Logic among the humanities: about the antinomic mind of Immanuel Kant
Author: Victor Vladimirovich Gulenko
He was born on December 2, 1958. By education - translator of German and English languages, he worked in Germany. Also independently learned Dutch. One of the first socionics in Kiev (since 1985). Since 1990 he has been engaged in socionic consulting, he leads courses, and travels with lectures in different cities of the former USSR and abroad. The author of a dozen books and about 100 articles. In January 2003, his article on various types of incentives was published in the Belgian journal International Pedagogical Review.
For communication: 8 (10-38-044) 559-8114; Kiev, st. Builders 12 - 108.
Every Wednesday at 5.00 pm V.Gulenko conducts seminars at the address: ul. Verbitsky 4-B (kindergarten, 2nd floor).
With this article, I continue a series of studies of eminent thinkers and philosophers of the past. This time I will review the lifestyle and scientific views of the great 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). I was interested in the fact that Kant has little resemblance to other philosophers of his time in this regard. Pursuing the goal of understanding the intricacies of Kant's "transcendental" philosophy, I will pay special attention to the socionic structure of his intellect.
1. Temperament and communication style of the philosopher.
The life of I. Kant is monotonous, poor in bright colors, static. It proceeded mainly in the four walls, at the writing desk. Kant spent most of his life in Königsberg, except for the period from 1747 to 1754, when he worked as a home teacher in the three remote corners of East Prussia. All this indicates the temperament of intro-statics.
Kant considered himself a melancholic. But his description of the melancholic temperament - “is constant, subordinates his feelings to principles, does not excite other people's thoughts, relies only on his own reason” - is a characteristic of that temperament, which in social analysis is called stably balanced [7].
This is the slowest and most unwieldy of the four temperaments. It is not by chance that the most productive period of Kant’s life came after 60 years. He had to make a long way before he reached his summit!
Moreover, Kant was an excellent example of a cold-blooded (logical) variety of stably balanced types. He firmly controlled his feelings. ”Women did not occupy any significant place in his life. Until the end of his days he remained a bachelor.
There are only two logic in a stably balanced temperament, namely the Inspector and the Analyst. It is not difficult to draw a line that distinguishes between them in the style of communication. The inspector has excellent long-range ethics of relationships. This is often a gallant gentleman, a favorite of women, who knows how to apply themselves from the best side in dealing with people of the opposite sex.
Quite another thing - Analyst. In such communicative situations, he feels very constrained, keeps himself aloof, does not know how to occupy the interlocutor. So, relying only on some temperamental - communicative characteristics of the philosopher, we can already form a hypothesis about his sociotype. Kant allegedly belonged to the sociotype Analyst.
His explanation of his behavior in the marriage field is interesting:
"When I could need a woman, I was not able to feed her, and when I was able to feed her, I could no longer need me."
This kind of self-irony for the sociotype Analyst is the rule rather than the exception.
Let's work out an alternative temperamental hypothesis. Suppose that Kant had a receptively adaptive temperament (close to the traditionally melancholic). This temperament is irrational, it is tuned to visual-kinesthetic perceptions. The audio channel is secondary, insensitive to speech signals and extraneous noise.
It is known that Kant suffered greatly from extraneous sounds during work. In 1775, he even changed the apartment for the reason that he was tormented by the neighbor rooster, who was constantly cheering under the windows of his house. From this fact it follows that Kant still had a rational temperament. Rationalists, when focused, focus on their internal visual image. Extraneous noises distract him from this action, destroy the process of visualization.
There is another strong evidence of Kant's rationality.
All his actions were preceded by thorough preparation. The thoughts that came to mind he put on paper, to subsequently return to them and think over. The persistence of Kant's habits amazed his contemporaries. He lived under a strict regime, took food and went for a walk at the same time. His neighbors checked his watch.
2. Criticism as a model of scientism.
Throughout his life, Kant increasingly shifted toward a humanitarian installation. Initially, he was more interested in the natural sciences than in philosophy itself. He wrote a paper on the theory of earthquakes, a treatise on the wind, and also “Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky” (1755), in which he put forward a nebular hypothesis — the assumption that the bodies of the solar system originate from the original dust nebula.
In the last period of his life (“post-critical”) he took up the so-called pragmatic anthropology. He tried to classify the temperaments, the behavior of people, described the differences between national characters. Classification aspirations are very characteristic of the Analysts.
