On the development of society
V. V. Gulenko , Kiev 26. 26. 12. 91.
The laws of social progress have been interested in me since 1986.
It was then that the first thought arose that the rhythms of human history — the birth, flourishing and death of states and civilizations, the pace of economic and social development, and cultural eras — were subject to certain cyclical patterns. This hypothesis, of course, is not new. However, previous researchers did not have a socionical analysis apparatus, on which I relied when I found an explanation for these cycles in the universal nature of socionic models [4]. Such a conclusion largely clarified for me the picture of the development of society, but not to the end. It was embarrassing that nobody particularly paid attention to the fact that the spiral could not only unwind, but also twist. In addition, what makes history deviate from a straight path? Where is the power which causes acceleration? How to distinguish the horizontal movement of society from the vertical? There was no satisfactory answer to the question about the reasons for the unevenness of historical development.
This whole knot of contradictions led me to the need, relying on intuition and previous years of experience in socionic research, to single out several independent rhythms in a single time stream — internal undercurrents of the historical process. A kind of harmonic analysis of the complex trajectory of social movement was carried out.
The catalyst for this work was the practical need to give reasonable political predictions and analyze in the republican press and on the radio the actions of real political figures of Ukraine [8]. As a result, a holistic concept of the analysis of socio-political processes was developed. This article will discuss the basic laws, with the help of which the whole complex of the problems posed is described.
The first law of social progress is the turnover of quadras.
I came to the conclusion that the quadra is a stable temporal group of the socion, which is the carrier of the spirit and core values of a particular historical epoch. This means that the sociotypes entering into it show unidirectional social activity in the same period of time [3]. I will note that the requirement of unity of space for quadras is optional: quadrals can show synchronous social activity, being located on completely different parts of society. Space can divide them, but not time. Each quadra has a strictly social mission in history [5]. "Messianism" quadras appears as follows:
- The first quadra (alpha) is the Illuminators, who create and disseminate fundamentally new ideas of social development in society.
- The second quadra (beta) is the EMPLOYERS who are introducing new orders, creating the corresponding organizational structures.
- The third quadra (gamma) is the REFORMERS, which remove the contradictions accumulated at the previous stage through the criticism of the mistakes made and the reform of rigid structures.
- The fourth square (delta) is the PERFECTORS who bring the original but reformed idea to exhaustion by improving its organizational implementation in all areas.
In any society, an objective process of time structuring takes place - the replacement of quadras according to a certain pattern:
COLORS - - - - -----> FEDERATORS | (new round) | | | | - - - - - PERFECTORS <---------- font="" reformers="">
This tendency appears the more clearly, the larger the time scale of the society we take. The most global ethnogenetic cycle has been studied in detail by L. Gumilev. According to his theory, the following stages differ in the life of any ethnic group:
- The first stage - an ethnos or a group of ethnoses forms social structures and strengthens them; during this period, some states are destroyed and others are created; Often there are migrations of nations. Corresponds to quadra implementers.
- The second stage is a split, civil strife; the emergence of conflicting religious, political and social movements; "Time of Troubles". Corresponds to quadra reformers.
- The third stage - the social situation stabilizes; there is a rapid development of science and technology, production and trade. Corresponds to quad perforators.
- The fourth stage - satisfaction of needs, prosperity, patronage of the arts, waste of resources; the beginning of decline; distribution of new theories and creeds. Corresponds to the quadra illuminators.
Examples The crisis of the boyar rule and the spread of Western European influence in the seventeenth century. - - -> the creation of the Russian Empire by Peter I - - -> the era of palace coups - - -> the “golden” age of the Russian nobility under Catherine II. The spread of the ideas of Marxism in the Russian Empire - - -> Bolshevism and the creation of the Soviet state - - -> the restructuring and disintegration of the USSR - - -> ?.
The second law of social progress is intra-crisis transitions.
If the first law of social progress, revealing the main directions of the objective movement of society, postulates the inevitability of changing its priority values, the second law points to a more subtle mechanism of this process. As history shows, the transition from the epoch of one quadra to the epoch of another, as a rule, is carried out in steps, quickly and sharply. This race is usually associated with the death of the ruler and the complete change of his team, controlling the situation on the ground. As for the internal development plots, a gradual but open and obvious increase in contradictions draws attention to itself. Although this type of crisis is not associated with global upheavals and the departure of whole generations from the arena, it can lead to a dramatic confrontation between the parties (the situation of dual power).
Crisis plots of history are characterized by economic and often political turmoil, which occur against the background of breaking established stereotypes. During these periods of internal weakening, the conquests of some states or territories by others often take place.
This phenomenon was explained after the discovery of initial and terminal variants of socionic types [6].
Initial sociotypes are highly efficient at the beginning of the solution of a task. To initiate means to start a business, taking it out of equilibrium.
Terminal sociotypes are more effective at the final stage of problem solving. To terminate is to complete the case, bringing it to equilibrium.
