
Showing posts from June, 2019

Distinctions Within Quadras

(Accelerating) Low Energy: cannot fill this need themselves, will seek it elsewhere with poor feedback High Brakes: has perspective about this aspect of the Quadra, can stop its excesses (Decelerating) Low Brakes: needs to monitor the environment on this function, controlling and slowing down High Energy: a special ability at high levels that only they can do, but tiring --- Beta: Values Se, Ni, Fe, Ti EIE: Low Energy Se, High Brakes Ti...Low Brakes Fi, High Energy Ne SLE: Low Energy Fe, High Brakes Ni...Low Brakes Si, High Energy Te LSI: Low Energy Ni, High Brakes Fe...Low Brakes Te, High Energy Si IEI: Low Energy Ti, High Brakes Se...Low Brakes Ne, High Energy Fi --- Gamma: Values Se, Ni, Te, Fi SEE: Low Energy Te, High Brakes Ni...Low Brakes Si, High Energy Fe LIE: Low Energy Se, High Brakes Fi...Low Brakes Ti, High Energy Ne ILI: Low Energy Fi, High Brakes Se...Low Brakes Ne, High Energy Ti ESI: Low Energy Ni, High Brakes Te...Low Brakes Fe, High...

Socionics Order Ring Energy Flows (expand)

Dialectical thought always returns to its starting point (last in action, first in thought): LSI: Intuition -> Logic -> Sensation (Design) LII: Sensing -> Logic -> Intuition (Induction) EII: Sensing -> Ethics -> Intuition (Reconciliation) ESI: Intuition -> Ethics -> Sensing (Disapproval) ESE: Intuition -> Ethics -> Sensing (Cheer) EIE: Sensing -> Ethics -> Intuition (Drama) LIE: Sensing -> Logic -> Intuition (Market) LSE: Intuition -> Logic -> Sensing (Production) SLE: Ethics -> Sensing -> Logic (Instincts) SEE: Logic -> Sensing -> Ethics (Interests) IEE: Logic -> Intuition -> Ethics (Hidden) ILE: Ethics -> Intuition -> Logic (Promise) ILI: Ethics -> Intuition -> Logic (History) IEI: Logic -> Intuition -> Ethics (Novelty) SEI: Logic -> Sensing -> Ethics (Treatment) SLI: Ethics -> Sensing -> Logic (Nature) --- Evolutionary Order of the Functions: ...Sensing...

Talanov on Positivism/Negativism Positivism / Negativism (psychological content): Since Talanov introduced Asking/Declaring functions, Positivism-Negativism has become a little more clear. In fact, Positivism is the inertness of Declaring functions (Di and De), Negativism is the inertness of the Asking functions (Qi and Qe). Apparently, the basic content of Asking-Declaring is that Declarers work to achieve consensus, to form a social norm (which is inevitably associated with simplification of ideas), and Askers - to delimit opinions, their deviation from the norm and complication. At least, conflict with Askers occurs much more often, and this is quite understandable in this vein. The inertness of a function means that the subject is fixated on its aspect. Why does this happen? Apparently, because the inertness of a function is, in fact, a deviation of its value from the average population norm. There may be a positive deviation ...

Mirage Relations

ILE-IEI ESE-EII SEI-SLE LII-LSE EIE-ESI LSI-LIE SEE-SLI ILI-IEE --- These are relations of relaxation. They are sufficiently comfortable and pleasant and favorable for family life, but ineffective in common activity. No other type of intertype relation has the same capacity to relax, demobilize and demotivate partners as mirage relations. It feels comfortable to sit around, rest and discuss extraneous issues with one's mirage partner. The person as if blurs, falls out of focus, turns into shaky mirage. With such a partner one does not want to engage in any serious undertakings. Thus mutual business activity is complicated. Partners are completely at a loss when it comes to motives for each other's actions. What your mirage partner is striving towards seems unsubstantial, undeserving of attention. Partners expect different behavior from each other, thus they "cool" each other in whatever activities they do undertake. It is as if they are playing a game of br...