But if Kant was a Scientist, then why was he so eager for the humanitarian field? The fact is that here we are faced with a secondary installation on the type of activity. It occurs as a result of semi-dual displacement. For Analytics, the shift occurs in the direction of the Mentor. In this way, secondary humanity arises.
Signs of the “three critics” occupy the central place in the scientific heritage of Kant: “Criticism of pure reason” (1781), “Criticism of practical reason” (1788), and “Critique of the ability of judgment” (1790).
In the first Critique he studied the relationship between the sensory and the intuitive, in the second the relationship between the logical and the ethical, and in the third the interaction of intuition and ethics (in a humanitarian setting, in other words). For a symmetrical completeness, there was not enough section or a separate book about opposite beginnings - logic and sensory (managerial setting).
He considered antinomies to be a logical research tool and skillfully applied them for analysis. Antinomiality, that is, the simultaneous existence of opposites as equivalent poles of the same parameter is the most important feature of structural logic as a tool for analysis. It is interesting to note that antinomically, or, as today's socionics would say, dichotomously, think rather of "structural" Scientists (Seeker, Analyst), "than business" (Entrepreneur, Critic).
"Criticism of pure reason" is devoted to the justification of the theory of knowledge. In it, he explores the antinomy of empirical and theoretical, or, if translated into the language of socionics, sensuality-intuitiveness dichotomy.
In this work, Kant gives a classification of judgments. The first of his dichotomies is analytical and synthetic judgments. The analytic language of sociological analysis is rational, excretory, deductive, their opposite, synthetic, irrational, integral judgments that cannot be derived by analyzing facts or hypotheses.
Kant's second dichotomy in the Critique of Pure Reason is empirical and a priori. The empirical ones correspond to sensory facts based on observables and perceived through the senses, and a priori to intuitive, to the most experienced, most abstract from reality.
What evidence is there of Kant's Scientist installation? Scientism is made up of a combination of signs of intuition and logic. The intuitiveness of the philosopher is unlikely to cause doubt. But here's the logic ... Maybe he was still a humanist?
To solve this question will help the correspondence of Kant. He lived in the XVIII century, when the epistolary genre was one of the most popular forms of literary creativity. But in the letters of Kant no feelings, not even the slightest signs of mental suffering, pour out. They are filled with dry business content. Therefore, the humanity of its type is unlikely.
Unfortunately, the use of antinomies Kant was not consistent. The divisions of Kant are two- and three-membered, and it is impossible to understand which system should be taken in which cases. This once again confirms that the main tool of Kant's thinking was not logic, but intuition.
Here is how he explained his commitment to ternary systems:
"The division must be a trichotomy in accordance with what is generally required for synthetic unity, namely: 1) condition, 2) conditional, 3) concept that arises from the connection conditional with condition."
But association can be understood not only as a merger - a “only together” conjunction, but also as an alternation, a disjunction “one thing or another.” If the thesis forms an antinomy with an antithesis, then what forms an antinomy with synthesis? Kant could hardly have thought deeply about this most important epistemological question.
Let us analyze the system of categories put forward by him. For visualization, it can be represented in the form of a table 4 X 3, where the lines form the vertical (spatial) division, and the columns the horizontal (temporary) division. At the same time I will show you how to complement the threefold horizontal division to fourfold.Let me attach the fourth column, where the category resulting from the antisynthesis of the first and second premise is placed.
Unity (thesis) is opposed to the multitude (antithesis), and integrity (synthesis) - fragmentation (antisintez).
If reality, according to Kant, forms an antinomic pair with negation, then the restriction must be antinomically complemented by infinity.
Substance is that which has no cause. Therefore, the opposite pole of the antinomy is causality. Substance and causal are synthesized in communication. The antisynthesis of these premises will then be the opposite of interaction - isolation. And the last row in the table: opportunity refers to existence, as a necessity to desire.
In Critique of Judgment, Kant expressed the essence of his philosophy in tabular form. Let's look at its sections. Again we have the familiar 4 X 3 scheme. The columns of the scheme, which represent the main problems of Kant's philosophy, correspond in the following way to the Jungian functions of the psyche:
soul abilities are ethics
cognitive abilities - logic ,
a priori principles - intuition ,
their use is sensory .
Why did Kant call his system of philosophy criticism? Here are a number of reasons. One of them is that, compared with ethics, logic is perceived as a critical function, opposing the harsh objectivity of partiality and enthusiasm.