These two branches of social progress, I once called ascending and descending [7]. I explain the intra-quadratic contradictions by the collision of its initial and terminal representatives.
If the quadra's initiality has not yet exhausted its energy resource, and the termination principle, by virtue of, say, the numerical superiority of the terminal subtypes, already seeks to give the system balance and stability, the emergence of differences and competitive struggle between them are inevitable. I call these periods intra-crisis transitions (CPSU).
How does the separation on initial and terminal variants affect intertype relationships? - Apparently, within the framework of solving a dyadic task, when the distance in communication is close, the maximum effect is achieved when the initial sociotype interacts with the terminal, and within the broader group task, when the communicative distance increases, the interaction of the initiator with the initiator and terminator with the terminator is more effective.
Thus, terminal quadras dominate the equilibrium, stable, descending areas of progress, and initial non-equilibrium, ascending, ascending areas dominate initial squares. VKP is the most vulnerable point of progress, the collision of the initial and terminal beginnings, during which the intervention of a third force is possible. The temporal rhythm of the story becomes more complex, taking the following form:
inl ter inl ter
ter inl ter inl
For the first time, the Russian scientist and economist H. D. Kondratiev drew attention to these subcycles, describing the alternation of upward and downward waves of the world market conjuncture [9]. Examples of the CPSU:
- The fragmentation of Kievan Rus into separate principalities in the conditions of ter> inl led to the Mongol conquest, interrupting the natural cycle of the development of the ethnic group;
- The August putsch of 1991 and the transfer of actual power from Gorbachev to Yeltsin;
- Socionics, chronologically being in the framework of the Enlightenment quadra, fell into the VKP (struggle of various schools), which not only complicates its practical implementation, but also threatens with interference and absorption by another theory.
The third law of social progress is the turnover of energy groups.
The first two laws reveal the objective side of progress in society, but do not answer the question, due to what it happens. Our latest research touched on this particular problem. So where does the energy for social change come from? The energetic functioning of the socion, i.e., the extraction and consumption of energy in it, is carried out through the formation, launching and turnover of energy groups.
Energy groups, better known in the literature as social order rings, are formed on the left / right axes and extroverts / introverts. The right - gradual - direction of social progress is called evolution , and the left - rapidly hopping - involution . In the formula of the sociotype before the first function, the evolyutory have the “+” sign, and the involutors have the “-” sign. For example, the sensory-ethical extrovert + FR is an evolutor, and the sensory-logical extrovert -F + L is an involute [6, 7].
Energy groups are formed as follows:
evolution | SURFERS | Tow trucks extra - - - - --------- | --------------- intro FEATHERS | ARMERS | involution
Introverter involutes , or ARMERS, are those sociotypes that “twist the spring” of social progress, extract energy for further movement, arm the subsequent group with everything necessary for a breakthrough (eng. Armourer - gunsmith). These include SCIENTIST (LII), QUESTOR (IEI), CONSERVATOR (ESI) and ARTISAN (SLI).
Note. The article uses the American names of sociotypes D. Keirsey [2].
Extrovert involutors , or FAYTERS, are those sociotypes that manifest themselves as the most active, energetic, penetrative with respect to fundamentally new beginnings (eng. Fight - fight). All of them have the function of the offensive volitional sensory "-F". This is a directional flow of energy, concentrated by the previous group of armers. Fighters include SELLER (ESE), PROMOTOR (SLE), FIELDMARSHAL (LIE) and JOURNALIST (IEE).
The extrovert evolyutory , or SURFER, are those sociotypes that are brought to the surface of the social movement by the previous turbulent wave (eng. Surface - surface). They do not extract energy and are not energy carriers, but are able to direct it in the right direction. Among them, most often there are preachers of ideas explaining the ripened discontent, or politicians who pop up due to the ability to speak on behalf of the masses, nations or particular social strata. This group includes INVENTOR (ILE), PEDAGOGUE (EIE), ENTERTAINER (SEE) and ADMINISTRATOR (FEL). A distinctive feature of surfers is the ability to stay on the “crest of a wave”, successfully defending mastered positions due to the presence of the defensive volitional sensory function “+ F”.
Introverts , or EVACUATORS, are those sociotypes that dissipate the energy of the social movement, clearing the territory for further events (eng. Evacuate - take out; empty; drain). Their distinguishing feature is the desire to extinguish emotional outbursts, to smooth out critical periods in one way or another. Tow trucks include ARTIST (SEI), TRUSTEE (LSI), ARCHITECT (OR) and AUTHOR (EII). The described cycle of alternation of energy groups can be depicted as follows:
A R M E R S - - - - -----> FAYTERS to the new cycle | | | | | - - TOW TRUCKS <---------- font="" surfers="">
An example of this rhythm. Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev (evacuators) - -> Gorbachev, Nazarbayev, Sobchak (surfers) - - -> Kravchuk, Yeltsin, Khasbulatov (fighters).
The fourth law of social progress - the mechanism of social struggle.