Reverse Revision Relation (Supervisee)

Revision rings ILE -> EII ESE -> IEI SEI -> LSE LII -> SLE EIE -> SEI SLE -> ESI LSI -> ILE IEI -> LIE SEE -> LSI LIE -> SLI ILI -> EIE ESI -> IEE LSE -> ILI IEE -> LII EII -> SEE SLI -> ESE The criterion for the sweep of revision rings is to take a chain of quadras, the turnover of which has long been investigated. The alpha quadra has the greatest strategic innovation potential, it is replaced by a more narrowly focused but much better organized quadra beta, then the current gamma follows and the most conservative delta quadrant completes the baton. Now we build the sweep: Right statics: IL, LF, FR, RI. The inspector provides movement from the goal setting by the Seeker to the goal-setting by the Politician, while the Humanist stabilizes the functioning of the whole ring. Left statics: LI, FL, RF, IR. The Marshal directs the unforgiving Analyst and the Keeper, and the Advisor corrects the Analyst to record the re...

Business Relationship

ILE-SLE ESE-LSE SEI-IEI LII-EII EIE-LIE LSI-ESI SEE-IEE ILI-SLI --- These are relations of equal partners. It is more accurate to call this type of relations a partnership rather than a friendship. There are few barriers in communication here. Partners can tell each other anything. There is a certain sense of safety in these relations: each partner feels that the other doesn't pose a threat. And this is a very welcome feeling, especially if the person is used to a more hostile environment. In addition, these relations make roles that the partners play in society more prominent. Due to this, there is an opportunity to play "cat and mouse" with each other: intentionally alternating pressure and relief during conversation. In such conversations one partner always has an advantage over the other, depending on the theme or topic of a particular conversation. Within these relations partners may successfully cooperate in business. However, this is effective only with ...

Model G Blocks

Energo-Maximum (Program, Demonstrative): Kinetic, Leading, Accelerating Energo-Optimum (Creative, Manipulative): Potential, Tools, Automatic Energo-Minimum (Role, Brake): Kinetic, Following, Decelerating Energo-Pessimum (Launcher, Control): Potential, Problems, Conscious Social Mission (Program, Creative): External, Leading, Automatic Self Affirmation (Demonstrative, Manipulative): Internal, Tools, Accelerating Social Adaptation (Role, Launcher): External, Following, Conscious Inflation (Brake, Control): Internal, Problems, Decelerating New Blocks: Motivation (Launcher, Program): External, Problems, Accelerating Laboring (Creative, Role): External, Tools, Decelerating Overseeing (Control, Demonstrative): Internal, Leading, Conscious Life Support (Manipulative, Brake): Internal, Following, Automatic Collision (Program, Brake): Kinetic, Problems, Automatic Orchestration (Demonstrative, Role): Kinetic, Tools, Conscious Argumentation (Creative, Control): Potential, Leadi...

Socionics Function Signs

S+ (Sensation of Comfort): -adjusting the environment to make yourself as comfortable as you can, squeezing all the available comfort out of a space -making your territory autonomous, like a smart house -health sensation or sensation of unified contented tastes that can become boring, finding a unified automated golden mean -relaxed, smoothed sensations, maximizing comfort -SLI is looking for peace and relaxation, tension and contrasts he does not like -ESE maximizes comfort and health, puts a lot of effort into creating additional amenities S- (Sensation of Discomfort): -resolution of everyday discomforts -treatment of a malady -balancing extremes in taste and environments, finding the golden mean between extremes (mediation) -sharp, invigorating, contrasting sensations, minimizing discomfort -SEI needs thrills, drawn to a combination of opposing tastes -LSE minimizes discomfort, is not afraid of protracted inconvenience, overcomes illness F+ (Power Sensing of Resistanc...