The other seems to be connected with the era in which Kant lived. The eighteenth century of Europe entered history under the name of the Enlightenment. There was a preparation for the transition to a capitalist system of social and political life. The struggle against church dogmatism and the absolutist monarchy intensified. At the end of the century, the French bourgeois revolution broke out.
Everything was permeated by a critical mood. The third quadra, as I showed in the theory of quadral relay [5], opens with the type - “Critic”. All mainstream beta-quadratic ideas about human life in society are subject to revision. Criticize was fashionable.
And one more explanation. The analyst, as well as the Critic, belongs to the negativists. Negativism - one of the 15 signs of the type of Rainin. Negativists think in the spirit of "yes, but ...". They will always have something to argue. Criticism as a style of thinking is very close to negativity. We take into account the fact that Kant was an opponent of the mystical
-studies From here and overt skepticism about the "dreams of the clergyman" E. Swedenborg. Kant considered his teaching an example of “non-critical”, that is, not a logical-rational theory. Sociotype "Critic" with autonomous intuition of time (
), on the contrary, shows a tendency to similar occult revelations.
3. Quad and order ring
Kant can be characterized as a person from a peripheral quadra. Königsberg, in which he lived, although it was the capital of East Prussia, was essentially a remote province of the German Empire. His fame was promoted only by the Scientist character of the era, and extrovert admirers of his talent. He did not leave schools consisting of students studying his theoretical legacy.
Those who wish to get to the center of events by any means, the representatives of the power quadras will hardly understand why Kant rejected several very favorable offers in favor of the usual peripherality, for example, to head the department of theoretical philosophy at the University of Erlangen. The curator of the local university was delighted with his "Observations on the sense of the beautiful and the sublime." Kant replied with a firm refusal. He apparently did not need money, fame, or rank.
One can only speak of the influence of critical philosophy on the minds of eminent thinkers. But Kant is considered the founder of German classical philosophy. If we recall that the natural link is from a Scientist orientation to a humanitarian one - then everything falls into place.
Kant himself only rarely answered his opponents. He was of the opinion that it was a thankless task to convict the enemy of dishonesty and stupidity. Totally uncompetitive, he in every possible way avoided the struggle. Power sensory is not the value of peripheral quad.
What does Kant have in common with Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and other philosophical classics of Germany? Only one intuitive rationalism. Based on structural logic
Kant's criticism, which was also expressed in recognizing both poles of the “thing — in — self” / “thing for others” objectively existing, was rejected by his successors. As B.Rassel notes, Kant’s compromise position in ontology (the assumption of materialism along with idealism) did not suit the consistently one-sided German idealists [2].
Kant's beautifully presented ethics, unfortunately, give up with some kind of formalism, heartlessness. It seems that he understood morality only as a set of formal rules and requirements. His famous categorical imperative (unconditional command) prescribes to act according to such rules, which could become a universal law. This is another barrier that separated the thinker from his followers - full-fledged socionic ethics.
Kant was an introverted involute. This group of "gray mice" (
) the least active in the macrosocium, and therefore unobtrusive. Their social mission is informational, and not energy, it is also revealed in the framework of small groups of like-minded people. Kant always had lunch in a narrow circle of acquaintances. During these informal drinking conversations, he was distinguished by a brilliant mind, eloquence and intellectual potential.
All of his draft sketches fill ten volumes — more than published works. He produced a huge amount of information, but it did not become the property of a large society, the scientific community.
4. Separate functions and features
The analyst completes the Scientist sweep. If the Seeker synthesizes - merges the individual particular theories into one whole, then the Analyst rather performs the antisynthesis. He finds for all sufficiently complete theories his place, brings them into a complete system without merging. Therefore, he is a supporter of compromises in structural logic, which cannot be said about the Seeker, who defends his explanatory scheme as the most complete and not subject to change.
Kant showed an inclination for rational logical compromise in his first written work, “Thoughts on the True Evaluation of the Living Forces,” in which he tried to combine the views of Descartes and Leibniz on the question of kinetic energy. Not to win, but to reconcile - this is the motto of Kant's philosophy.
Kant came to the remarkable conclusion that the opposite decisions are equally demonstrative. Defending this thesis, he thereby fought against absolutization, one-sidedness in the interpretation of complex concepts. For this reason, it is sometimes recorded in agnostics. But this is precisely the mastery of antisynthesis, in which opposites do not absorb each other, but coexist by alternation.
