Socionic type of "America" ​​and "Japan"

For many years there has been talk of the fact that each nation has its own mentality, but where it comes from and on what basis to compare national characters with each other is still unclear. Numerous facts of ethnography and national history are scattered and not systematized.
Socionics allows you to do this quite convincingly. Compare, for example, the American and Japanese national characters. What do they have in common and what is the difference?
What unites both nations is that they are logical and rational. Their mentality is alien to logically unmotivated events, such as, for example, often found in the history of Russia. Remember the apt lines "you can't understand Russia with your mind, you can't measure it with a common yardstick." Both American and Japanese nations live just by the mind. All Russians who emigrate to these countries complain about the lack of sincerity, thrift in relations between people.
However, it is easy to find significant differences between Americans and Japanese. Socionics refers America to the typically extrovert, i.e. open nations. Such nations are sociable, they are not afraid of assimilation, they easily carry their information culture beyond their limits. For them, the expansive development trend is indicative.
Japan, on the contrary, is a closed or introverted nation. Such nations are distinguished by the isolation of the ethnic structure, significant opposition to the penetration of foreign traditions, the fear of losing their national and historical identity. For such a nation, the opposite tendency of development is characteristic - deepening when the desire to prevail not so much to spread its life patterns as to improve them dominates.
And, finally, it is impossible to ignore another fundamental difference between the Japanese mentality and the American one. It is clearly manifested when comparing the education systems of both countries. Japanese education, as it is known, is famous for its depth and practical orientation. It produces a "guaranteed middle peasants", since it relies on the systematic assimilation of a large amount of proven knowledge. For this reason, Japan leads the way in primary and secondary education.
In America, in training there were completely different priorities. American education is much more democratic than Japanese in the sense that it is possible to choose disciplines and terms of study, but less systematically and strictly. It is not the knowledge that is needed here and now, but those that interest him, that are absorbed by a person. Due to this, the USA is confidently leading in higher education, i.e. where not mass character is required, but the highest achievements of science. For this, one had to pay with the superficiality and fragility of the knowledge of the average student.
Behind these contrasts stands the unavoidable differences of the two mentalities, - socionics thinks so. Stable, well visible outside trends are determined not by the will of individuals, even though they occupy a high place in the management hierarchy, but by the socio-psychological patterns of the functioning of the communicative system itself. In this case, the effect of belonging to different poles of the socionic scale “sensory-intuitiveness”.
The Japanese nation constantly manifests itself as sensory, i.e. specifically thinking and acting, not trusting fantasies and abstract knowledge, firmly tied to the traditions and tried-and-tested methods of work. The American mentality has always manifested itself as “intuitive”, i.e. abstract thinking, inclined to major innovations, opposing the fixed traditions of bold experimentation.
Thus, socionic types of American and Japanese styles of existence are derived, the first of which is called the logical-intuitive extrovert ("Entrepreneur"), and the second - the logical-sensory introvert ("Inspector").


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