual combination of mental fatigue and energy balance. This condition continues after the experiment. Increased mental activity, you can argue further - energy fullness is maintained for a long time. All day there remains a readiness for calm activity, an excess of energy and strength is felt.
6) The Mobilization Group.
A homogeneous group of 4 people. The relations of activation, quasi-identity, and superego are presented.
Introvert or extrovert group. Gradually, communication acquires its own specific rhythm. In the introvert group, the situation is calmer. Communication is spasmodic but intense. One topic replaces another, but there is always completeness. The dispute is always resolved quickly. Unification by quadra does not occur, that is, each relationship does not appear individually. In joint actions, each has its own role and responsibilities. Mutual assistance. Misunderstandings, if they arise, are resolved quickly. The atmosphere is business, even jokes have a business connotation. The group quickly comes to a way of joint action, finds a practical solution. In contrast to the "club" there are no long theoretical discussions. The question is posed and immediately resolved. After some time, there is a need for rest, since the intensity of communication is great. Individual rest.
7) Group "Club".
A homogeneous group of 4 people. The relations of quasi-identity, repayment and mirror are presented.
Association in a club is by type of intelligence. The group is discussing goals and objectives. A theoretical discussion ensues. An interesting exchange of views. The problem is considered from all sides. Intensive intellectual work is underway, but the feeling of fatigue does not occur. From time to time there is a decline in activity. The climb returns with the advent of a new challenge. A club is a great brainstorming pool.
At the same time, this group does not form an energy whole.
It is in the club that the most effective solution to various problems takes place. But the practical implementation of what was invented here is difficult - there is no energy support. To do this, you need another micro-collective.
8) Group "Square".
A homogeneous group of 4 people. Half-complement, related and complement relations are presented.
Square is the most suitable group for a joint holiday. Relations in this group are calm, loose. No effort is needed to establish contact. Communication takes place in a leisurely, calm, measured rhythm. You can relax. There are no theoretical disputes in this group. Practical problems are quickly resolved. If everyone is silent, then the tension, as in the "control ring", is not felt. This is a relaxation group.
Staying in this four gives you the opportunity to relax and restore strength.
The study of the possibility of practical application of the properties of groups discussed here must be carried out with specialist psychologists, sociologists, and doctors. The properties of other integral groups are now being studied.
In conclusion, we can add that modern social psychology, introducing into its arsenal a wide range of such microgroups with all the stable variety of their properties, gets the opportunity of a new effective approach to the problem of purposeful formation of collectives in various spheres of human activity.
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