Herder spoke of Kant in this way: “He did not know what intrigue is; the spirit of sectarianism and partiality was completely alien to him, he did not seek to recruit followers, did not make special efforts to ensure that his name was on the lips of young people ”. Not business and not power type. Analytics has business qualities (function P), and also a struggle for power and influence (function
) - the least energy.
He never borrowed money, was afraid of becoming financially dependent. Business logic is the pain point of "Analysts". In order to protect himself from everyday troubles, Kant always sought to have a material reserve, and also led a very economical lifestyle. No wonder it was the lack of material resources that he explained his celibacy.
It is difficult to explain only the hypochondria of Kant. People suffering from hypochondria find in their bodies all the diseases they read about in medical textbooks. It is because of her, if you remember, he counted himself among the melancholic. Hypochondria is not characteristic of Analysts.
Let's figure it out. Analyst mood (
) directly related to comfort and health (
). And if the Analyst is born painful, his emotional state is suppressed. Kant was short (157 cm) and frail in stature. It is no wonder that he practiced his physical form so much.
The analyst does not control the near sensory sensations. Therefore, there are extremes in this function. For the initial subtype of Analytics, neglect of one’s health is characteristic, and for the terminal, on the contrary, exaggerated concern for it.
Kant’s belonging to the terminal subtype of Analytics is confirmed by his manner of working on manuscripts. He carefully thought over, polished his works, repeatedly returned to what he had written. Never sent to a publisher not yet complete. He did not immediately swing, but when he joined the work, he was no longer able to quit it.
5. Installation in installation
In the socioanalysis, the description of the external communicative environment is carried out through the pentad - the five types consisting of the initial type in the environment of four other types of one or another small group. I have already applied a similar method in [9].
To avoid excessive science, I will use a figurative comparison. Each of the four main areas of activity I will liken to a market where representatives of various types offer their specific goods. Then the following processes will take place in our imaginary market.
5.1. Scientists among Scientists.
This is the case when the seller entered the market with goods similar to those sold there. Intense competition begins, which usually ends with the division of spheres of influence - the territory of sale or the range. This event development is logical. The type-applicant, if he does not give up the competition and works well, has good chances to achieve success.
Psychological characteristic. The Scientist community accepts a new member. He is spoken on an equal footing, because he observes the unwritten rules of the game, and his lifestyle is similar to that which dominates in this area and is therefore understandable. For him, over time, there is a convenient niche in the market for goods of this class. The greatest competition will break out with the same type.
5.2. Scientist among the humanities.
A new seller has a better product in many respects than his competitors. If you act intelligently and balancedly, then a rapid growth of fame, communicative expansion is possible. Exchange is not equivalent: a favorable situation arises when you give less than you receive in return. In other words, your product is set monopoly high price.
Psychologically, the Scientist is perceived by the humanities as a dangerous intruder. He brings a logical and structural beginning to a beautiful humanitarian argument. They are afraid of him, but they respect him, they look him upside down. A quick, albeit risky ascent. That is what happened with Kant.
5.3. Scientist among the socials.
Equivalent exchange case. Scientist goods are freely exchanged for social goods. Each side is convinced that it ultimately gives as much as it receives. The optimal situation on the market when demand is equal to supply. You can make a medium-guaranteed career. There is no need to put special effort, everything will go as if by itself.
Psychological features of penetration to the opposite setting. Scientist is perceived by the socials as an interesting guest. The ratio of equal partners. There is satisfaction and comfort, a tendency to relax.
5.4. Scientist among managers.
The most unfortunate version of the typological environment for the scientist. He puts on the market a product that is not in demand. There is a non-equivalent exchange. It seems that you give more than you get in return. Working in vain, quickly burn through.
The psychological side here is as follows. The management community perceives scientist as a frivolous, useless type. Surrounding occupy a position from top to bottom. As a result, the scientist is formed low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with life.
Kant's logical intellectualism turned away from him the Russian religious philosophers. Scientist was perceived as an intruder, foreign body. Hegel is quite another matter, although he also worked with the set of concepts of antinomy, analogous to Kant, the synthesis of opposites. Because Hegel is the humanities among the humanities.
Socionics as Scientist theory also intrudes into the vulnerable and touchy environment of the humanities. How not to break the wood. She has already rejected the venerable psychologists. We are saved only by the democratism of the time in which we live. Otherwise, socionics would have been banned long ago.
