Involution in the delta
Most of all, I would not want anyone, after reading my previous notes, to think that in the delta we are in for some kind of happy future, almost an eternal “kingdom of God on Earth”. This does not happen under the laws of socionics. Any system of values and the corresponding social structure sooner or later die as a result of external threats, and because of their own internal contradictions inherent in any system.
What are these contradictions? So we got to the concept of involution. The involution must be understood as the convolution of socion or its integral part - quadra. Each quadra has left-sided types that simplify the system. In the “delta” this is the “Advisor”, which makes the first attempt at convolution, and the “Master”, which delays the knot on the involution loop completely.
In the intellectual sphere, we see the collapse of the Adviser as the spread of postmodernism - irrational eclecticism from a multitude of poorly connected ideas. This current unleashes a disorderly conglomeration of alternatives (-I) on human consciousness. Clear structures are blurred, everything is mixed. Contradictory opinions like a breath of fresh air need expert advice to make the right choice. And here you will only intuition.
Deconstruction (a term circulated by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida) as an intellectual device is nothing more than a function of L7 by energy model. In other words, we get the inhibition of structural logic. Thought moves randomly, immediately in all directions. So triumph multiplicity, exclusivity and arbitrariness instead of a single system. Such a “devastation in the heads”, of course, does not contribute to the mental health of the population.
This is noticeable even in our cultural life. Why so, because we are not in the delta? - The fact is that we are highly susceptible to the information influence of the West. However, in the foreground, despite imitation, there is still a rebirth of national culture, not postmodern experiments, which reflects not a delta, but a transitional situation “beta in the scale”.
But back to the extinction of life in the delta. Free leisure and education (especially in women) leads to an insurmountable decline in fertility. In the post-industrial countries, the movement “childfree” is gaining momentum. Over the past 30 years, the number of those who voluntarily refuse to continue the race has increased several times in European countries. And not because life is difficult, but because new and new opportunities are opening up around you that you want to experience. Such preferences correspond to the irrational-carefree way of life of the “Counselor”. Let us recall the expressive and sociable Dragon-Jumping, which the fabulist I. Krylov opposed to the industrious Ant.
But in the delta there is also a closing quadra, and with it the whole “Master” socion. His contribution to the delta convolution is associated with the extinction of drive and the growth of egoism in parallel with narrow professionalism. The delta aristocracy, as I already wrote, is expressed as meritocracy - the power of specialists and professionals. The experience underlying professionalism is bound energy. At the end of the delta, we state the steady extinction of motivating feelings and desires, that is, inhibition according to E7 . Capsulation occurs in its high-tech environment. The virtual world of synthetic feelings protected by a dome will be almost indistinguishable from the real one. Everything works like a Swiss watch, and the desire to live goes away.
Let's go back a step, remember the pressure of the central society. People could not stand the values of monetary enrichment and the scale of consumer madness. And here in the delta, as a compensatory reaction to chronic stress, decentralization and peripheralization are increasing. One of the radical forms of such a reaction is downshifting. People will want to go back to nature. And they will communicate with it with their body, sensations, gaining their own experience, without any theory.
Sentism as installation in the delta will not. Science is already becoming subjective. Objectively, nothing can be measured: another observer will report the opposite to the first one and both will be right. Is this not the case in the humanities? Even physicists are now talking about parallel worlds, where there may be completely different laws. Science is thus transformed into philosophical theories. Only technical disciplines are in demand. And there will be no other way out in cognition, even alpha.
J. Horgan, who wrote the famous book “The End of Science”, connects the ending of scientism to the fact that all the major scientific discoveries have already been made. In the near future, fundamental science will be completely replaced by technology, i.e. practical application of already known and open scientific truths. In the place of the serious science of the classical sample, according to Horgan, “ironic science” juggling with pure abstractions, completely divorced from empirical reality. That is the same deconstruction, introduced from art.

And, of course, the delta is universal accounting and control, built on strict regulations. And the control is not only financial, but also administrative. You are not worried about the current laws adopted by the bureaucratic bodies of Europe? In Spain, entire agricultural regions are abandoned because farmers pay for not growing their produce. In Germany, economical Germans illuminate solar panels with electric bulbs, because they are paying a premium for the energy produced by these batteries. It came to the point that the European Parliament legally prescribes what form cucumbers should have. Creative thought in such a framework stalls and blind.
Social democratic values - that is, modern European - this is a comfortable, but normalized delta. I have repeatedly stressed that the last quad in the socion does not have the strength to hold large territories for a long time. When Europe breaks up into separate states (Belgium, for example, is already close to this), this will be the last stage of the delta. We are now witnessing the twilight of Europe.
However, the thread of social life should not break. Where is its continuation?
More I. Sechenov expressed the key idea that the organism and its environment represent unity. The same applies to the psyche. In the absence of its ecological “niche” that satisfies the basic psychological needs of a person, the further existence of society is difficult or even impossible.
