State of Socionics Interview with Victor Gulenko (2012)

This correspondence interview for an unknown reason was never published, and I decided to acquaint you with its text, in which you will not find anything secret or insidious.

This is how I answered the questions of the correspondent P. of a single online publication.

- How did it happen that socionics was transferred from the science underground science enthusiast to a popular hobby among young people?

Perhaps because of their apparent simplicity, as well as promises to answer important questions for young people - what is my purpose, who is suitable for close relationships, why in one group they understand me, and in the other they don’t. Now a vacuum of knowledge in this area. There are many private methods and trainings that teach you how to get acquainted, how to negotiate, how to get out of stress, but they still don’t give a harmonious outlook. In a world of constant change, I want to rely on something sustainable, durable, fundamental. 

- What is the independence of socionics from psychology and other related sciences?

We can talk only about relative autonomy. All the humanities are closely related, they simply view people from different angles. Socionics is located somewhere between psychology and sociology, because it studies the psychological roots of social phenomena. In addition, it has its own specific methods, such as combinatorics of polarities or functional modeling. 

- How can socionics be applied in everyday life, do the patterns derived from it always work?

Laws in socionics, as in any other humanities, always work, but this is not determinism, as in physics and not automatism, as a technique, but steady trends in the behavior of people and groups. Socionics can be used in everyday life only when you have mastered the operational diagnostics. And for this you need to have the skill of observing small, seemingly unimportant moments in the behavior of people, their facial expressions, gestures, ways of speaking, etc. 

- How can you solve the existing problems with typing and self-typing? Is the final TIME system? How are readers typed to be confident in their TIME?

I am not engaged in typing and "timami". Questions are not for me. I work in the energy paradigm. Regarding the diagnosis answer. It is necessary to coordinate the images of types, because each school has its own. In fact, we are dealing with different typologies that use the same terms for different entities. Over time, schools only diverge more and more, competing with each other. The one of them that can get sponsorship or enlist the support of the state is most likely to win. In the meantime, rely on your common sense, focus on those whose methods have helped you more. However, most people do that. 

- Is the attitude to socionics justified as pseudoscience, how to defeat it?

It is necessary to talk not about pseudo-science, but about pseudo-socionics. Such homegrown socionics around us divorced nemeryannom. They managed to spoil the image of our discipline with their unprofessionalism. You can not throw off the shields and conservatism of academic psychology. By the way, such a negative attitude towards the theory of 16 types is also common among foreign, in particular, American psychologists. However, this does not prevent her from thriving there in business training and professional counseling. However, we have an inferiority complex - we do not appreciate our typology, we trust only Western specialists. 

- Do socionics know and recognize in the West? 

Yes, they do. It is referred to as a frivolous branch of the Myers-Briggs type theory. In the West, only emigrants from the former USSR are interested in socionics.

- Who today can be considered the most competent socionics with such a variety of schools? 

I do not know everyone. In Kiev, only three schools deserve trust - the IIA, the School of Systems Socionics (V. Yermak) and the School of Humanitarian Socionics. 

- How is socionics developing lately? Most of the books were written back in the 90s.

Socionics faced the problem of survival. Scientific books are not buying well. Everything can be read on the Internet. Our school of development did not stop. I constantly write articles, keep a blog, facebook, conduct distance learning, consult, work our scientific seminar and regular club "Eureka", which deals with complex topics of modern socionics, as well as open diagnostic interviews. ShGS is quite creative, who follows it, he knows that our ideas are not running out. I believe that it is time to prove the material accumulated by socionics through experiments. This is what I pay most attention to lately.


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