May the mistakes and achievements of Immanuel Kant as a philosopher and just a man serve us as a lesson. His attempts to systematize the intellect and psychology of the personality and to build a harmonious society on these laws were not crowned with success. We are armed with a powerful theory of antinomies - a typology of energy-information systems. Everything else depends on our ability to overstep envy and ambition and will be included in the coordinated work.
1. Gulyga A.V. Kant. - M .: Young Guard, 1977. - 304 p. // Life of great people. Biography series, Vol. 7 (570).
2. Russell B. History of Western Philosophy. - M .: "MYTH", 1993, t. 2.
3. Brief philosophical encyclopedia. - M: “Progress” - “Encyclopedia”, 1994, pp.197 - 198.
4. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I.T. Frolova. - 4th ed. - Politizdat, 1981, p. 144-145.
5. Gulenko V.V. Square Relay. Silhouettes of time through a string of types. - K., 07.25.1995.
6. Gulenko V.V. Mentors philosophize. On the special fate of ethical-intuitive extrovert. - K., 12.26 / 1994.
7. Gulenko V.V. Hand writing personality in society. Social diagnostics through observation. - Novosibirsk, 12.12.1994.
8. Gulenko V.V. Tamed emotions. Congruent diagnosis by example. - K., 30.06.1996.
9. Gulenko V.V. The appearance of the Russian reformer. Social analysis of crisis phenomena in society. - K., 03.06.1996.
He was born on December 2, 1958. By education - translator of German and English languages, he worked in Germany. Also independently learned Dutch. One of the first socionics in Kiev (since 1985). Since 1990 he has been engaged in socionic consulting, he leads courses, and travels with lectures in different cities of the former USSR and abroad. The author of a dozen books and about 100 articles. In January 2003, his article on various types of incentives was published in the Belgian journal International Pedagogical Review.
For communication: 8 (10-38-044) 559-8114; Kiev, st. Builders 12 - 108.
Every Wednesday at 5.00 pm V.Gulenko conducts seminars at the address: ul. Verbitsky 4-B (kindergarten, 2nd floor).
With this article, I continue a series of studies of eminent thinkers and philosophers of the past. This time I will review the lifestyle and scientific views of the great 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). I was interested in the fact that Kant has little resemblance to other philosophers of his time in this regard. Pursuing the goal of understanding the intricacies of Kant's "transcendental" philosophy, I will pay special attention to the socionic structure of his intellect.
1. Temperament and communication style of the philosopher.
Kant considered himself a melancholic. But his description of the melancholic temperament - “is constant, subordinates his feelings to principles, does not excite other people's thoughts, relies only on his own reason” - is a characteristic of that temperament, which in social analysis is called stably balanced [7].
This is the slowest and most unwieldy of the four temperaments. It is not by chance that the most productive period of Kant’s life came after 60 years. He had to make a long way before he reached his summit!
Moreover, Kant was an excellent example of a cold-blooded (logical) variety of stably balanced types. He firmly controlled his feelings. ”Women did not occupy any significant place in his life. Until the end of his days he remained a bachelor.
There are only two logic in a stably balanced temperament, namely the Inspector and the Analyst. It is not difficult to draw a line that distinguishes between them in the style of communication. The inspector has excellent long-range ethics of relationships. This is often a gallant gentleman, a favorite of women, who knows how to apply themselves from the best side in dealing with people of the opposite sex.
Quite another thing - Analyst. In such communicative situations, he feels very constrained, keeps himself aloof, does not know how to occupy the interlocutor. So, relying only on some temperamental - communicative characteristics of the philosopher, we can already form a hypothesis about his sociotype. Kant allegedly belonged to the sociotype Analyst.
His explanation of his behavior in the marriage field is interesting:
"When I could need a woman, I was not able to feed her, and when I was able to feed her, I could no longer need me."
This kind of self-irony for the sociotype Analyst is the rule rather than the exception.
Let's work out an alternative temperamental hypothesis. Suppose that Kant had a receptively adaptive temperament (close to the traditionally melancholic). This temperament is irrational, it is tuned to visual-kinesthetic perceptions. The audio channel is secondary, insensitive to speech signals and extraneous noise.