Reverse Order Relationship (Beneficiary)

Order chains at the psychological level ILE -> LSE: The seeker wants to be as technologically advanced and workable as the Administrator. ESE -> SLE: The enthusiast wants to be as strong and penetrative as the Marshal. SEI -> EII: The mediator wants to be as morally convinced as the Humanist. LII -> IEI: The analyst wants to be as positive and carefree as Lyrik. EIE -> ILE: The player wants to be as resourceful as the Finder. SLE -> LIE: The Marshal wants to be as risky and courageous as an Entrepreneur. LSI -> SEI: The inspector wants to be as livable and sociable as the Mediator. IEI -> ESI: Lyric - to be as principled and ready to fight back others as the Keeper. SEE -> EIE: The politician wants to be as artistic as the Player. LIE -> IEE: The entrepreneur wants to understand people as much as a counselor. ILI -> LSI: The critic wants to be as solid and systematic as the Inspector. ESI -> SLI: The ...

Mirror Relationship

ILE-LII ESE-SEI EIE-IEI SLE-LSI SEE-ESI LIE-ILI LSE-SLI IEE-EII --- These relationships are well suited for friendship based on shared interests and hobbies. Mirror partners are often good friends who find it interesting to spend time together, though in communication there is often lack of openness and warmth. In mirror pair, the partners are both either theorists [intuitive types] or pragmatists [sensing types]. Therefore, they can always find common topics for discussion. These relations warm up when when a third person is present who is dual to one of partner and activator of another. These relations are called "mirror relations" because words of one partner are often reflected in actions of another: that which one mirror partner is passively thinking about, the other is actively actualizing. However this actualization is never full. The mirror is curved, so that partners correct each other's actions from their own point of view. For this reason there may...

Duality Relationship

ILE-SEI ESE-LII EIE-LSI SLE-IEI SEE-ILI LIE-ESI LSE-EII IEE-SLI --- Dual relationships are the most optimal for the life of the individual. Dual relationships are the most comfortable, there is no need to adapt to each other. Communicating with a dual, a person can remain himself. A natural, conditioned by nature, conditioned division of duties takes place, and a person in a dual pair gets the opportunity to engage in a feasible and interesting task. Conflicts rarely arise in dual pairs, and if they do, they are quickly and painlessly resolved. Partners come together as two halves of a torn photo, together constituting one whole. But precisely because mutual understanding is quickly established and there are no internal sources of tension, the dual cannot be immediately distinguished from other people. Dual seems too simple and understandable, and therefore not worthy of attention. This is the first position that a person can take when they meet a dual. It is rather charac...

Activation Relationship

ILE-ESE SEI-LII EIE-SLE LSI-IEI SEE-LIE ILI-ESI LSE-IEE EII-SLI --- These are the easiest relations to start. Activity partners do not experience any difficulties in communication, which is pleasantly surprising to both. It is as if they warm each other up and encourage activity in one another. Such interaction is very attractive, especially given the right subtypes. However, with more time these relations "overheat" and partners grow tired of constant activation. In this case it is better to distance. Then it will be safe to return back and experience intensification once again. Thus, activity relations have a pulsating character. The pleasure and ease of communication that are highly prized during leisure times get replaced by problems when partners join to complete everyday tasks. Here they start to give each other advice which hits their weak functions, instead of taking up the workload themselves. This is unpleasant to both. However, overall this advice is use...

Identity Relationship

ILE-ILE ESE-ESE SEI-SEI LII-LII EIE-EIE SLE-SLE LSI-LSI IEI-IEI SEE-SEE LIE-LIE ILI-ILI ESI-ESI LSE-LSE IEE-IEE EII-EII SLI-SLI --- These is a lot of understanding between identical partners, but also an inability to truly help one another. Seeing this, identical partners are likely to develop a sense of sympathy for each other. You want to support or justify your partner in any way, since you feel that in this situation you would have done the same. On the other hand, communication quickly gets boring. Not receiving new information from the partner, you see the futility of such relations. Uninformative partner seems boring and dull. Over time, relations become either neutral or cool. This is not surprising, because after the exchange of information it is not interesting to keep up a conversation, knowing well in advance that you could reach the same conclusions. One exception to this is if there is very large difference in the experience or knowledge. Then there may...