In the depths of the delta, let's look for the first shoots of the new alpha. Sooner or later, but the public will begin to understand that every person has the right to a place in his socion - to work in his installation and to live in his quadral ecosystem. These slogans will become the program of the future alpha.
What are these contradictions? So we got to the concept of involution. The involution must be understood as the convolution of socion or its integral part - quadra. Each quadra has left-sided types that simplify the system. In the “delta” this is the “Advisor”, which makes the first attempt at convolution, and the “Master”, which delays the knot on the involution loop completely.
In the intellectual sphere, we see the collapse of the Adviser as the spread of postmodernism - irrational eclecticism from a multitude of poorly connected ideas. This current unleashes a disorderly conglomeration of alternatives (-I) on human consciousness. Clear structures are blurred, everything is mixed. Contradictory opinions like a breath of fresh air need expert advice to make the right choice. And here you will only intuition.
Deconstruction (a term circulated by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida) as an intellectual device is nothing more than a function of L7 by energy model. In other words, we get the inhibition of structural logic. Thought moves randomly, immediately in all directions. So triumph multiplicity, exclusivity and arbitrariness instead of a single system. Such a “devastation in the heads”, of course, does not contribute to the mental health of the population.
This is noticeable even in our cultural life. Why so, because we are not in the delta? - The fact is that we are highly susceptible to the information influence of the West. However, in the foreground, despite imitation, there is still a rebirth of national culture, not postmodern experiments, which reflects not a delta, but a transitional situation “beta in the scale”.
But back to the extinction of life in the delta. Free leisure and education (especially in women) leads to an insurmountable decline in fertility. In the post-industrial countries, the movement “childfree” is gaining momentum. Over the past 30 years, the number of those who voluntarily refuse to continue the race has increased several times in European countries. And not because life is difficult, but because new and new opportunities are opening up around you that you want to experience. Such preferences correspond to the irrational-carefree way of life of the “Counselor”. Let us recall the expressive and sociable Dragon-Jumping, which the fabulist I. Krylov opposed to the industrious Ant.
But in the delta there is also a closing quadra, and with it the whole “Master” socion. His contribution to the delta convolution is associated with the extinction of drive and the growth of egoism in parallel with narrow professionalism. The delta aristocracy, as I already wrote, is expressed as meritocracy - the power of specialists and professionals. The experience underlying professionalism is bound energy. At the end of the delta, we state the steady extinction of motivating feelings and desires, that is, inhibition according to E7 . Capsulation occurs in its high-tech environment. The virtual world of synthetic feelings protected by a dome will be almost indistinguishable from the real one. Everything works like a Swiss watch, and the desire to live goes away.
Let's go back a step, remember the pressure of the central society. People could not stand the values of monetary enrichment and the scale of consumer madness. And here in the delta, as a compensatory reaction to chronic stress, decentralization and peripheralization are increasing. One of the radical forms of such a reaction is downshifting. People will want to go back to nature. And they will communicate with it with their body, sensations, gaining their own experience, without any theory.
Sentism as installation in the delta will not. Science is already becoming subjective. Objectively, nothing can be measured: another observer will report the opposite to the first one and both will be right. Is this not the case in the humanities? Even physicists are now talking about parallel worlds, where there may be completely different laws. Science is thus transformed into philosophical theories. Only technical disciplines are in demand. And there will be no other way out in cognition, even alpha.
J. Horgan, who wrote the famous book “The End of Science”, connects the ending of scientism to the fact that all the major scientific discoveries have already been made. In the near future, fundamental science will be completely replaced by technology, i.e. practical application of already known and open scientific truths. In the place of the serious science of the classical sample, according to Horgan, “ironic science” juggling with pure abstractions, completely divorced from empirical reality. That is the same deconstruction, introduced from art.

And, of course, the delta is universal accounting and control, built on strict regulations. And the control is not only financial, but also administrative. You are not worried about the current laws adopted by the bureaucratic bodies of Europe? In Spain, entire agricultural regions are abandoned because farmers pay for not growing their produce. In Germany, economical Germans illuminate solar panels with electric bulbs, because they are paying a premium for the energy produced by these batteries. It came to the point that the European Parliament legally prescribes what form cucumbers should have. Creative thought in such a framework stalls and blind.
Social democratic values - that is, modern European - this is a comfortable, but normalized delta. I have repeatedly stressed that the last quad in the socion does not have the strength to hold large territories for a long time. When Europe breaks up into separate states (Belgium, for example, is already close to this), this will be the last stage of the delta. We are now witnessing the twilight of Europe.
However, the thread of social life should not break. Where is its continuation?
More I. Sechenov expressed the key idea that the organism and its environment represent unity. The same applies to the psyche. In the absence of its ecological “niche” that satisfies the basic psychological needs of a person, the further existence of society is difficult or even impossible.
In the depths of the delta, let's look for the first shoots of the new alpha. Sooner or later, but the public will begin to understand that every person has the right to a place in his socion - to work in his installation and to live in his quadral ecosystem. These slogans will become the program of the future alpha.
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