It is known that Kant suffered greatly from extraneous sounds during work. In 1775, he even changed the apartment for the reason that he was tormented by the neighbor rooster, who was constantly cheering under the windows of his house. From this fact it follows that Kant still had a rational temperament. Rationalists, when focused, focus on their internal visual image. Extraneous noises distract him from this action, destroy the process of visualization.
There is another strong evidence of Kant's rationality.
All his actions were preceded by thorough preparation. The thoughts that came to mind he put on paper, to subsequently return to them and think over. The persistence of Kant's habits amazed his contemporaries. He lived under a strict regime, took food and went for a walk at the same time. His neighbors checked his watch.
2. Criticism as a model of scientism.
In the last period of his life (“post-critical”) he took up the so-called pragmatic anthropology. He tried to classify the temperaments, the behavior of people, described the differences between national characters. Classification aspirations are very characteristic of the Analysts.
But if Kant was a Scientist, then why was he so eager for the humanitarian field? The fact is that here we are faced with a secondary installation on the type of activity. It occurs as a result of semi-dual displacement. For Analytics, the shift occurs in the direction of the Mentor. In this way, secondary humanity arises.
Signs of the “three critics” occupy the central place in the scientific heritage of Kant: “Criticism of pure reason” (1781), “Criticism of practical reason” (1788), and “Critique of the ability of judgment” (1790).
In the first Critique he studied the relationship between the sensory and the intuitive, in the second the relationship between the logical and the ethical, and in the third the interaction of intuition and ethics (in a humanitarian setting, in other words). For a symmetrical completeness, there was not enough section or a separate book about opposite beginnings - logic and sensory (managerial setting).
He considered antinomies to be a logical research tool and skillfully applied them for analysis. Antinomiality, that is, the simultaneous existence of opposites as equivalent poles of the same parameter is the most important feature of structural logic as a tool for analysis. It is interesting to note that antinomically, or, as today's socionics would say, dichotomously, think rather of "structural" Scientists (Seeker, Analyst), "than business" (Entrepreneur, Critic).
"Criticism of pure reason" is devoted to the justification of the theory of knowledge. In it, he explores the antinomy of empirical and theoretical, or, if translated into the language of socionics, sensuality-intuitiveness dichotomy.
In this work, Kant gives a classification of judgments. The first of his dichotomies is analytical and synthetic judgments. The analytic language of sociological analysis is rational, excretory, deductive, their opposite, synthetic, irrational, integral judgments that cannot be derived by analyzing facts or hypotheses.
Kant's second dichotomy in the Critique of Pure Reason is empirical and a priori. The empirical ones correspond to sensory facts based on observables and perceived through the senses, and a priori to intuitive, to the most experienced, most abstract from reality.
What evidence is there of Kant's Scientist installation? Scientism is made up of a combination of signs of intuition and logic. The intuitiveness of the philosopher is unlikely to cause doubt. But here's the logic ... Maybe he was still a humanist?
To solve this question will help the correspondence of Kant. He lived in the XVIII century, when the epistolary genre was one of the most popular forms of literary creativity. But in the letters of Kant no feelings, not even the slightest signs of mental suffering, pour out. They are filled with dry business content. Therefore, the humanity of its type is unlikely.
Unfortunately, the use of antinomies Kant was not consistent. The divisions of Kant are two- and three-membered, and it is impossible to understand which system should be taken in which cases. This once again confirms that the main tool of Kant's thinking was not logic, but intuition.
Here is how he explained his commitment to ternary systems:
"The division must be a trichotomy in accordance with what is generally required for synthetic unity, namely: 1) condition, 2) conditional, 3) concept that arises from the connection conditional with condition."
But association can be understood not only as a merger - a “only together” conjunction, but also as an alternation, a disjunction “one thing or another.” If the thesis forms an antinomy with an antithesis, then what forms an antinomy with synthesis? Kant could hardly have thought deeply about this most important epistemological question.
Let us analyze the system of categories put forward by him. For visualization, it can be represented in the form of a table 4 X 3, where the lines form the vertical (spatial) division, and the columns the horizontal (temporary) division. At the same time I will show you how to complement the threefold horizontal division to fourfold.Let me attach the fourth column, where the category resulting from the antisynthesis of the first and second premise is placed.
vert / horiz
lots of
opportunity and impossibility
existence and non-existence
necessity and chance
desire and reluctance
Unity (thesis) is opposed to the multitude (antithesis), and integrity (synthesis) - fragmentation (antisintez).