This law answers the question of why history is developing unevenly - then accelerating, slowing down, and also why quadras and energy groups alternate in a straight line (alpha - beta - gamma - delta), then in the reverse (alpha - delta - gamma beta) scheme . The fact is that in historical progress, in addition to objective tendencies, there is also free will of a person. I. Kant also showed that the regularity of history is largely a matter of scale attached to it. If the scale is large, then objective laws come to the first place. But if the scale is small, then stable trends are blurred and the will of individual individuals begins to dominate or just an accident.
The subjective factor of history has a power character. Those of prominent personalities who correctly evaluated the situation and calculated their strength, and also managed to pick up a solid team of their supporters, are able to significantly change the course of history. Socionics from this point of view is one of the ways to become above history, to subordinate its objective tendencies to its subjective goals. How are power groups formed? The way of their separation is the division of a socion into four parts by the axes of evolution / involution and statics / dynamics. And the name of the last pair of signs, as the experience of socionic trainings showed, turned out to be not very successful. In our practice we use the names centripetal (statics) and centrifugal (dynamics).
Such a renaming is easy to understand, given the fact that statics by their efforts form a dense central core of the team, and the dynamics in many respects tend to work on external changeable contacts. As a result, a separation occurs, as it were, into an inner dense core (movement toward the center) and into a movable shell (movement toward the periphery).
Here is how the formation of the power groups, known in the literature under the name of the rings of social revision:
evolyutory | III | IV | centro | centrifuge - - - - --------- | ------------ strive- | ny Body II | I | involutors
The first group is centripetal involuors. It includes SCIENTIST (LII), PROMOTOR (SLE), CONSERVATOR (ESI) and JOURNALIST (IEE). The power strike of this group is always sent to the center, to the heart, at the main stronghold of the opposing group. It may be conditionally called GROUP STORM.
The second group - centrifugal involuors. To it belong the social types of SELLER (ESE), QUESTOR (IEI), FIELDMARSHAL (LIE) and ARTISAN (SLI). The power specialization of this group is a blow to the flanks. It is not so strong in a concentrated onslaught, but it is mobile in its actions, it is easily rebuilt into a new direction of attack.
The third group is centrifugal evoluors. It includes ARTIST (AEI), PEDAGOGUE (EIE), ARCHITECT (OR) and ADMINISTRATOR (FEL). These sociotypes most successfully operate in the power supply of evolution - intelligence and counterintelligence, the collection and processing of information about the alignment of forces and the availability of funds.
The fourth group - centripetal evolutora. It consists of the sociotypes INVENTOR (ILE), TRUSTEE (LSI), ENTERTAINER (SEE) and AUTHOR (EII). Their specialization is “fortification”, the erection of fortifications and the maintenance of proper order and moral climate in the protected area. This group can be conditionally called GARNIZON.
The first and second power groups (frontal and flank blow), bonding to each other in a double ring, form the following structure of involution :
IEI SLE Involutionary ring LIE ESI LII ESE social progress IEE SLI
General characteristics of the involutional ring: can slow down or accelerate the course of history, and, perhaps, reverse; effectively acts in crisis situations, is notable for aggressiveness and sharpness; tends to segregation, the formation of opposing organizations;pluralistic and multiform. Symbolizes the vertical movement of society.
The coupling of the second and third power groups (garrison and intelligence) gives a double ring of the evolution of the following structure:
OR SEE Evolutionary FEL EII LSI EIE ring of social progress ILE SEI
General characteristics of the evolutionary ring: different traditional, the desire to "go with the flow" of the historical process, taking advantage of its bursts; effectively acts in conditions of smooth, gradual development; opponents of radical break-ups, power manifestations of a defensive nature, returning the system to its original state; tends to unity and integrity, totalitarian and monotonous. Symbolizes the horizontal movement of society. As the practice of our work with enterprises and firms has shown, the triad is always the basis of the newly formed social progress ring. sociotypes, which is based on the formula dual pair + auditor / customer. It is also possible option dual pair + podrevizny / sub-order. Power audit connections are even more durable than dual ones. In any case, the strength of their rallying is higher.
The reason for this, in our opinion, is that the dual pair is an unstable equilibrium of sociotypes, which is maintained and insured by an external force of the same direction, but a different social task. Due to this, it is possible not only the regeneration of forces and the specialization of actions, which corresponds to the objective side of social progress, but also a conscious change in the speed of movement or direction of the applied efforts, which indicates the presence of subjective free will in the group.
As a result, it should be concluded that the minimum unit of social progress is a triad with a dual pair and its auditor / customer.
Examples of triads of social progress. Kravchuk (SLE) - Ivy (LIE) - Fokin (ESI). Gorbachev (SEE) - Lukyanov (LSI) - Pavlov (EII).
And now let's go down. The historical process has an objective and subjective side. The objective side is described by the first two laws - the turnover of quadras and intra-quadratic crisis transitions. The subjective side of social progress is described by two other laws - the turnover of energy groups and the formation of power rings defining the direction of the main “strike”.
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