If reality, according to Kant, forms an antinomic pair with negation, then the restriction must be antinomically complemented by infinity.
Substance is that which has no cause. Therefore, the opposite pole of the antinomy is causality. Substance and causal are synthesized in communication. The antisynthesis of these premises will then be the opposite of interaction - isolation. And the last row in the table: opportunity refers to existence, as a necessity to desire.
In Critique of Judgment, Kant expressed the essence of his philosophy in tabular form. Let's look at its sections. Again we have the familiar 4 X 3 scheme. The columns of the scheme, which represent the main problems of Kant's philosophy, correspond in the following way to the Jungian functions of the psyche:
soul abilities are ethics
cognitive abilities - logic ,
a priori principles - intuition ,
their use is sensory .
Why did Kant call his system of philosophy criticism? Here are a number of reasons. One of them is that, compared with ethics, logic is perceived as a critical function, opposing the harsh objectivity of partiality and enthusiasm.
The other seems to be connected with the era in which Kant lived. The eighteenth century of Europe entered history under the name of the Enlightenment. There was a preparation for the transition to a capitalist system of social and political life. The struggle against church dogmatism and the absolutist monarchy intensified. At the end of the century, the French bourgeois revolution broke out.
Everything was permeated by a critical mood. The third quadra, as I showed in the theory of quadral relay [5], opens with the type - “Critic”. All mainstream beta-quadratic ideas about human life in society are subject to revision. Criticize was fashionable.
And one more explanation. The analyst, as well as the Critic, belongs to the negativists. Negativism - one of the 15 signs of the type of Rainin. Negativists think in the spirit of "yes, but ...". They will always have something to argue. Criticism as a style of thinking is very close to negativity. We take into account the fact that Kant was an opponent of the mystical
3. Quad and order ring
Those who wish to get to the center of events by any means, the representatives of the power quadras will hardly understand why Kant rejected several very favorable offers in favor of the usual peripherality, for example, to head the department of theoretical philosophy at the University of Erlangen. The curator of the local university was delighted with his "Observations on the sense of the beautiful and the sublime." Kant replied with a firm refusal. He apparently did not need money, fame, or rank.
One can only speak of the influence of critical philosophy on the minds of eminent thinkers. But Kant is considered the founder of German classical philosophy. If we recall that the natural link is from a Scientist orientation to a humanitarian one - then everything falls into place.
Kant himself only rarely answered his opponents. He was of the opinion that it was a thankless task to convict the enemy of dishonesty and stupidity. Totally uncompetitive, he in every possible way avoided the struggle. Power sensory is not the value of peripheral quad.
What does Kant have in common with Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and other philosophical classics of Germany? Only one intuitive rationalism. Based on structural logic
Kant's beautifully presented ethics, unfortunately, give up with some kind of formalism, heartlessness. It seems that he understood morality only as a set of formal rules and requirements. His famous categorical imperative (unconditional command) prescribes to act according to such rules, which could become a universal law. This is another barrier that separated the thinker from his followers - full-fledged socionic ethics.
Kant was an introverted involute. This group of "gray mice" (
All of his draft sketches fill ten volumes — more than published works. He produced a huge amount of information, but it did not become the property of a large society, the scientific community.
4. Separate functions and features
The analyst completes the Scientist sweep. If the Seeker synthesizes - merges the individual particular theories into one whole, then the Analyst rather performs the antisynthesis. He finds for all sufficiently complete theories his place, brings them into a complete system without merging. Therefore, he is a supporter of compromises in structural logic, which cannot be said about the Seeker, who defends his explanatory scheme as the most complete and not subject to change.
Kant showed an inclination for rational logical compromise in his first written work, “Thoughts on the True Evaluation of the Living Forces,” in which he tried to combine the views of Descartes and Leibniz on the question of kinetic energy. Not to win, but to reconcile - this is the motto of Kant's philosophy.
Kant came to the remarkable conclusion that the opposite decisions are equally demonstrative. Defending this thesis, he thereby fought against absolutization, one-sidedness in the interpretation of complex concepts. For this reason, it is sometimes recorded in agnostics. But this is precisely the mastery of antisynthesis, in which opposites do not absorb each other, but coexist by alternation.
Herder spoke of Kant in this way: “He did not know what intrigue is; the spirit of sectarianism and partiality was completely alien to him, he did not seek to recruit followers, did not make special efforts to ensure that his name was on the lips of young people ”. Not business and not power type. Analytics has business qualities (function P), and also a struggle for power and influence (function
He never borrowed money, was afraid of becoming financially dependent. Business logic is the pain point of "Analysts". In order to protect himself from everyday troubles, Kant always sought to have a material reserve, and also led a very economical lifestyle. No wonder it was the lack of material resources that he explained his celibacy.
It is difficult to explain only the hypochondria of Kant. People suffering from hypochondria find in their bodies all the diseases they read about in medical textbooks. It is because of her, if you remember, he counted himself among the melancholic. Hypochondria is not characteristic of Analysts.
Let's figure it out. Analyst mood (
The analyst does not control the near sensory sensations. Therefore, there are extremes in this function. For the initial subtype of Analytics, neglect of one’s health is characteristic, and for the terminal, on the contrary, exaggerated concern for it.
Kant’s belonging to the terminal subtype of Analytics is confirmed by his manner of working on manuscripts. He carefully thought over, polished his works, repeatedly returned to what he had written. Never sent to a publisher not yet complete. He did not immediately swing, but when he joined the work, he was no longer able to quit it.
5. Installation in installation
In the socioanalysis, the description of the external communicative environment is carried out through the pentad - the five types consisting of the initial type in the environment of four other types of one or another small group. I have already applied a similar method in [9].
To avoid excessive science, I will use a figurative comparison. Each of the four main areas of activity I will liken to a market where representatives of various types offer their specific goods. Then the following processes will take place in our imaginary market.
5.1. Scientists among Scientists.
This is the case when the seller entered the market with goods similar to those sold there. Intense competition begins, which usually ends with the division of spheres of influence - the territory of sale or the range. This event development is logical. The type-applicant, if he does not give up the competition and works well, has good chances to achieve success.
Psychological characteristic. The Scientist community accepts a new member. He is spoken on an equal footing, because he observes the unwritten rules of the game, and his lifestyle is similar to that which dominates in this area and is therefore understandable. For him, over time, there is a convenient niche in the market for goods of this class. The greatest competition will break out with the same type.
5.2. Scientist among the humanities.
A new seller has a better product in many respects than his competitors. If you act intelligently and balancedly, then a rapid growth of fame, communicative expansion is possible. Exchange is not equivalent: a favorable situation arises when you give less than you receive in return. In other words, your product is set monopoly high price.
Psychologically, the Scientist is perceived by the humanities as a dangerous intruder. He brings a logical and structural beginning to a beautiful humanitarian argument. They are afraid of him, but they respect him, they look him upside down. A quick, albeit risky ascent. That is what happened with Kant.
5.3. Scientist among the socials.
Equivalent exchange case. Scientist goods are freely exchanged for social goods. Each side is convinced that it ultimately gives as much as it receives. The optimal situation on the market when demand is equal to supply. You can make a medium-guaranteed career. There is no need to put special effort, everything will go as if by itself.
Psychological features of penetration to the opposite setting. Scientist is perceived by the socials as an interesting guest. The ratio of equal partners. There is satisfaction and comfort, a tendency to relax.
5.4. Scientist among managers.
The most unfortunate version of the typological environment for the scientist. He puts on the market a product that is not in demand. There is a non-equivalent exchange. It seems that you give more than you get in return. Working in vain, quickly burn through.
The psychological side here is as follows. The management community perceives scientist as a frivolous, useless type. Surrounding occupy a position from top to bottom. As a result, the scientist is formed low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with life.
Kant's logical intellectualism turned away from him the Russian religious philosophers. Scientist was perceived as an intruder, foreign body. Hegel is quite another matter, although he also worked with the set of concepts of antinomy, analogous to Kant, the synthesis of opposites. Because Hegel is the humanities among the humanities.
Socionics as Scientist theory also intrudes into the vulnerable and touchy environment of the humanities. How not to break the wood. She has already rejected the venerable psychologists. We are saved only by the democratism of the time in which we live. Otherwise, socionics would have been banned long ago.
May the mistakes and achievements of Immanuel Kant as a philosopher and just a man serve us as a lesson. His attempts to systematize the intellect and psychology of the personality and to build a harmonious society on these laws were not crowned with success. We are armed with a powerful theory of antinomies - a typology of energy-information systems. Everything else depends on our ability to overstep envy and ambition and will be included in the coordinated work.
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